This repo contains the latest version of the RDF vocabulary as generated from the current (v0.4.0) schema (docs/terms/bods-vocabulary-0.4.0.ttl
) and equivalent HTML documentation (docs/terms/bods-vocabulary-0.4.0.html
It also contains script for generating the vocabulary and documentation. This only needs to be run if there are changes to the schema, or to the mapping from the schema to the RDF data model.
See the documentation attached to this repo.
Most of the vocabulary is derived directly from the JSON Schema, which means it can be generated from versions of the schema translated into different languages. However, due to a few changes to the model, there are some customisations which will not be translated in this case, and will need to be adjusted by hand.
Instance data (eg. entity types, annotation motivations; other things from codelists) is included in the RDF but not in the HTML documentation due to a limitation of the library used to generate it.
Check out the repo.
Create a virtual environment, or run in a docker container.
$ docker build --tag odsc/bodsld .
$ docker run -it --name bodsld -v /path/to/code/bodsld:/bodsld odsc/bodsld /bin/bash
The script fetches the JSON schema files from the BODS github repo if they are not present locally, then runs a partly artisanal process to convert them to RDF turtle. It generates HTML documentation for the ontology using pyLODE.
$ python
The default file for the vocabulary is bods-vocabulary-0.4.0.ttl
and the HTML documentation is bodsvocab.html
. These file names can be changed at the end of the
script if needed.
This script currently maps the BODS schema to an RDF vocabulary. It doesn't provide any way to convert data between formats. However, it may be useful as a guideline for the mapping in future.