OpenSpaceTeam is an open source implementation of a
Spaceteam-like game, playable through the
browser. This is the backend's code, written in Python using asyncio and
Frontend's code is available here.
This project was made for ISIS Di Maggio's educational guidance (the
italian high school I'm attending at the time of writing this, in 2018),
so it's aimed at Italian middle school students. That's why the interface is entirely in Italian. If you are Italian and you wish to translate this project, you're welcome to make a fork and a submit pull request.
The game is mostly working. It may be a bit unbalanced and there are a
few unimplemented features, but what's been implemented works quite
There are few comments and some files need a bit of refactoring.
Check out the compose repo.
- Python 3.6 (doesn't work in <= 3.5 nor 2)
- An SSL certificate (not required but highly recommended)
$ git clone
$ cd backend
$ virtualenv -p $(which python3.6) .pyenv
$ source .pyenv/bin/activate
(.pyenv)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# SSL is optional, but recommended
(.pyenv)$ mv certs/spaceteam.crt cert.crt
(.pyenv)$ mv certs/spaceteam.key key.key
(.pyenv)$ cp settings.sample.ini settings.ini
(.pyenv)$ nano settings.ini
(.pyenv)$ python3
__ ___ __ ______ _____ ___ __ __ __
/' _/| _,\/ \ / _/ __|_ _| __|/ \| V |
`._`.| v_/ /\ | \_| _| | | | _|| /\ | \_/ |
|___/|_| |_||_|\__/___| |_| |___|_||_|_| |_|
INFO:root:Using SSL
======== Running on ========
(Press CTRL+C to quit)
The easiest configuration is letting the backend listen on all interfaces ( and using a SSL certificate by
Let's Encrypt.
Put the certificate (rename it to cert.crt
) and the key file (rename it to key.key
) in backend's folder. You can
specify a different path as well in settings.ini
This project is licensed under the GNU AGPL 3 License.
See the "LICENSE" file for more information.