This is a short demonstration script which outputs C-class messages from Network Rail's TD feed, or basic information from the train movements feed.
It does not currently display S-class messages from TD.
You must register an account for the Network Rail data feeds.
Once your account is verified and active, continue to the section below.
Create a file named secrets.json
in the same directory as
. This
file should consist of a JSON array containing your registered email and
password. For example, if your email address was "" and your
password was "hunter2", the contents of the file would be:
["", "hunter2"]
Make sure you install the dependencies in requirements.txt. You can do this by opening a terminal in your local copy of this repository, and running the following commands. Using a virtual environment is good practice, but you can skip these steps if you wish.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Open a terminal in your local copy of this repository
source venv/bin/activate
# To show TD messages
./ --td
# To show TRUST messages
./ --trust
You should now see the printed messages in your terminal.
Durable subscriptions have certain advantages - with a durable subscription, the message queue server will hold messages for a short duration while you reconnect, which reduces the risk you'll miss messages.
CACI (the contractor responsible for the Network Rail open data feeds) had previously implemented a firewall rule which banned IP addresses for an hour if an ERROR frame was issued to them; this could happen under certain circumstances with a durable subscription. This is no longer the case.
For this reason, this example does not use durable subscriptions by default,
although you can pass the argument --durable
if you wish to do so.
See here for more information.
This is licensed under the "MIT No Attribution" licence, a variant of the MIT licence which removes the attribution clause. There is no obligation to provide attribution; it would nevertheless be appreciated. See LICENCE.txt for more information.