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Releases: opentelekomcloud/LoveOTC
Releases · opentelekomcloud/LoveOTC
[Front] v1.4.0
What's Changed
- [Back] AppName - [Front] AdminProductPhotoAction | usePhotoList by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#110
- [Front] Merge PhotoList | MovePhoto onSuccess - [Back] ProductPostMovePhoto by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#111
- [Back] ProductDeletePhoto | ProductPostMovePhoto | Remove Cover - [Front] DelegateDataGrid | GuidImage | AdminProductPhotoAction | AdminProductPhotoEditCaption | AdminProductPhotoEditDelete | AdminProductPhotoEditReplace | MakeCoverCol | ProductCarousel | usePhoto | useMovePhoto | useGet by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#112
Full Changelog: v1.3.5-a...v1.4.0-a
[Front] v1.3.5
What's Changed
- [Back] Full Table - [Front] AdminOrder Pager by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#102
- [Back] SharedStringTable by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#103
- [Front] ShopCount | Setting Tips - [Back] Stock Change by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#104
- [Front] SpinBorderCheck by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#105
- [Back] Export divider | StockChange | IsArchived | Split ProductGetComboList - [Front] stale-while-revalidate by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#106
- [Back] Split OrderGetDetail - [Front] Merge OrderAppend | Split OrderComment & OrderDetail | useItems | useSWR by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#107
- [Back | Admin] Split OrderGetDetail - [Front] useSWR | useMe | useCmts | useTimeCache | OrderDetail | OrderDetailDrawer by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#108
- [Back] OrderPostClose / Cancel: string - [Front] useOrder replace IOrderRef | useSWR refresh | mutate by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#109
Full Changelog: v1.2.0-b...v1.3.5-a
[Back] v1.2.0
What's Changed
- [Front | Brand] Footer & TeleNeo by @Aloento in #75
- [Back] ProductDetachCategory | ProductPostPhoto | PhotoEntity - [Front] AdminProductPhotoEdit | AdminProductPhoto - [Front] Split AdminProductPhotoEdit | Banner by @Aloento in #76
- [Front] Banner by @Aloento in #77
- [Front | FlexScreen] Banner | GalleryCard | Product - [Front] Footer Padding by @Aloento in #78
- [Front] Banner Background by @Aloento in #79
- [Back] Adding use DB - [Front] PhotoUpdate by @Aloento in #80
Full Changelog: v1.3.0-a...v1.2.0-b
[Front] v1.3.0
What's Changed
- [Front] Remove DefaultDataGrid - [Front] AdminProductRow - [Front | Hub] useMe with LiveQuery | Remove UserData by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#93
- [Front | Fix] Infinite ErrorToast due to NewUser by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#94
- [Back] EF Optimize | ProductDetachCategory | ProductPatchCategory - [Front] AdminProductCategory | X-Update | TypeNamespace by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#95
Full Changelog: v1.2.5-a...v1.3.0-a
[Front] v1.2.5
What's Changed
- [Back] Split ProductGetList -> ProductGetCount & LexicalEntity - [Front] Carousel -> PhotoList & AdminProduct | AdminProductGet.List -> useList | Export ProductEntity to Get - [Front | SignalR] UpdateCache | GetVersionCache | WithTimeCache -> GetTimeCache | liveSafe | Remove FindCover | PhotoList | LiveState by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#92
- [Front] Lexcial by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#90
- [Front | DefaultDataGrid] Nullable - [Front | AdminProductDelete] Confirm by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#91
- [Front] Remove DefaultDataGrid - [Front] AdminProductRow - [Front | Hub] useMe with LiveQuery | Remove UserData by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#93
Full Changelog: v1.1.5-a...v1.2.5-a
[Front] v1.1.5
What's Changed
- [Front] Code Split & Skeleton by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#85
- [Front | Finetune] Gallery by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#87
- [Front | ProductRadioList] Optimise Transformer - [Front | ProductQuantity] In Stock by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#88
- [Front] Admin Check - [Front] Avatar Name by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#89
Full Changelog: v1.1.0-b...v1.1.5-a
[Back] v1.1.0
What's Changed
- [APP | Back] v1.1.0 - [Back] DataSeeder > SeedData - [Front | Router] Reload & 404 by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#84
Full Changelog: v1.1.0-a...v1.1.0-b
[Front] v1.1.0
What's Changed
- [Back | AdminHub] OrderPostAccept & OrderPostReject - [Back | Hub] OrderDeleteCancel & OrderPostReceived - [Front | Comp] OrderAction & OrderAppend - [Front | Hub] EnsureTrue by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#80
