2530 commits
to master
since this release
4.0.0 (2023-05-02)
Bug Fixes
- a11y: narrative button accessibility (2e97550)
- actions/api: Split findRoutes() into OTP1/2-specific implementations. (d9d394c)
- DeleteUser: Fix button color contrast. Convert to TypeScript. (997191c)
- FavoritePlaceList: Use gray with enough contrast. Extract colors for reuse. (c76bdea)
- ItinerarySummary: Remove highlight and pointer in trip editor. (986a270)
- LocaleSelector: Set aria-controls only when selector is open. (d90893a)
- NavLoginButton: Add click support for logout button. (c8bf0f4)
- PhoneNumberEditor: Apply minor accessibility fixes. (c6aee87)
- PhoneNumberEditor: Fix style for ControlStrip. (629aaa9)
- PhoneNumberEditor: Fix UI crash when typing letters in or emptying phone number field. (939c48f)
- Place: Add invisible labels to handle no CSS. (7b20c7d)
- PlaceEditor: Add label to place name field. (71133b3)
- PlaceEditor: Add missing a11y features. (8f3cd1b)
- PlaceEditor: Convert validation error elements to alert elements. (cd22f7b)
- PlaceEditor: Fix conditions for displaying invalid fields. (ce3e2a8)
- PlaceEditor: Set touched flag on address change to update validation state. (08c5eb2)
- route-block: repair slanted rendering (d8447a8)
- route-viewer: always fetch route type (ce84287)
- route-viewer: support fuzzy matching for non-numeric routes (35cabd6)
- RouteDetails: Set interval in seconds instead of milliseconds! (9acfd67)
- RouteViewer: Fetch positions in route and pattern views. (0987271)
- flip button opacity (37fb8e8)
- RouteViewer: Show user friendly pattern name in title bar. (4a00fc2)
- TripBasicsPane: Fix day availbility layout. (161c2b7)
- TripNotificationsPane: Ensure the caret is shown for advanced settings in Firefox. (9e81ac5)
- util/i18n: Memoize language options (d89b49c)
- add checks for pattern (feb3585)
- adjust margin for percy tests (077af72)
- closed app menu does not re-open (18ce5ac)
- conditional wrapper props (375e0d0)
- icon sizing (f6d9813)
- actions/apiV2: Add stop code field to stops graphql query. (e190b6d)
- App.js: Update title bar with configured title immediately on app load. (fb8dd4c)
- mobile navigation: Add container with banner role. (1aec49a)
- nav: Add ARIA banner role to nav header. (2f34c7d)
- assign type as home or work name (5dae093)
- a11y: add aria labels to buttons in batch settings (493fab1)
- actions/apiV2: Return the correct agency id after findRoute. (7b31233)
- actions/forms: Do not reset UI upon acquiring location if viewer is active. (99f7aee)
- app.css: Add qualifiers to hide the Route Viewer entry on large screens. (2434a1c)
- AppMenu: Convert app menu widget to be a proper button. (b12303b)
- AppMenu: Enable tab navigation within side menu bar. (8cf5cb4)
- AppMenu: Fix icon layout. (6527b7a)
- call-taker: support otp2 walk reluctance (1d01df6)
- components/narriative: support hiding calories (e79278d)
- components/narriative/utils: resolve a11y routing fa regression (9cd0abf)
- connected-itinerary-body: Render itinerary bodies using ambient font. (4c5c8b2)
- connected-stops-overlay: Do not show all stops when the route viewer is active. (5196ab7)
- connected-stops-overlay: Don't show stops when all route patterns are previewed. (61389c4)
- date-time-options: better support more varied time input (f3f61fc)
- default-map: support mutliple base layers (57be11d)
- EnhancedStopMarker: Fix caret rendering. (b65ddbf)
- EnhancedStopMarker: Make sure viewed stop is shown in the correct color. (009798f)
- favorite-place-screen: allow saving of home/work (bb3831a)
- forms: Adjust icon layout and remove .fa references. (569841a)
- map.css: Make sure popups stay on top of active stop markers. (969836e)
- map.css: Place first map marker for viewed stop in foreground. (8be54ce)
- MapillaryFrame: Support i18n. (4d8a54e)
- mobile view: correct display bugs (2811e39)
- OperatorLogo: Accept alt prop for use with Stop Viewer. (96e4e8b)
- PhoneNumberEditor: Fix valid state flashing while submitting new phone for verification. (e2936f3)
- responsive-webapp: clone position object (553baaf)
- route-viewer: Improve route short name alignment and sizing. (8c594f1)
- RouteViewer: Don't render route mode if route is pending (0767a18)
- RouteViewer: Remove unnecessary re-renders of viewed route and webapp within the route viewer. (a7b3009)
- stacked-pane-display: don’t get stuck in loading state (21d4dc0)
- trip-viewer: fix otp1 trip viewer crash (fd4b3ad)
- TripBasicsPane: Add htmlFor to tripName label. (51e2861)
- TripNotificationsPane: Pass required params for duration format. (8f16b68)
- user/places: Display ellipses with overflowing text in favorite place address. (19b3c21)
