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Ansible Role: Tarantool Cartridge

An Ansible role to easily deploy Tarantool Cartridge applications.

This role can deploy and configure applications packed in RPM using Cartridge CLI.

See the getting started guide to learn how to set up topology using this role.

Table of contents


  • Tarantool Cartridge >=1.2.0, <3;
  • Ansible 2.8.4 or higher.

Note that this role requires root access.

Usage example

First, you need to install this role using ansible-galaxy:

$ ansible-galaxy install tarantool.cartridge,1.7.0

Example cluster topology:


To deploy an application and set up this topology:


- name: Deploy my Tarantool Cartridge app
  hosts: all
  become: true
  become_user: root
  any_errors_fatal: true
  - name: Import Tarantool Cartridge role
      name: tarantool.cartridge


    cartridge_app_name: myapp
    cartridge_package_path: ./myapp-1.0.0-0.rpm
    cartridge_cluster_cookie: secret-cookie

    # cartridge_defaults:  # default instance parameters
    #   memtx_memory: 1024000000

  hosts:  # instances
        advertise_uri: ''
        http_port: 8081

        advertise_uri: ''
        http_port: 8082
      restarted: true  # force instance restart
      # restarted: false  # disable instance restart

        advertise_uri: ''
        http_port: 8091

    # group instances by machines
        # first machine address and connection opts
        ansible_user: vagrant

      hosts:  # instances to be started on this host

        # second machine address and connection opts
        ansible_user: vagrant

      hosts:  # instances to be started on this host

    # group instances by replicasets
    storage_1_replicaset:  # replicaset storage-1
      hosts:  # instances
        # replicaset configuration
        replicaset_alias: storage-1
        weight: 2
          - storage-1  # leader
          - storage-1-replica

          - 'vshard-storage'

    core_1_replicaset:  # replicaset core-1
      hosts:  # instances

        # replicaset configuration
        replicaset_alias: core-1
          - 'app.roles.custom'
          - 'vshard-router'

Getting started

See the getting started guide to learn how to set up topology using this role.

Role variables

Role variables are used to configure started instances, cluster topology, vhsard bootstrapping, and failover.

Configuration format is described in detail in the configuration format section.

  • cartridge_package_path (string, optional): path to Cartridge RPM package (application name will be detected as package name);
  • cartridge_app_name (string): application name, required;
  • cartridge_cluster_cookie (string, required): cluster cookie for all cluster instances;
  • cartridge_defaults (dict, optional, default: {}): default configuration parameters values for instances;
  • cartridge_bootstrap_vshard (boolean, optional, default: false): boolean flag that indicates if vshard should be bootstrapped;
  • cartridge_failover_params (dict, optional): failover parameters;
  • cartridge_app_config (dict, optional): application config sections to patch;
  • cartridge_auth: (dict, optional): authorization configuration;
  • cartridge_enable_tarantool_repo (boolean, optional, default: true): indicates if the Tarantool repository should be enabled (for packages with open-source Tarantool dependency);
  • config (dict, required): instance configuration;
  • restarted (boolean, optional): flag indicates if instance should be restarted or not (if this flag isn't specified, instance will be restarted if it's needed to apply configuration changes);
  • expelled (boolean, optional, default: false): boolean flag that indicates if instance must be expelled from topology;
  • stateboard (boolean, optional, default: false): boolean flag that indicates that the instance is a stateboard;
  • instance_start_timeout (number, optional, default: 60): time in seconds to wait for instance to be started;
  • replicaset_healthy_timeout (number, optional, default: 30): time in seconds to wait for replicaset to be healthy after editing it;
  • replicaset_alias (string, optional): replicaset alias, will be displayed in Web UI;
  • failover_priority (list-of-string): failover priority;
  • roles (list-of-strings, required if replicaset_alias specified): roles to be enabled on the replicaset;
  • all_rw (boolean, optional): indicates that that all servers in the replicaset should be read-write;
  • weight (number, optional): vshard replicaset weight (matters only if vshard-storage role is enabled);
  • [DEPRECATED] cartridge_failover (boolean, optional): boolean flag that indicates if eventual failover should be enabled or disabled;
  • data_dir (string, optional, default: /var/lib/tarantool/): a directory where application data files will be stored;
  • conf_dir (string, optional, default: /etc/tarantool/conf.d/): a directory where instance config files will be stored;
  • run_dir (string, optional, default: /var/run/tarantool/): a directory where application working files will be stored;
  • systemd_dir (string, optional, default: /etc/systemd/system/): a directory where application systemd unit files will be created;
  • dist_dir (string, optional, default: /usr/share/tarantool/): a directory where application distributive files will be stored;
  • bin_dir (string, optional, default: /usr/share/tarantool/): a directory which linked to the current dist_dir;
  • instance_user (string, optional, default: instance_user): a name of user for running application (user will be created by ansible);
  • instance_group (string, optional, default: instance_user): a name of users group for running application (group will be created by ansible);

