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Open Web's Intro to Android Workshop Spring 2018

Basic Outline

  1. Start Android Studio, Create new Project
    • Briefly explain the IDE/simulator
  2. Go to activity_main.xml, explain difference between Text vs. Design view
    • Explain layout (currently uses RelativeLayout, we could probably use ConstraintLayout)
    • Add EditText for entering the Bill total
    • Add SeekBar for controlling tip amount
      • Set the min at 0, max at 100, and initial progress at 18 (for 18% tip)
    • Add three TextViews
      • One for showing tip percentage as the user moves the SeekBar
      • One for showing the actual tip amount in dollars
      • One for showing the final total
    • Add a Button for navigating to the SplitActivity
  3. Go to
    • Add binding for the components in XML (i.e. EditText, SeekBar, etc)
    • Add double variables for tip, bill total, final total
      private double billTotal;
      private double tip;
      private double total;
    • Add event listener for SeekBar
      • tipSeekBar.setOnSeekBarChangeListener(new SeekBar.OnSeekBarChangeListener() {...
      • Add logic within event handler to update textviews based on tip percentage being changed
    • Add event listener for bill total EditText
      • totalEditTxt.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {...
      • Add logic within event handler to update textviews based on bill total being changed
    • Add event listener for button to navigate to SplitActivity
  4. Create a new Activity SplitActivity. Go to the XML and...
    • Add EditText for entering the number of people in the party
    • Add three TextViews
      • One for showing the original bill, split between the party
      • One for showing the tip total, split between the party
      • One for showing the final total, split between the party
  5. Go to
    • Add binding for the components in XML (i.e. EditText, TextView, etc)
    • Add double variables for tip, bill total, final total from the first Activity and variables for current activity to compute the split
      private double billTotal, tipTotal, finalTotal;
      private int numPeople;
      private double billPerPerson, tipPerPerson, totalPerPerson;
    • Add event listener for number of people EditTxt
      • totalEditTxt.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {...
      • Add logic within event handler to update textviews based on the number of people changing
    • Add event listener for done button
      • doneBtn.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {...
      • Add logic within event handler to go back to first activity if user is finished
  6. Refactor event handler code with new methods so that repeated code can be removed


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