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- hdf5_nuclear_data_reader Public
openmc-data-storage/hdf5_nuclear_data_reader’s past year of commit activity - Public
A Rust WASM based neutron cross section plotter for nuclides
openmc-data-storage/’s past year of commit activity - openmc_data_to_json Public
Converts h5 cross section files into seperate json files for individual reaction.
openmc-data-storage/openmc_data_to_json’s past year of commit activity - ENDF-B-VIII.0-NNDC-json Public
A collection of json file for each nuclide and reaction in the nuclear data library
openmc-data-storage/ENDF-B-VIII.0-NNDC-json’s past year of commit activity - FENDL-3.2c-json Public
openmc-data-storage/FENDL-3.2c-json’s past year of commit activity - example_rust_wasm_yew_plotly_github_pages_website Public
A prototype Rust WASM nuclear data plotter for nuclide cross sections
openmc-data-storage/example_rust_wasm_yew_plotly_github_pages_website’s past year of commit activity - openmc_data Public
Python package for processing nuclear data distribution in ACE and ENDF format into HDF5 format for use in OpenMC. Adapted from the openmc data repo.
openmc-data-storage/openmc_data’s past year of commit activity - openmc_data_downloader Public
A Python package for downloading h5 cross section files for use in OpenMC.
openmc-data-storage/openmc_data_downloader’s past year of commit activity - ace_to_h5_file_converter Public
Check Nuclear data ACE files converts to h5 format for use in OpenMC
openmc-data-storage/ace_to_h5_file_converter’s past year of commit activity