Battery testing software and circuitry for testing cells and batteries to fly on the ISS
- Clone oresat-battery-testing.
- Install dependencies:
$ sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config python3-dev
- Build Python extension for libb6:
$ make -C libraries
Copy the .rules files (from the Battery Tester folder) into the folder on your computer which contains rules files for udev.
For example on an Ubuntu system: /etc/udev/rules.d
This will allow you to run [filename].py without requiring sudo.
Note that you will have to find the correct devpaths again if you use your own device, then modify 99-b6mini.rules accordingly.
Choose a USB port on your computer to plug the battery board into and do not change it.
cd main python battery_test_jig
If you get an import error about libb6: the Makefile in main/libb6 to make an object file.