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Orcfax Simple Sign

Provides simple signing and verification of data following the approach outlined in CIP-8.

The command-line application and library is intended to provide helper functions for consistent signing and verification functions across distributed dapps and other applications utilizing Cardano off-chain.

Creating a signing key

You need a signing key and address that can then be used to verify the source of the signed data.

If you hold the key, you hold the address that can be used to verify data.

The cardano-cli can be used to generate a signing key. E.g. on preview/preprod.

cardano-cli address key-gen \
 --verification-key-file payment.vkey \
 --signing-key-file payment.skey
cardano-cli address build \
 --payment-verification-key-file payment.vkey \
 --out-file payment.addr \

The key can then be given to the app with arbitrary data to be signed.

Basic signing and verification


Example signing with payment.skey with addr addr1v90vykgaft6lylq79u7uvxqc3hxmnf8tz7uyxael6gpz3lsfnggam:

python sign -d "arbitrary data" -s "$(cat payment.skey)"




Example verification, looking for addr addr1v90vykgaft6lylq79u7uvxqc3hxmnf8tz7uyxael6gpz3lsfnggam:

python verify \
 -d "84584da301276761646472657373581d615ec2591d4af5f27c1e2f3dc618188dcdb9a4eb17b843773fd20228fe045820d88b447a19aa5ffcabc4270dd38017bda068c9f84b6fb05cb0fee73261fbb777a166686173686564f44e6172626974726172792064617461584025b3ef85838d62f40eb3fe5b1ac7cf802ca4d076a07575572bc88601968bafa2b4aa106c8636cc93bd4337385527cb31194e65925062c59857d69fbccd4f3f01"


    'verified': True,
    'message': 'arbitrary data',
    'signing_address': 'addr1v90vykgaft6lylq79u7uvxqc3hxmnf8tz7uyxael6gpz3lsfnggam'

Verification against a known set

Simple Sign provides enough for most use cases to receive a CIP-8 message, check that it was signed, and then compare the signer's address against their own known list of notaries.

To standardise the process Simple Sign will offer a number of helper functions.

Notaries in an environment variable

For a small number of notaries an environment variable may be sufficient. Use CIP8_NOTARIES= with comma separated list of Cardano addresses before invoking signature_in_dapp_environment(pkey: str) in your script.


Use --list-env or -l to display the contents of this variable locally:

python verify -

Other methods of checking signers

A number of stubs have been left in the code that might provide methods such as checking against a UTxO or set of NFT holders in the future. These are yet to be implemented.

Developer install


Setup a virtual environment venv and install the local development requirements as follows:

python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Upgrade dependencies

A make recipe is included, simply call make upgrade. Alternatively run pip-upgrader once the local requirements have been installed and follow the prompts. requirements.txt and local.txt can be updated as desired.


Run tests (all)

python -m tox

Run tests-only

python -m tox -e py3

Run linting-only

python -m tox -e linting


Pre-commit can be used to provide more feedback before committing code. This reduces reduces the number of commits you might want to make when working on code, it's also an alternative to running tox manually.

To set up pre-commit, providing pip install has been run above:

  • pre-commit install

This repository contains a default number of pre-commit hooks, but there may be others suited to different projects. A list of other pre-commit hooks can be found here.


The Makefile contains helper functions for packaging and release.

Makefile functions can be reviewed by calling make from the root of this repository:

clean                          Clean the package directory
docs                           Generate documentation
help                           Print this help message
package-check                  Check the distribution is valid
package-deps                   Upgrade dependencies for packaging
package-source                 Package the source code
package-upload                 Upload package to pypi
package-upload-test            Upload package to test.pypi
pre-commit-checks              Run pre-commit-checks.
serve-docs                     Serve the documentation
tar-source                     Package repository as tar for easy distribution
upgrade                        Upgrade project dependencies


Packaging consumes the metadata in pyproject.toml which helps to describe the project on the official repository. Have a look at the documentation and comments there to help you create a suitably descriptive metadata file.

Local packaging

To create a python wheel for testing locally, or distributing to colleagues run:

  • make package-source

A tar and whl file will be stored in a dist/ directory. The whl file can be installed as follows:

  • pip install <your-package>.whl


Publishing for public use can be achieved with:

  • make package-upload-test or make package-upload

make-package-upload-test will upload the package to which provides a way to look at package metadata and documentation and ensure that it is correct before uploading to the official repository using make package-upload.