- [ADD] XRSLAM example for ROS
- [ADD] RD-VIO version of SLAM with IMU-PARSAC algorithm
- [CHANGE] Redefine the function call interface of XRSLAM
- [CHANGE] Use the newly defined interface to call XRSLAM in the example of iOS and PC.
- [CHANGE] Refactoring the PC example.
- [CHANGE] Unified the configuration file format
- [ADD] Add API interface documentation
- [ADD] Initial version of SLAM with subframe strategy
- [ADD] Visual localization module
- [ADD] XRPrimer dependency
- [ADD] Dockerfile and UT samples
- [ADD] XRSLAM ar demo on iOS
- [ADD] External configuration files for iOS devices
- [ADD] Visual PnP and Optimization strategy for real-time performance on iOS
- [ADD] README.md and Docs for quick start