- [Back | AdminHub] OrderGetDetail - [Front | Router] Match & Fresh - [Front | Comp] AdminOrderAction & AdminOrderDetail & OrderDetail - [Front | Hub] AdminOrderGetDetail by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#81
- [Front] BeautifyLogger by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#82
- [Front] v1.1.0 - [Front] Comprehensive Console Logging by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#83
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0-a
What's Changed
- [Back | DB | Product] Objects & Products & Categories & Photos & Variants & Types & Combos by @Aloento in #34
- [Back | DB] ShopContext by @Aloento in #35
- [Back | CraftHub] OnConnectedAsync & LoggerExtension & ObjectStorageGet - [Back | DB] Migrations - [Front] OnNewUser by @Aloento in #36
- [Back | CRUD] UserPostUpdate - [Back | DB] StringLength by @Aloento in #37
- [Back | CRUD] ProductPostCreate & UserGetMe - [Back | Infra] DictionaryExtension - [Front | Hub] OnNewUserSubject & GetBySlice by @Aloento in #38
- [Back | Stream & Front | Hub] ProductPostPhoto - [Front | Component] GuidImage & ProductCarousel by @Aloento in #39
- [Back | CRUD] ProductPostMovePhoto by @Aloento in #40
- [Back | Log] Simple IP - [Back | DB] ILike & Index - [Back | CRUD] ProductPostVariant & ProductPostType by @Aloento in #41
- [Back | CRUD] ProductPostCombo by @Aloento in #42
- [Back | DB] MockData by @Aloento in #43
- [Back | DB] Migration & ComboType - [Back] Systemd by @Aloento in #44
- [Back | CRUD] ProductGetList & ObjectStorageGet by @Aloento in #45
- [Back | CRUD] ProductGetList & ProductGetCategory & ProductGetVariants & ProdGetBasic by @Aloento in #46
- [Back | CRUD] GalleryGetCategories & GalleryGetProducts & ProdGetCarousel by @Aloento in #47
- [Back | CRUD] ProductGetList & OrderGetList & OrderGetDetail - [Front | Component] OrderComment - [Front | DB] GetBySlice Cache by @Aloento in #48
- [APP | Read] ProductEntity & PhotoEntity - [Back | CRUD] ProductGetPhotoList - [Back | DB] Concurrency - [Front | Hub] ProductGetBasic & ProductGetCarousel & WithVersionCache by @Aloento in #49
- [APP | Read] TypeEntity & VariantEntity - [Back | CRUD] ProductGetComboList - [Front | Hub] ProductGetCombo & WithTimeCache by @Aloento in #50
- [APP | Read] OrderEntity - [APP | CRUD] OrderGetList - [Front | DB] Common & AccessToken by @Aloento in #51
- [APP | Read] CommentEntity - [APP | CRUD] OrderGetDetail - [Front | Hub] FindCover by @Aloento in #52
- [APP | CRUD] ProductGetList - [Front | Hub] ProductGetVariants / Name / Category by @Aloento in #53
- [APP | Read] AdminComment / OrderEntity & OrderGetList & UserEntity - [Front] IAdminOrderItem & AdminWith by @Aloento in #54
- [Back | Read] UserEntity & UserGetList & UserGetMe - [Front | Comp] OrderPersona - [Front | Hub] OrderUser by @Aloento in #55
- [Back | CRUD] UserDeleteUser & UserDeleteAdmin & UserPostAdmin - [Back | Logger] GrantAdmin & RevokeAdmin & DeleteUser - [APP] Negotiation by @Aloento in #56
- [Back] HandleByteStream & EncodeWebp - [Back | CRUD] ProductPatchName & ProductPatchCategory & ProductPatchPhoto & ProductPatchCaption - [Front] HandleFileStream & EnsureTrue by @Aloento in #57
- [Back | CRUD] ProductPatchVariantName & ProductPatchType - [Back | DB] IRemoveHolder by @Aloento in #58
- [Back | CRUD] ProductPatchVariantName & ProductPatchCombo by @Aloento in #59
- [Back | CRUD] ProductPatchType & ProductPatchCombo by @Aloento in #60
- [Front | Hub] Invoke - [Front | Component] AdminProductCategory by @Aloento in #61
- [APP] SoarCraft.AwaiShop by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#67
- [APP | Front] CI/DI - [APP] AD OAuth - [Back] MSSQL by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#68
- [Back] CI/DI by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#69
- [APP] AzureAD by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#70
- [Front | Hub] useMe - [Front] useErrorToast by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#71
- [Front | Hub] Standardise Request by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#72
- [Back | Hub] ProductDeletePhoto & deleteVariant & ProductDeleteVariant & deleteType & ProductDeleteType & deleteCombo & ProductDeleteCombo & ProductDeleteProduct & archiveTypes & archiveCombos by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#73
- [APP] B2C_1_RegLog - [Back | Test] Init by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#74
- [Back | Test] SignalR -> ShopNet -> Gallery -> Product Get - UserNet -> Get / Post by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#75
- [Back | Test] TestOrderGet by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#76
- [Back | Hub] OrderPostNew by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#77
- [Back | Hub] OrderPostAppend & OrderPostCancel - [Back | Test] TestPostOrder by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#78
- [APP] v1.0.0 - [Back | AdminHub] OrderPostAppend & OrderPostClose & OrderPostShip by @Aloento in Aloento/AwaiShop#79
Full Changelog: