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/ GithubMetrics Public archive

gh wrapper for easier management of Github related study metadata


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Repository files navigation


It's now recomended to use this package instead:

R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage HitCount

The aim of this package is to provide a wrapper on gh to quickly get you key Github repo information you need.The code here is used within Roche to quickly let me pull answer simple questions like:

  • How many studies have more than 1 data scientist (and roughly what’s the commit split)
  • What are the common languages being used (proxied through file type distribution within repos)
  • Pull commit metadata to enrich other study info held in other systems


You can install the released version of GithubMetrics from CRAN with:




organisation <- "openpharma"

Repos in an org

Pull all the repos present within an org (that I can see).

repos_raw <- gh_repos_get(
  org = organisation

repos_clean <- gh_repos_clean(repos_raw)

#> Rows: 14
#> Columns: 7
#> $ name           <chr> "BBS-causality-training", "GithubMetrics", "facetsr", …
#> $ full_name      <chr> "openpharma/BBS-causality-training", "openpharma/Githu…
#> $ size           <int> 27, 118, 2163, 5435, 87, 939, 1817, 79487, 329, 0, 482…
#> $ updated_at     <chr> "2021-01-29T18:01:35Z", "2021-02-03T07:07:43Z", "2020-…
#> $ default_branch <chr> "main", "master", "master", "master", "master", "maste…
#> $ language       <chr> "R", "R", "R", "Unsure", "Python", "R", "C", "R", "R",…
#> $ MB             <dbl> 0.0, 0.1, 2.1, 5.3, 0.1, 0.9, 1.8, 77.6, 0.3, 0.0, 0.5…

Realistically, research code is likely to be on Github Enterprise, so the .api_url and .token parameters can be passed through to gh(). Commented code below shows how you can use an on-premise Github server.

# repos_raw <- gh_repos_get(
#   org = organisation,
#   .api_url = "",
#   .token = Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT_ROCHE")
#   )


Get every commit for all the repos in this organisation.

repo_all_commits <- gh_commits_get(
  repos_clean %>% filter(size > 0) %>% pull(full_name), 
  days_back = 365*10

#> Rows: 1,762
#> Columns: 5
#> $ full_name      <chr> "openpharma/BBS-causality-training", "openpharma/BBS-c…
#> $ author         <chr> "heinzmann537", "heinzmann537", "heinzmann537", "epiji…
#> $ datetime       <chr> "2021-01-29T18:00:10Z", "2021-01-29T12:55:54Z", "2021-…
#> $ sha            <chr> "5ac98df2a99db3b50abae114e37c00e433903094", "059569252…
#> $ commit_message <chr> "Update variable naming ADALM", "Small change", "First…


Pull all the people that have committed in r.

contributors <- repo_all_commits %>%
  group_by(author) %>%
    commits = n()
  ) %>%
  filter(!author %in% c(".gitconfig missing email","actions-user"))
contributors <- contributors %>%
    by = c("author"="username")

contributors %>%
  arrange(-commits) %>%
    last_active = Sys.Date() - last_active,
    contributor = glue('<img src="{avatar}" alt="" height="30"> {author}'),
    blog = case_when(
      blog == "" ~ "",
      TRUE ~ as.character(glue('<a href="{blog}">link</a>'))
    ) %>%
  select(contributor,commits,name,last_active,company,location,blog) %>%
contributor commits name last_active company location blog
evanmiller 936 Evan Miller 17 days NA Chicago, IL link
SHAESEN2 127 Steven Haesendonckx 20 days NA NA
diego-s 122 Diego S 255 days NA NA
bailliem 109 Mark Baillie 0 days NA Basel, CH link
epijim 89 James Black 5 days Roche Basel, Switzerland link
jaredhobbs 70 Jared Hobbs 89 days YearEnd, Inc. Salt Lake City, UT link
kalimu 42 Kamil Wais 9 days 7N / Roche Rzeszów link
Jonnie-Bevan 28 NA 63 days NA NA
cschaerfe 21 Charlotta 118 days NA NA
davidanthoff 12 David Anthoff 1 days University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA link
jar1karp 12 Jari Karppinen 154 days NA NA link
mikmart 12 Mikko Marttila 2 days NA NA link
reikoch 8 NA 6 days NA NA
afeld 6 Aidan Feldman 0 days @GSA and personal projects Brooklyn, NY link
erblast 6 Björn Oettinghaus 22 days NA Switzerland link
lionel- 6 Lionel Henry 70 days @rstudio NA
bpfoley 5 Brian Foley 94 days NA Seattle, Washington
rebecca-albrecht 4 NA 5 days NA NA
dazim 3 Tim Treis 23 days NA Heidelberg, Germany
heinzmann537 3 NA 5 days NA NA
kentm4 3 Matt Kent 2 days Genesis Research NA
PaulJordan57 3 NA 19 days NA NA
galachad 2 Adam Foryś 20 days @Roche Warsaw, Poland link
gerph 2 Charles Ferguson 8 days NA NA
hadley 2 Hadley Wickham 0 days @rstudio Houston, TX link
kawap 2 NA 289 days Roche / 7N NA
kleschenko 2 Kostya Leschenko 5 days @datarobot Lviv, Ukraine
kshedden 2 Kerby Shedden 1 days NA NA
kurt-vd 2 Kurt Van Dijck 63 days NA NA
mrocklin 2 Matthew Rocklin 2 days @coiled San Juan Capistrano, CA link
thomas-neitmann 2 Thomas Neitmann 1 days Roche Basel, Switzerland link
waddella 2 Adrian Waddell 27 days NA NA link
ararslan 1 Alex Arslan 0 days Beacon Biosignals Seattle, WA
ginberg 1 NA 14 days NA Remote link
ivarref 1 Ivar Refsdal 13 days NA Bergen, Norway
jonathon-love 1 Jonathon Love 1 days NA NA link
Karissa 1 NA 363 days NA NA
thanos-siadimas 1 NA 1 days NA NA


Pull a specific file using gh_file_get().

desc_formatted <- gh_file_get(
  repo = "GithubMetrics",
  org = "OpenPharma",
  file = "DESCRIPTION"
) %>%
  # format the description
  desc::desc(text = .)

