This application ships mongodb metrics through zabbix sender. The motivation for this tool was to use most of the preinstalled linux distribution features and don't install much packages to reduce server load by zabbix check. As a template we used these scripts. Thanks to sturi.
This script works as a Zabbix Trapper and collect all MongoDB metrics with one call.
These scripts were tested with the following linux distributions, packages and versions:
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- CentOS 7
- MongoDB 3.2.4
- Python 2.7
- Zabbix 3.2 (it works also with zabbix-agent 3.0 and 2.2, the server version is important)
- zabbix-sender
- python-pymongo
- zabbix-agent
It is recommended to use the current stable zabbix version. That is why we recommend to use the current zabbix-agent if you start from stack
yum -y install
dpkg -i zabbix-release_3.2-1+wheezy_all.deb
apt-get update
After you can install the requirements
yum -y install zabbix-agent
apt-get install zabbix-agent
If you have already installed the previous packages you can start from here
yum -y install zabbix-sender python-pymongo
apt-get install zabbix-sender python-pymongo
Please note that the instructions are different, if you are using zabbix agent 2.2. The structure of configuration is different.
cd /tmp
git clone
cd python-zabbix-mongodb
mkdir -p /etc/zabbix/scripts
cp -av scripts/* /etc/zabbix/scripts
cp -av zabbix_agentd.d/* /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d
If you don't use User Authentication in mongodb it is recommended to remove the following line:
This will improve the performance additionally.
Please make sure that you use the following setting in your zabbix_agend.conf
Now restart your zabbix agent
systemctl zabbix-agent restart
You need to start with the template Template_App_MongoDB_Base.xml
. This Template is the basement for the others. The Template Template_App_MongoDB_Config.xml
is used for MongoDB Config Server. For MongoS and MongoD Server please use the Template Template_App_MongoDB_ReplicaSet.xml
All main metrics which should be sent to Zabbix are stored in file zbx_vars.txt
. You can add or remove if you need. You should always check available metrics by using the following command in the MongoDB client
All Replication informations are handled by the script itself.
- Check
db.runCommand({"collstats": ""})
for broken oplog
Please feel free to open pull requests. Any ideas for improvements are welcome.
Apache 2.0