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Devdocs scraper

This scraper downloads documentation databases and puts them in ZIM files, a clean and user friendly format for storing content for offline usage.

CodeFactor License: GPL v3 codecov PyPI version PyPI - Python Version


There are three main ways to install and use devdocs2zim from most recommended to least:

Install using a pre-built container
  1. Download the image using docker:

    docker pull
Build your own container
  1. Clone the repository locally:

    git clone && cd devdocs
  2. Build the image:

    docker build -t .
Run the software locally using Hatch
  1. Clone the repository locally:

    git clone && cd devdocs
  2. Install Hatch:

    pip3 install hatch
  3. Start a hatch shell to install software and dependencies in an isolated virtual environment.

    hatch shell
  4. Run the devdocs2zim command:

    devdocs2zim --help



This project is still a work in progress and isn't ready for use yet, the commands below are examples only.

# Usage
docker run -v my_dir:/output devdocs2zim [--all|--slug=SLUG|--first=N]

# Fetch all documents
docker run -v my_dir:/output devdocs2zim --all

# Fetch all documents except Ansible
docker run -v my_dir:/output devdocs2zim --all --skip-slug-regex "^ansible.*"

# Fetch Vue related documents
docker run -v my_dir:/output devdocs2zim --slug vue~3 --slug vue_router~4

# Fetch the docs for the two most recent versions of each software
docker run -v my_dir:/output devdocs2zim --first=2

One of the following flags is required:

  • --all: Fetch all Devdocs resources, and produce one ZIM per resource.
  • --slug SLUG: Fetch the provided Devdocs resource. Slugs are the first path entry in the Devdocs URL. For example, the slug for: is gcc~12. Use --slug several times to add multiple.
  • --first N: Fetch the first number of items per slug as shown in the DevDocs UI.

Optional Flags:

  • --skip-slug-regex REGEX: Skips slugs matching the given regular expression.
  • --output OUTPUT_FOLDER: Output folder for ZIMs. Default: /output
  • --creator CREATOR: Name of content creator. Default: 'DevDocs'
  • --publisher PUBLISHER: Custom publisher name. Default: 'openZIM'
  • --name-format FORMAT: Custom name format for individual ZIMs. Default: 'devdocs_{slug_without_version}_{version}'
  • --title-format FORMAT: Custom title format for individual ZIMs. Value will be truncated to 30 chars. Default: '{full_name} Documentation'
  • --description-format FORMAT: Custom description format for individual ZIMs. Value will be truncated to 80 chars. Default: '{full_name} Documentation'
  • --long-description-format FORMAT: Custom long description format for your ZIM. Value will be truncated to 4000 chars.Default: '{full_name} documentation by DevDocs'
  • --tag TAG: Add tag to the ZIM. Use --tag several times to add multiple. Formatting is supported. Default: ['devdocs', '{slug_without_version}']

Formatting Placeholders

The following formatting placeholders are supported:

  • {name}: Human readable name of the resource e.g. Python.
  • {full_name}: Name with optional version for the resource e.g. Python 3.12.
  • {slug}: Devdocs slug for the resource e.g. python~3.12.
  • {clean_slug}: Slug with non alphanumeric/period characters replaced with - e.g. python-3.12.
  • {slug_without_version}: Devdocs slug for the resource without the version e.g. python.
  • {version}: Shortened version displayed in devdocs, if any e.g. 3.12.
  • {release}: Specific release of the software the documentation is for, if any e.g. 3.12.1.
  • {attribution}: License and attribution information about the resource.
  • {home_link}: Link to the project's home page, if any: e.g.
  • {code_link}: Link to the project's source, if any: e.g.
  • {period}: The current date in YYYY-MM format e.g. 2024-02.


Use the commands below to set up the project once:

# Install hatch if it isn't installed already.
❯ pip install hatch

# Local install (in default env) / re-sync packages
❯ hatch run pip list

# Set-up pre-commit
❯ pre-commit install

The following commands can be used to build and test the scraper:

# Show scripts
❯ hatch env show

# linting, testing, coverage, checking
❯ hatch run lint:all
❯ hatch run lint:fixall

# run tests on all matrixed' envs
❯ hatch run test:run

# run tests in a single matrixed' env
❯ hatch env run -e test -i py=3.12 coverage

# run static type checks
❯ hatch env run check:all

# building packages
❯ hatch build


This project adheres to openZIM's Contribution Guidelines.

This project has implemented openZIM's Python bootstrap, conventions and policies v1.0.3.