Role tags

This role tasks have special tags that allows to perform only secified actions. Tasks are running in this order:

  • cartridge-instances - install package, update instances config and restart instances;
  • cartridge-replicasets - probe instances, configure replicasets, expel instances;
  • cartridge-config - configure cluster, contains this tasks:
    • configure authorization (if cartridge_auth is defined);
    • patch application clusterwide config (if cartridge_app_config is defined);
    • bootstrap Vshard (if cartridge_bootstrap_vshard is defined);
    • manage cartridge failover (if cartridge_failover_params is defined).

Note, that cartridge-config tasks would be skipped if no one of cartridge_auth, cartridge_app_config, cartridge_bootstrap_vshard and cartridge_failover_params variables is specified.

Example scenario

Using --limits and --tags options you can manage cluster different ways:

Run all tasks for all hosts

All instances will be started (if not started yet) or updated (restarted) if instance configuration or package was updated. Then, instances would be joined to replicasets. If cluster configuration was specified, it would be updated.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.yml

Start one instance

Note, that this instance will be joined to the replicaset if replicaset options are specified for it. To prevent it you need to specify --tags cartridge-instances.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.yml --limit core-1

Start and join one replicaset

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.yml --limit core_1_replicaset

Update instances in one replicaset

Instances from storage_1_replicaset group will be started (if not started yet) or updated (restarted) if instance configuration or package was updated.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.yml --limit storage_1_replicaset \
                                          --tags cartridge-instances

Update instances on one machine

Instances from host1 machine will be started (if not started yet) or updated (restarted) if instance configuration or package was updated.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.yml --limit host1 \
                                          --tags cartridge-instances

Join instances to replicaset

Instances from storage_1_replicaset group will be joined to replicaset.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.yml --limit storage_1_replicaset \
                                           --tags cartridge-replicasets

Start and join other replicaset instances

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.yml --limit core_1_replicaset \
                        --tags cartridge-instances,cartridge-replicasets

Patch cluster configuration

Manage cartridge configuration parameters.

ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.yml --tags cartridge-config

Configuration format

Instances and replica sets are identified by names, so you must use unique names to avoid collisions.


You can specify path to the rpm package to be installed using cartridge_package_path. Note, that cartridge_package_path must be the same for instances on one machine.

This role does not allow package downgrades because this may drive the cluster inoperative. If you are sure that you need to downgrade package and you are aware of the risks, you can perform this action manually (for example, using Ansible yum module).

You should specify cartridge_app_name to allow Ansible to manage application correctly.


Each instance of application is started as <app_name>@<instance_name> systemd service. instance_name is inventory_hostname from Ansible inventory.

Instance can be configured using the config variable. This variable describes instance parameters that would be passed to cartridge configuration. It can contain cluster-specific parameters or some application-specific parameters (can be parsed in application using the cartridge.argparse module).

Required parameters

advertise_uri is required parameter for instance configuraion. It must be specified in <host>:<port> format.

Forbidden parameters

alias, console_sock, pid_file, and workdir parameters are forbidden for an instance.