# Print it
desc_formatted$get(c("Package","Title","Version")) %>%
  tibble::enframe() %>%
name value
Package GithubMetrics
Title Quickly get key metrics on Github repositaries
Version 0.1.0

Get all of the files present in the last commit of all the repos using gh_repo_files_get().

repo_files <- gh_repo_files_get(
  repo_commits = repo_all_commits,
  only_last_commit = TRUE
#> Pulling files in latest commit from 13 repos

#> Rows: 1,311
#> Columns: 6
#> $ repo       <chr> "openpharma/visR-docs", "openpharma/visR-docs", "openpharm…
#> $ file       <chr> "", "docs", "docs/404.html", "docs/code_of_conduc…
#> $ sha_repo   <chr> "5b35fdbc39b87a154c9426e363c8f5a2c83d66b0", "5b35fdbc39b87…
#> $ sha_commit <chr> "642856728e165746076a17c6522b9264f693f37d", "642856728e165…
#> $ extension  <chr> "md", "docs", "html", "html", "html", "html", "png", "png"…
#> $ lang       <chr> "Markdown", NA, "HTML", "HTML", "HTML", "HTML", NA, NA, NA…

repo_files %>%
  group_by(repo) %>%
    Files = n(),
    `R files` = sum(lang %in% "R"),
    `Python files` = sum(lang %in% c("Python","Jupyter Notebook"))
  ) %>% knitr::kable(
    caption = "Types of files in the organisation"
repo Files R files Python files
openpharma/BBS-causality-training 4 2 0
openpharma/CTP 100 30 0
openpharma/facetsr 63 13 0
openpharma/GithubMetrics 43 22 0
openpharma/ 76 1 0
openpharma/pypharma_nlp 131 0 49
openpharma/RDO 105 11 0
openpharma/ReadStat 207 0 0
openpharma/sas7bdat 8 0 2
openpharma/simaerep 145 32 0
openpharma/syntrial 67 24 0
openpharma/visR 177 81 0
openpharma/visR-docs 185 0 0

Types of files in the organisation

results <- gh_repo_search(
  code = "tidyverse",
  organisation = organisation

#> Rows: 12
#> Columns: 7
#> $ full_name <chr> "openpharma/GithubMetrics", "openpharma/GithubMetrics", "op…
#> $ name      <chr> "GithubMetrics", "GithubMetrics", "GithubMetrics", "GithubM…
#> $ file_name <chr> "", "README.Rmd", "DESCRIPTION", "test-gh_repos_XX…
#> $ path      <chr> "", "README.Rmd", "DESCRIPTION", "tests/testthat/t…
#> $ url       <chr> "…
#> $ score     <dbl> 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1
#> $ lang      <chr> "Markdown", "R", NA, "R", "Markdown", "R", "Markdown", "R",…
helper_gh_repo_search <- function(x, org = "openpharma"){
  ## Slow it down! as search has 30 calls a minute rate limit.
  ## If you prem the search rate limit is higher, so usually not needed
  if(interactive()){message("Wait 5 seconds")}
  ## End slow down
   results <- gh_repo_search(
      code = x,
      organisation = org
  if( {
    results <- return()
  results %>% 
    mutate(Package = x, Organisation = org) %>%
    group_by(Organisation,Package) %>%
      Repos = n_distinct(full_name), .groups = "drop"

packages <- c(

package_use <- bind_rows(
  packages %>%
      helper_gh_repo_search, org = "PHCAnalytics"
  packages %>%
      helper_gh_repo_search, org = "openpharma"
  packages %>%
      helper_gh_repo_search, org = "AstraZeneca"
  packages %>%
      helper_gh_repo_search, org = "Roche"
  packages %>%
      helper_gh_repo_search, org = "Genentech"
  packages %>%
      helper_gh_repo_search, org = "Novartis"
#> pkgdown does not appear in PHCAnalytics.
#> query = 'pkgdown in:file  user:PHCAnalytics'
#> tidyverse does not appear in AstraZeneca.
#> query = 'tidyverse in:file  user:AstraZeneca'
#> pkgdown does not appear in AstraZeneca.
#> query = 'pkgdown in:file  user:AstraZeneca'
#> data.table does not appear in AstraZeneca.
#> query = 'data.table in:file  user:AstraZeneca'

package_use %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = "Package", values_from = "Repos") %>%
  mutate(Total = rowSums(.[,-1], na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  arrange(-Total) %>%
    caption = "Package use detected within repositaries in Pharma orgs"
Organisation tidyverse dplyr data.table pkgdown Total
Novartis 4 10 12 6 32
openpharma 4 6 2 6 18
Roche 3 2 3 3 11
Genentech 3 3 3 2 11
PHCAnalytics 2 4 4 NA 10
AstraZeneca NA 1 NA NA 1

Package use detected within repositaries in Pharma orgs


gh wrapper for easier management of Github related study metadata




Unknown, MIT licenses found

Licenses found



