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    • ArduPPPJS is a library to use PPPJS : a custom 2in1 protocol that offers a versatile mean of exchange for fast, & reliable, data communication with "Point to Point Protocol" (PPP) like frames, as well as the famous Json key value pairs exchange to make humanly readble configuration messages and queries to your most ambitious Arduino projects.
      MIT License
      0100Updated Dec 14, 2021Dec 14, 2021
    • Description of the PPPJS custom protocol, implementing a mix of "Point to Point Protocol" like frames and JSON for versatile transfers over UARTS lines and other serial data streams.
      MIT License
      0000Updated Oct 13, 2021Oct 13, 2021
    • py3PJSon

      PPP / Json flavored High Level Data Link Protocol adaptation for single or multiple Arduino / Microcontroller to Microcontroller and Arduino to Computer reliable and versatile communication.
      MIT License
      0000Updated May 19, 2021May 19, 2021