Instance alias will be set equal to instance name.

Note: in the default systemd unit file for Tarantool Cartridge applications, some instance parameters are set:


Managing dymanic box.cfg parameters without restart

Some box.cfg options are dynamic, it means that it can be changed without instance restarting. See parameters with "Dynamic: yes".

Role changes this parameters without restarting the instance. If other parameters are changed, instance is restarted anyway.

Note, that if restarted flag is set, instance will be restarted anyway without changing dynamic parameters in runtime. You can use this flag to force instance restarting.

Increasing memtx_memory in runtime

If you specified in config.memtx_memory value that increases current memtx_memory, this role will try to increase this value in runtime. In case of success instance wouldn't be restarted (if other parameters haven't been changed).

Note, that if restarted flag is set, instance will be restarted anyway without changing memtx_memory in runtime. You can use this flag to force instance restarting.

Replica sets

You can find more details about replicasets and automatic failover in Tarantool Cartridge administrator’s guide.

To configure replicasets you need to specify replicaset parameters for each instance in replicaset:

  • replicaset_alias (string, optional) - replicaset alias, will be displayed in Web UI;
  • failover_priority (list-of-strings, optional) - failover prioriry order. First instance will be replicaset leader. It isn't required to specify all instances here, you can specify only one or more. Other instances will have lower priority;
  • roles (list-of-strings, required if replicaset_alias specified) - roles to be enabled on the replicaset.
  • all_rw (boolean, optional): indicates that that all servers in the replicaset should be read-write;
  • weight (number, optional): vshard replicaset weight (matters only if vshard-storage role is enabled;
  • vshard_group (string, optional): vshard group (plase, read this section before using this parameter);

The easiest way to configure replicaset is to group instances and set replicaset parameters for all instances in a group.

Specifying vshard group

If your application is designed to use multiple independent vshard groups (see cartridge documentation), you can specify vshard group for vshard-storage repicaset vshard_group parameter. This parameter will be ignored for replicaset with other roles. By default, all vshard-storage replicasets belong to group default

Be very careful using this parameter. Once you specified vshard_group, it can't be changed. Moreover, your application should support specified group. It means that your application should pass vshard groups configuration in cartridge.cfg() call.

For example, if your application configures hot and cold vshard groups ...

-- init.lua

  vshard_groups = {
    hot = { bucket_count = 20000 },
    cold = { bucket_count = 30000 },

... you can specify them to be used by vshard-storage replicaset:

        replicaset_alias: hot-storage
        roles: [vshard-storage]
        vshard_group: hot

Instances expelling

To expel instance set expelled flag to true. For example:

      advertise_uri: ''
      http_port: 8081
    expelled: true  # mark instance to be expelled

Instances expelling is performed after apllying replicasets configuration. In is tagged as a cartridge-replicasets tasks.

After instance is expelled from the topology, it's systemd service would be stopped and disabled. Then, all instance files (configuration file, socket and working directory) would be deleted.

Vshard bootstrapping

The flag cartridge_bootstrap_vshard indicates if vshard must be bootstrapped on the cluster.

First, it will be checked if it is reasonable to bootstrap vshard (the cluster must have at least one vshard-storage replica set and at least one vshard-router). If it is, vshard will be bootstrapped.


cartridge_failover_params is used to specify failover parameters:

  • mode(string, required) - failover mode. Possible values are disabled, eventual and stateful.

Other parameters are mode-specific.

Read the doc to learn more about Cartridge failover.


If eventual mode is specified, there is no additional parameters.

Read the doc to learn more about eventual failover.


  mode: eventual


Note that stateful failover is supported since Cartridge 2.1.2.

Note that etcd2 provider is supported since Cartridge 2.2.0.

stateful failover requires these parameters:

  • state_provider(string, required for stateful mode) - external state provider type. Supported stateboard and etcd2 providers.