- UserAccountScreen: Prevent rerender on user input. (a98ffa9)
- util/Dropdown: Dismiss popup menu when focus reaches another document node. (312565e)
- util/Dropdown: Hide menu list when clicking on language. (652a325)
- view-switcher: correctly behave in accounts view (eed7708)
- include mode filtering (af702e5)
- move trip and pattern views to own paths (c9d8b20)
- RoutePreviewOverlay: Rename source id so search does not interfere with Route Viewer. (0814159)
- Remove thin font-weights of 100 and 200. (d9d1eb4)
- actions/apiV2: Add missing fields to route graphql query/result. (abc7136)
- actions/apiV2: Convert routes graphql result array to dictionary/hash. (5854778)
- actions/map: Fix bug initializing map on mobile view. (98a0945)
- BatchResultsScreen: Trigger map resize on expanding/collapsing map. (e882b01)
- util/state: Treat active leg of zero as valid. (0951b07)
- add support for bugsnag error reporting (b61d3e3)
- redesign stop viewer departure rows (f100b6b)
- redesign stop viewer nearby panels (159e0db)
- restore route preview overlay (e171640)
- standardize start over behavior, improve calltaker support (c49395d)
- support gtfs color overrides (93ceb83)
- actions/form: Use correct local user default query params (f81aa79)
- ConnectedStopViewer: Run flyTo effect only if stop coordinates (not stop object) change. (4b2380b)
- DateTimeModal: Pass timeZone and compute time using configured timeZone. (419eaa5)
- DateTimePreview: Add timeZone to correctly compute timestamp from local time. (c8e35d9)
- default-itinerary: Add support for custom transit mode contents. (df2ee11)
- default-itinerary: Remove unnecessary time offset. (67efdc7)
- default-map: more lenient gbfs bike station parsing (79102d0)
- DefaultMap: Prevent viewport reset when setting from/to locations. (dcbc3d4)
- DefaultMap: Support name in config and responding to query param changes (7fbf245)
- enhanced-stop-marker: fix icon sizing (cd79b79)
- field trip: correctly render class size badge (6e7fcc6)
- FieldTripDetails: Allow entering unchecked values into ft date input before committing valid on (46f74ed)
- FieldTripDetails: Support editing travel date for field trips. (8db1728)
- LiveStopTimes: Make real-time checkbox a controlled component. (bc29368)
- map-popup: don't pop up without user action + ensure popup contents are always correct (493eda9)
- metro ui: don't render e-scooter as bikeshare (74dd57d)
- narrative-itineraries-header: fix sort icon, remove fa icons (236a0d2)
- narriative-itineraries: don't show itineraries more than 24 hours in the future (61afc17)
- PopupWrapper: support not using iframe (cf2ac3f)
- printable-itinerary: always print selected itinerary (b1ec691)
- PrintLayout: Remove map update on component mount (d8150f5)
- SettingsSelectorPanel, BatchPreferences: Add i18n support for transit & access mode names (65ba70b)
- StopScheduleTable: Display times using homeTimezone. (4e9b9c0)
- StopTimeCell: Display times in the agency local time. (d8a7c59)
- transitive: fix scooter uuid with otp2 (f865437)
- util/call-taker: Remove unnecessary tz conversions (e8b6ee7)
- move merging itinerary times behind config option (8ab5bdc)
- stop viewer: accomodate latest OTP2 nearest api changes (7128ac7)
- TripViewer: Display stop times using homeTimezone. (a3c957c)
- webapp: Pass the configured homeTimezone to IntlProvider. (9382b72)
- don't unnecessarily reverse geocode (9c1a6f9)
- actions/api: don't duplicate query looking for nonRealtime query (dd7fceb)
- actions/api: ignore non-accessible modes when routing accessible trip (def17f6)
- actions/apiV2: support patterns without geometry (bcedecc)
- actions/form: Fix inaccurate state check. (7752184), closes #597
- batch-settings: correct issue that typescript should fix (d65959e)
- batch-settings: only remove walk when walk is deselected (68bdec0)
- BatchPreferences: Remove unused commands for trip preferences. (e484fb0)
- call taker DateTimeOptions: Fix frozen time input. (f6b9f71)
- calltaker AdvancedOptions: Fix route display in preferred/banned routes. (82e62f0)
- CallTakerPanel: Add lost narrative scrolling feature. (01ca5af)
- CallTakerPanel: Replace abs positioning with flex layout. (51cb418)
- connected-park-and-ride-overlay: Fix error check for P/R locations from otp state. (dbb674d)
- ConnectedEndpointsOverlay: Fix crash when clicking 'Forget home/work' (e074119)
- ConnectedItineraryBody: Use new itinerary body version. (490b071)
- DateTimeModal: Show date/time picker on focus on Chrome desktop (support touch). (6083895)
- default-itinerary: don't display fares explictly set <0 (a7b11de)
- default-map: Add i18n support to map layers. (07e1d83)
