A modern, async-first Python client for the Outline VPN Server API with comprehensive data validation through Pydantic models.
- Async-First Design: Built with modern async/await patterns for optimal performance
- Type Safety: Full typing support with runtime validation via Pydantic
- Comprehensive API Coverage: Support for all Outline VPN Server API endpoints
- Error Handling: Robust error handling with custom exception types
- SSL/TLS Security: Certificate fingerprint verification for enhanced security
- Flexible Response Format: Choose between Pydantic models or JSON responses
- Data Transfer Metrics: Built-in support for monitoring server and key usage
- Context Manager Support: Clean resource management with async context managers
Install via pip:
pip install pyoutlineapi
Or using Poetry:
poetry add pyoutlineapi
Here's a simple example to get you started:
import asyncio
from pyoutlineapi import AsyncOutlineClient
async def main():
async with AsyncOutlineClient(
) as client:
# Get server info
server = await client.get_server_info()
print(f"Connected to {server.name} running version {server.version}")
# Create a new access key
key = await client.create_access_key(name="TestUser")
print(f"Created key: {key.access_url}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
The client can be configured with several options:
from pyoutlineapi import AsyncOutlineClient
client = AsyncOutlineClient(
json_format=True, # Return JSON instead of Pydantic models
timeout=30.0 # Request timeout in seconds
Create and manage access keys:
from pyoutlineapi import AsyncOutlineClient, DataLimit
async def manage_keys():
async with AsyncOutlineClient(...) as client:
# Create a key with data limit
key = await client.create_access_key(
name="Limited User",
limit=DataLimit(bytes=5 * 1024 ** 3) # 5 GB limit
# List all keys
keys = await client.get_access_keys()
for key in keys.access_keys:
print(f"Key {key.id}: {key.name or 'unnamed'}")
# Modify a key
await client.rename_access_key(1, "New Name")
await client.set_access_key_data_limit(1, 10 * 1024 ** 3) # 10 GB
# Delete a key
await client.delete_access_key(1)
Configure server settings:
from pyoutlineapi import AsyncOutlineClient
async def configure_server():
async with AsyncOutlineClient(...) as client:
# Update server name
await client.rename_server("My VPN Server")
# Set hostname for access keys
await client.set_hostname("vpn.example.com")
# Configure default port for new keys
await client.set_default_port(8388)
Monitor server usage:
from pyoutlineapi import AsyncOutlineClient, MetricsPeriod
async def get_metrics():
async with AsyncOutlineClient(...) as client:
# Enable metrics collection
await client.set_metrics_status(True)
# Get transfer metrics
metrics = await client.get_transfer_metrics(MetricsPeriod.MONTHLY)
for user_id, bytes_transferred in metrics.bytes_transferred_by_user_id.items():
print(f"User {user_id}: {bytes_transferred / 1024 ** 3:.2f} GB")
The client provides custom exceptions for different error scenarios:
from pyoutlineapi import AsyncOutlineClient, OutlineError, APIError
async def handle_errors():
async with AsyncOutlineClient(...) as client:
await client.get_server_info()
except APIError as e:
print(f"API error: {e}")
except OutlineError as e:
print(f"Client error: {e}")
We welcome contributions! Please see our Contributing Guidelines for details on how to submit pull requests, report issues, and contribute to the project.
If you discover any security-related issues, please email pytelemonbot@mail.ru
instead of using the issue tracker.
PyOutlineAPI is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.