SKT Container Platform - Release v2.0.0
SK텔레콤에서 GitOps, Declarative 방식의 Kubernetes 서비스 플랫폼이 릴리즈 되었습니다. 이번 릴리즈를 통해서 사용자들은 Production level의 Kubernetes와 다양한 Add-on 서비스들을 GitOps 기반으로 배포관리 할 수 있습니다. 또한, 해당 기능들은 API로도 제공되어 CaaS (Container as a Service)로 활용 할 수 있습니다.
본 릴리즈에는 Kustomize, Helm, Argo Workflow등을 활용하여 복잡한 소프트웨어들을 논리적으로 그룹핑하여 단순화시키고 이를 선언적으로 관리하기 위한 Everything on Kubernetes 기술인 Decapod를 기반으로 LMA (logging, monitoring, alerting) 과 Service Mesh를 배포, 사용할 수 있으며, Kubernetes Cluster-API와 Argo CD를 활용하여 Multi/Hybrid 클라우드 환경에서 손쉽게 Kubernetes Cluster 대한 라이프사이클을 관리할 수 있는 Kubernetes Anywhere 기술이 포함되어 있습니다.
자세한 릴리즈 내용은 릴리즈 문서를 참고하시기 바랍니다.
What's Changed
- TACODEV-776: generate resource yamls from helmrelease mannifest by @intelliguy in #5
- fix duplicated name of workflows by @estherk0 in #6
- check rendered out file by @intelliguy in #7
- rename hanu-deploy-apps to hanu-reference by @estherk0 in #8
- added new site for offline environment by @estherk0 in #10
- add SITE_NAME param by @robertchoi80 in #11
- renamed decapod-site-cd to decapod-manifests by @estherk0 in #12
- Unified thanos deploy by @intelliguy in #18
- added new workflow to deal with stale pr and issues by @estherk0 in #23
- add new script to create site by @estherk0 in #1
- fix: thanos config error by @estherk0 in #28
- test for alertmanager by @seungkyua in #14
- merge addons and fed-addons by @estherk0 in #30
- fix rendering error by @estherk0 in #34
- use 'taco-storage' for storageclass name by @zugwan in #32
- servicemesh refactoring by @seungkyua in #39
- Add tks-cluster app group into hanu-reference site by @estherk0 in #43
- Dev support GitHub directory by @intelliguy in #33
- bugfix on github action: fix mount point due to preceding change on a… by @intelliguy in #44
- add decapod-controller conf to hanu-reference site by @robertchoi80 in #47
- fix: applied changes on decapod v2 by @estherk0 in #48
- Update image-values.yaml by @estherk0 in #49
- Update site-values.yaml by @estherk0 in #50
- modify app names in unified manner by @robertchoi80 in #51
- TACODEV-798: remove fed-master by @intelliguy in #52
- hanu-reference-offline/lma sync with hanu-reference by @zugwan in #58
- Add prepare-etcd-secret chart for lma by @Jaesang in #57
- change license from MIT to APL by @bluejayA in #61
- add sealed-secrets app group by @robertchoi80 in #64
- Change to grafana discovery all namesapce by @seungkyua in #65
- 오프라인 환경을 위한 사이트 생성 스크립트 수정 by @zugwan in #66
- render-cd 스크립트를 오프라인 등 환경에 사용하기 위해 설정 가능한 부분을 추가 by @zugwan in #67
- hanu-reference-offline: fix image urls by @zugwan in #68
- update service-mesh site-values by @robertchoi80 in #69
- move tks-cluster-aws to tks-user-site-template repo by @robertchoi80 in #70
- update render-cd script to use new helm2yaml image by @robertchoi80 in #72
- upgrade istio: v1.11.7, jaeger: 1.24.0, kiali: v1.38.1 by @seungkyua in #74
- Upgrade service-mesh version by @seungkyua in #75
- lma: prometheus: fix kubeetcd endpoints by @zugwan in #77
- switchable hostnetwork on a process-exporter and node-exporter by @intelliguy in #79
- add keycloak-operator and resources by @zugwan in #76
- Adopting servicemesh dashboard by @seungkyua in #78
- feature. add_tks_portal by @ktkfree in #80
- feature. remove servicemesh-portal from decapod by @ktkfree in #81
- change es jaeger user to fluentbit by @seungkyua in #82
- change site name to decapod-refernece by @zugwan in #83
- github-action: use the same branch name for decapod-manifests by @zugwan in #84
- Update merge_main.yml by @ktkfree in #85
- Fix destination-github-username to repository owner by @Jaesang in #86
New Contributors
- @intelliguy made their first contribution in #5
- @bluejayA made their first contribution in #61
- @ktkfree made their first contribution in #80
Full Changelog: v1.0...v2.0.0