- default-map: Hide custom overlays if itinerary is active. (8803137)
- DefaultItinerary: Fix layout with flex indicator. (6402500)
- DefaultMap: Prevent custom overlays from flashing when search is pending. (1d14087)
- deps: Upgrade from-to-picker and overlays to support i18n. (bbf8b14)
- flex-indicator: adjust size to match other layout changes (477ebbb)
- formatted-date-time-preview: don't crash on missing route mode (ae34023)
- i18n/error: more helpful trip plan failure message (67c889f)
- itinerary.css: Fix CSS layout for batch itinerary entry. (c9d8356)
- leaflet: patch leaflet to avoid webkit crash (4649f7f)
- route-viewer: don’t zoom to itinerary when route viewer is active (5266673)
- schedule viewer: avoid crash on missing pattern description (6b0d2a0)
- stop-viewer: use stop code as ID when applicable (a9bcd9d)
- StopViewer: Fetch all day departures when switching to schedule view. (df135f9)
- StopViewer: Fix some layout and messages. (a6e9e2b)
- switch-button: automatically re-plan after clicking (5c899de)
- user-profiles: various regressions surrounding react-intl (a41d37a)
- add tsc to tests (c91f11d)
- Minor fixes. (bdec8eb)
- support mobile stop viewer deep linking (d7dabe4)
- support otp1 server without crash (cc37c63)
- trip-viewer: grab supplemental trip info from graphQL if needed (231dcc9)
- UserSettings: Add missing i18n (5917a67)
Code Refactoring
- add a11y label to LegIcon (9868ebd)
- add aria for real time departure data (0dbcdbc)
- keyboard accessible non-transit options (4c7eba2)
- route view to pattern view btn (6e702bc)
- api: fetch route information from OTP-2 instance (44f4c33)
- app: add support for custom icon provider in config.js (4f208f2)
- call-taker: otp2 and intl bug fixes (309bcc4)
- call-taker: rebuild date time picker (5c57987)
- Connected itin body, flex-indicator: Add a new message if both call-ahead and continuous servi (70d77c0)
- connected-route-viewer-overlay: only focus route on active route change (2d0fb17)
- connected-route-viewer-overlay: support not rendering route inside flex zones (ab4179f)
- craco: clarify how craco accepts env variables (4ed2535)
- Default-itin, fare calculations: Do not display 0.00 fares if no fares in GTFS (30f0633)
- default-itinerary: add CO2 emissions (91c4548)
- default-map: support otp2-tile-overlay (7d44f0c)
- Flex Itineraries, Config: Add config param to disable flex arc display (e4192a7)
- i18n: import strings from otp-ui packages (3a00349)
- i18n, desktop-nav: Detect user locale, add UI override (30ab8a0)
- itinerary-body: show itinerary walking leg imagery button (0b9b183)
- LocaleSelector: Remove flags from LocaleSelector, improve locale state update (65631e6)
- metro ui: add co2 note (7c5bec6)
- metro-ui: allow selection of alternate times (6e6a4ad)
- metro-ui: show preview of all itineraries (4985100)
- PointPopup: Add zoom-to-location button, improve CSS. (4c80a5b)
- add Metro UI option for itinerary display (d3989ef)
- add toggleable full screen modal support (04d2676)
- don't show same itinerary twice (dd3c7c3)
- migrate from Leaflet to MapLibreGL (cb12d2c)
- mode-buttons: disable modes by default (c526c67)
- trip-details: add support for fare by leg config (2d44648)
- add changelog (348446a)
- Add loggedInUser.savedLocations to main panel. (649641a)
- OTP2 realtime vehicle position support (ac96fa6)
- remove use of deprecated core-utils methods (59c0611)
- show primary route short name in itinerary row (d63b85c)
- mode-selector: allow config of available modes (a87fb93)
- SessionTimeout: Add session timeout behavior. (55ce059)
- UserSettings: Display loggedInUser's recent trip requests. (2bdb282)
- remove non-transit options keyboard a11y (6081693)
- Revert "chore(deps): Put back itinerary-body 4.1.9." (612dd5e)
- Revert "refactor(AppMenuItem): Add IconClass prop." (5f6347c)
- Revert "refactor: remove line-itinerary" (c278d8e)
- Revert "fix(DateTimeOptions): Fix time input becoming blank when changing "now" to "depart/arrive"" (396dd46)
- Revert "test(percy): Update OTP request time to match mock response." (499cc29)
- Revert "Revert "refactor(create-otp-reducer): Initialize mainPanelContent."" (8cb0718)
- Revert "Revert "test(create-otp-reducer): Update snapshot"" (2a2af6a)
- don't show route short name in text summary (9d5c800)
- Revert "fix(default-itinerary): show detailsHint at correct spot" (e159605)
- Revert "refactor: add newlines to email template" (04ea9e9)
- Revert "refactor(user reducer): Move more actions from top to user reducer." (fef91f6)
- removes mobile tabbed UI
- tabbed itineraries are no longer available
- Leaflet is removed, some overlays are removed
- craco: the old method of passing in env variables is no longer supported