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Vue Select

Enhanced select component for Vue.js, unlike other select components Vue Select will not manipulate the options you provide to it, instead we emit events allowing you to perform all the filtering, loading or whatever else you might want to do yourself.


  • No dependencies
  • v-model support
  • Single select
  • Multiple select
  • Infinite loading on scroll with throttling
  • Searchable with debounce
  • Configurable
  • Themeable


yarn add @optix/vue-select


import Vue from 'vue';
import VueSelect from '@optix/vue-select';

import '@optix/vue-select/dist/vue-select.min.css';

Vue.use(VueSelect, /* { options } */);

Basic usage


export default {
    data() {
        return {
            value: null,

            options: [
                    value: 1,
                    label: 'Option One',
                    value: 2,
                    label: 'Option Two',
                    disabled: true,
                // ...



Name Type Default Value Description
value Array||Number||String null Selects the given options
options Array [] An array of objects
option-identifier String 'value' Name of the identifier used within the options Object
option-label String 'label' Name of the label used within the options Object, this will be visible in the dropdown
id String null Applied to the underlying input
loading Boolean false Show / hide the loading indicator
loading-more Boolean false Show / hide loading indicator when scrolled to bottom of options list
multiple Boolean false Allows multiple options to be selected
searchable Boolean true Show / hide search input
placeholder String 'Please select...' Default placeholder text on select element
disabled Boolean false Enable / disable select
open-direction String 'auto' Fix opening direction, options: 'auto'||'down'||'up'
close-on-select Boolean null Enable opening / closing after selecting an option
search-debounce-delay Number 150 Delay in milliseconds after user finishes typing and @search-change is fired
scroll-throttle-delay Number 150 Delay in milliseconds between firing scroll events
load-more-threshold Number 60 Distance in px from bottom of options dropdown before @load-more is fired.
no-options-message String 'No options found.' Message shown when no options are provided


Event Payload Description
@input (options) Fires when the value changes
@change null Fires when an option is selected or deselected
@select (option) Fires when an option is selected
@deselect (option) Fires when an option is deselected
@search-change (searchQuery) Fires when the search query changes
@load-more null Fires when the load-more-threshold of the dropdown has been scrolled past


Dropdown Option

Name: dropdown-option
Description: Custom option template


  • option - Object of the current option
  • classes - Object containing 3 classes
    focused: false,
    selected: false,
    disabled: false,
<template #dropdown-option="{ option, classes }">
    <div class="vs-dropdown-option" :class="classes">
        {{ option.label }}

Dropdown Loader

Name: dropdown-loader
Description: Shows when no options are passed into the select

Default: Loading...

<template #dropdown-loader>
    <div class="vs-dropdown-loader">


Vue Select is styled using SCSS, there is a large list of variables which can be easily changed allowing for customisation. If you wish to take advantange of these, you'll need to remove the JS styles import and instead include the following in your SCSS file:

// Import Vue Select default variables...
@import '~@optix/vue-select/src/styles/variables/_index';

// Override selected variables...
$vs-font-family: '"Times New Roman", Times, serif';
$vs-select-border-radius: 0;

// Import Vue Select styles, these will then be built using the new variables...
@import '~@optix/vue-select/src/styles/base/_index';
@import '~@optix/vue-select/src/styles/elements/_index';


  • Write tests
  • Working examples
  • Ability to add new options via component


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.