  • stateboard_params(dict, required for stateboard state provider) - configuration for stateboard:

    • uri(string, required) - stateboard instance URI;

    • password(string, required) - stateboard instance password;

  • etcd2_params(dict, used for for etcd2 state provider) - configuration for stateboard:

    • prefix(string, optional) - prefix used for etcd keys: <prefix>/lock and <prefix>/leaders;

    • lock_delay(number, optional) - timeout (in seconds), determines lock's time-to-live (default value in Cartridge is 10);

    • endpoints(list-of-strings, optional) - URIs that are used to discover and to access etcd cluster instances (default value in Cartridge is ['http://localhost:2379', 'http://localhost:4001']);

    • username(string, optional).

    • password(string, optional).

Read the doc to learn more about stateful failover.


  mode: stateful
  state_provider: stateboard
    uri: localhost:3310
    password: stateboard-secret

Cartridge authorization

cartridge_auth parameter is used to specify authorization settings:

  • enabled(boolean, optional) - indicates if authorization is enabled;
  • cookie_max_age(number, optional) - number of seconds until the authorization cookie expires;
  • cookie_renew_age(number, optional) - update the provided cookie if it's older than this age.
  • users(list-of-dicts, optional) - list of users to be configured on the cluster (described below).

Users configuration:

  • username(string, required);
  • password(string, optional) - is required for new users;
  • fullname(string, optional);
  • email(string, optional);
  • deleted(boolean, optional) - indicates if the user must be removed.

Note: The default user admin can't be managed here.


  enabled: true   # enable authorization

  cookie_max_age: 1000
  cookie_renew_age: 100

  users:  # cartridge users to set up
    - username: tarantool
      password: tarantool-the-best
      fullname: Tarantool The Best

    - username: bad-guy
      deleted: true  # marked to be deleted

Application configuration

cartridge_app_config variable is used to edit cluster configuration. It allows to define configuration sections in a special format:

    body: <section body>
    deleted: <boolean>


  • sections with the deleted flag set up will be deleted;
  • sections not mentioned here won't be changed;
  • other sections values will be replaced with the section body value.


If your cluster configuration looks like:

section-1: value-1  # section body is a string

section-2:  # section body is a table
  key-21: value-21
  key-22: value-22

  key-31: value-31

... after running a role with this cartridge_app_config:

      key-21: value-21-new

    deleted: true

... it will be:

section-1: value-1  # hasn't been changed

  key-21: value-21-new  # body was replaced

Stateboard instance

Stateboard is a Tarantool state provider for stateful failover. It is delivered within an application's RPM/DEB package, if the application contains the stateboard.init.lua file in its root. In this case, the application package contains the /etc/systemd/system/<appname>-stateboard.service unit file.

It starts a Tarantool stateboard instance with an entry point /usr/share/tarantool/<appname>/stateboard.init.lua. This instance looks for its configuration in the <appname>-stateboard section across all files in the /etc/tarantool/conf.d directory.

This instance can be started using the Tarantool Cartridge Ansible role. To mark an instance as a stateboard, use the stateboard flag.

A stateboard instance is started as a systemd service named <app_name>-stateboard.

Stateboard can be configured using the config variable as well as other instances. This variable describes stateboard parameters that would be passed to its configuration.

Note: cartridge_defaults doesn't affect a stateboard instance.

Required config parameters

  • listen - stateboard instance URI. It must be specified in the <host>:<port> format.

  • password - stateboard instance password.

Forbidden config parameters

alias, console_sock, pid_file, and workdir parameters are forbidden for a stateboard instance.


    cartridge_app_name: myapp
    cartridge_package_path: ./myapp-1.0.0-0.rpm

    # other cartridge params

      mode: stateful
      state_provider: stateboard
        uri: # <- STATEBOARD URI
        password: secret-stateboard # <- STATEBOARD PASSWORD

    my-stateboard-instance:  # instance name doesn't matter
      stateboard: true  # this matters - instance is a stateboard
        listen: '' # <- STATEBOARD URI
        password: 'stateboard-secret' # <- STATEBOARD PASSWORD



Ansible role for deploying tarantool cartridge-based applications







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