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15 repositories
PublicRL4CAD: Personalized Decision Making for Coronary Artery Disease Treatment using Offline Reinforcement Learning- Unsupervised Feature Selection to Identify Important ICD-10 Codes for Machine Learning
Public- LPHEADA is a multicountry and fully Labelled digital Public HEAlth DAtaset of tweets originated in Australia, Canada, UK, or US between November 28th, 2018 to June 19th, 2020. This dataset contains 366,405 crowd-generated labels (three labels per tweet) for 122,135 PASS-related tweets, labelled by 708 unique annotators on Amazon Mechanical Turk.
- To explore and evaluate the application of crowdsourcing, in general, and AMT, in specific, for developing digital public health surveillance systems, we collected 296,166 crowd-generated labels for 98,722 tweets, labelled by 610 AMT workers, to develop machine learning (ML) models for detecting behaviours related to physical activity, sedentary…
- This repository presents the implementation of different machine learning architectures to determine the efficacy of the Acute Physiology andChronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) IV score as well as the patient characteristics that comprise it to predict the discharge destination for critically ill patients within 24 hours of ICU admission.