The multi-platform application EDU APP is an interactive educational game that allows players (students) to compete for the largest number of game fields on a hexagonal game board. The game is no registration required, allowing for quick entry into the game. Players select squares and are tasked with answering the displayed questions as quickly as possible. Each correct answer allocates a player a box, and the player who owns the most boxes at the end of the time limit wins. Teachers or organizers can create questions at will, and the game is designed for 1 to N players. The app is designed as a fun way to review and practice topics already covered in any subject.
Preparing your environment
- (Required) Download and install Node.js & npm
- (Required) Installing the Ionic CLI
npm install -g @ionic/cli
- Official Ionic documentation- (Recommended) Installing Angular CLI
npm install -g @angular/cli
- Official Angular Documentation
- Clone the repository
- Install all repository packages via
npm i
- Start the server via
ionic serve
orng serve
ornpm run start
- All pages will be stored in the src/app/pages folder - always create via
ng g page pages/page-name
- After creating the page, double check app.routes.ts that the correct path is set.
- In app.component.ts add a new absolute path to the new page
- Make other changes in the page you created.
- Everything is suggested on iPad Pro 11 (in Google Chrome Dev Tools)