qbit-kit-ng 0.0.118
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @qbitartifacts/qbit-kit-ng@0.0.118
Install via package.json:
"@qbitartifacts/qbit-kit-ng": "0.0.118"
About this version
This library holds a variety of components, services, directives, and other stuff used by @QbitArtifacts in most Angular 8+ projects.
First, you will need to authenticate against Github npm packages to be able to install package, see [this][gh-npm-install]
You can either add a dependency to your package.json, change to the latest version.
"dependencies": {
"@qbitartifacts/qbit-kit-ng": "<latest_version>"
Or install from cmd:
$ npm install @qbitartifacts/qbit-kit-ng
Check out the Wiki for docs on how to use the package.
To publish a new package version, please follow these simple steps:
You must be Authenticated to GitHub Packages
- Increase version
- Run
ng build qbitkit-ng
- Go to
- Publish
npm publish
Coverage reports:
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Generated:2021-5-20 17:40:07