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tradeshift-ui 12.9.3

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @tradeshift/tradeshift-ui@12.9.3
Install via package.json:
"@tradeshift/tradeshift-ui": "12.9.3"

About this version Build Status devDependencies

Tradeshift UI is a UI library to help you create apps that implement the Tradeshift Design Principles. Check out our documentation site to learn more about how it works and try out live code examples.

If you want to know about what the latest version is and what's new, check out our releases page.

If you'd like to submit a feature request or report a bug, go to our issues pages.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Install NodeJS, either LTS or current.
  3. Install the Grunt Command Line Utility globally.
    • npm install -g grunt-cli
  4. Use the configured version of node
    • nvm use
  5. Install the dependencies of this project.
    • npm install

Usage (Local Development)

  1. Start the grunt script in the root of the repository.
    • grunt
  2. Use http://localhost:10111/dist/ts.js in your app running locally to initialize Tradeshift UI.
  3. Whenever you modify the source files, the script will rebuild the distribution files in dist/ so you're always using the latest version.

Optional steps to run the documentation site locally

  1. Run grunt dev (instead of just grunt) and the documentantion website will open up on http://localhost:10114/
  2. Whenever you modify the source files, the script will rebuild the documentation so you're always using the latest version.

Maintaining the v11 branch

Check out the v11 branch and create pull requests on that branch. Releasing: see v11 instructions.

Git Hooks

Watch out, whenever you create a commit, the pre-commit hook will lint all staged files and it might commit all changes in each staged file, not just the staged lines.


Our docs site is hosted by GitHub Pages at

Release & Deployment

Make sure you are logged in to npm (run npm login).

Manual release:

  • npm version ${increment || 'patch'} # Bump the version (in package.json and package-lock.json), commit that, and create a git tag. Examples: npm version 12.8.4, npm version patch, see docs.

  • grunt dist if you have installed grunt-cli globally (npm install -g grunt-cli), otherwise run npm run build (runs grunt dist using Grunt from node_modules) # Generate distributable files

  • npm run package-dist # creates a package.json for the npm dist package. Must be run after updating the version and before publishing to NPM.

  • git push {remote branch} # Push the newly created commit

  • git push origin {the new tag just created}

  • When the release has been merged into the main branch, navigate to the tag on Github and create a release from it (could be pre-release)

  • Deploy those files to S3 (no overwrites) running the Github action workflow "Deploy to S3" in the v11 branch (if it is a v11 release)

  • npm publish dist/npm --tag {next} (tag: next for v11, latest or ommitted for latest major version) # Push the package to registry. Note the following:

    • You may have configured @tradeshift:registry (run npm config list to check, npm config delete @tradeshift:registry to reset registry to default (, npm config set @tradeshift:registry to add it back). The package must be released to, but if you want it to show up at, you must also publish using default/no config entry for @tradeshift:registry.

    • If the tagging goes wrong and a v11 release is marked as latest in npm (npm show @tradeshift/tradeshift-ui to check), run npm dist-tag add @tradeshift/tradeshift-ui@{LATEST_TS-UI_RELEASE} latest (again, be aware of @tradeshift:registry config).

Alternatively, releasing can be started using one of the following commands (but release-it needs to be fixed):

Make sure you have the following environment variables set:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[Your AWS access key id]
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=[Your AWS secret access key]
export GH_ACCESS_TOK=[Your GitHub personal access token]
# Let's say the current version is v10.0.0

# npm dist-tag ls
# latest: 10.0.0

	# Bump the patch version and release
	> npm run release

# npm dist-tag ls
# latest: 10.0.1

	# Bump the minor version and release
	> npm run release -- minor

# npm dist-tag ls
# latest: 10.1.0

	# Bump the major version and release
	> npm run release -- major

# npm dist-tag ls
# latest: 11.0.0
	# Bump the minor version and pre-release
	> npm run prelease -- minor --preRelease=beta

# npm dist-tag ls
# latest: 11.0.0
# next: 11.1.0-beta.0

	# Bump the major version and pre-release
	> npm run prelease -- major --preRelease=beta

# npm dist-tag ls
# latest: 11.0.0
# next: 12.0.0-beta.0

	# Bump the major version and pre-release
	> npm run prelease -- --preRelease=rc

# npm dist-tag ls
# latest: 11.0.0
# next: 12.0.0-rc.0

Any of these commands will essentially do the following steps:

  • npm version ${increment || 'patch'} # Bump the version and create a git tag
  • grunt dist # Generate distributable files
  • npm run deploy-s3 # Deploy those files to S3 (no overwrites!)
  • git push # Push the newly created commit and tag to GitHub
  • Release to GitHub (could be pre-release) # Mark the tag as a GitHub Release
  • npm publish (tag is latest or next) # Push the package to

Make sure to not do this on the master branch because it is protected from being pushed to directly and your code will get released to S3 but not to git/GitHub/npm.

Updating the docs

We serve the docs site from the gh-pages branch and all generated files are present in the .gitignore of the master-style branches. The gh-pages branch only contains these generated files, one folder for each major version since we introduced versioning to the docs (v10).

Make sure you have the following environment variables set:

export GH_USER_NAME=[Your GitHub username]
export GH_ACCESS_TOK=[Your GitHub personal access token]

Run npm run gh-pages, which will do the following:

  • grunt dist # Generate distributable files
  • cd tasks # This is actually the CWD of the gh-pages script
  • git clone ${GH_USER_NAME}:${GH_ACCESS_TOK}@github:Tradeshift/tradeshift-ui -b gh-pages --single-branch # Clone the gh-pages branch to a new folder
  • Create a v${majorVersion} folder and/or replace its contents
  • Push the changes to origin/gh-pages-update

From here, you should create a PR against gh-pages to update the docs site and once it's merged, GitHub Pages will update.

Running tests

Make sure you have a BrowserStack Automate account and have the following environment variables set:

export BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME=[Your BrowserStack username]
export BROWSERSTACK_KEY=[Your BrowserStack key]

Then feel free to start running the tests as such:

npm test

This command will run all the Jasmine tests for all UI Components through BrowserStack.

We're currently testing on the following browsers:

  • Google Chrome (latest, previous)
  • Mozilla Firefox (latest, previous)
  • Apple Safari (latest, previous)
  • Microsoft Edge (latest, previous)
  • IE11


If you would like to contribute to our codebase, just fork the repo and make a PR.


  • You can always create forks on GitHub, submit Issues and Pull Requests.
  • You can only use Tradeshift-UI to make apps on a Tradeshift platform, e.g.
  • You can fix a bug until the bugfix is deployed by Tradeshift.
  • You can host Tradeshift UI yourself.
  • If you want to make a bigger change or just want to talk with us, reach out to our team here on GitHub.

You can read the full license agreement in the



  • tradeshift-ui-12.9.3.tgz

Download activity

  • Total downloads 93,708
  • Last 30 days 0
  • Last week 0
  • Today 0