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honeydew 3.0.5

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @dxworks/honeydew@3.0.5
Install via package.json:
"@dxworks/honeydew": "3.0.5"

About this version


Honeydew is a tool that extracts facts using static code analysis from DotNet Solutions that contain C# and Visual Basic Projects.


For extracting information about a solution or project use the following command:

.\Honeydew extract <input_path> [-n|--project-name <name>] [--no-progress-bars] [--no-trim-paths] [-p|--parallel]

If input_path is a path to a solution file (.sln), Honeydew will extract facts from that solution file

If input_path is a path to a project file (.csproj or .vbproj), Honeydew will extract facts from that project

If input_path is a path to a folder, Honeydew will find all the solution files and project files and extract facts from those

The output files will be placed in a folder named results


  • -n or --project-name

    The flag must be followed by a string. This flag is used to set the project name. If not present, the project name will be deduced from the <input_path>. The project name is used to name the output files

  • --no-progress-bars

    If present, then all the messages will be printed in the console. Otherwise, output will contain progress bars for a better visualisation of the progress

  • --no-trim-paths

    If present, Honeydew will not trim the File Paths present in the created model

  • -p or --parallel

    If present, Honeydew will make the extraction in parallel where possible

Load Model from file

For loading a model from a json file

.\Honeydew load <path_to_json_model> [-n|--project-name <name>] [--no-progress-bars] [-p|--parallel]


  • -n or --project-name

    The flag must be followed by a string. This flag is used to set the project name. If not present, the project name will be deduced from the <path_to_json_model>. The project name is used to name the output files

  • --no-progress-bars

    If present, then all the messages will be printed in the console. Otherwise, output will contain progress bars for a better visualisation of the progress

  • -p or --parallel

    If present, Honeydew will run scripts in parallel where possible


This command is used to adapt a raw model file from version 2.1.x to version 3.x.x. It will create a new file in the results folder with the raw model adapted to the new version.

.\Honeydew adapt <input_path>


Honeydew can be run from a Docker container like this:

Linux / MacOs

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd)/results:/app/results -v $(pwd)/<input>:<input> dxworks/honeydew extract <input> -p


docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}/results:/app/results -v ${PWD}/<input>:<input> dxworks/honeydew extract <input> -p


dotnet pack -c Release -o pack -p:PackageVersion=1.0.0

Create new version of DxWorks.ScriptBee.Plugins.Honeydew

dotnet build .\DxWorks.ScriptBee.Plugins.Honeydew\DxWorks.ScriptBee.Plugins.Honeydew.csproj -c Release
nuget pack .\DxWorks.ScriptBee.Plugins.Honeydew\DxWorks.ScriptBee.Plugins.Honeydew.csproj.nuspec -OutputDirectory pack -Version 3.0.0 -Properties Configuration=Release

Build Project

Self-contained application - Single-file app

For Windows 64-bit

dotnet publish -r win-x64 --self-contained true -p:PublishSingleFile=true 

For Linux 64-bit

dotnet publish -r linux-x64 --self-contained true -p:PublishSingleFile=true 

For macOs 64-bit

dotnet publish -r osx-x64 --self-contained true -p:PublishSingleFile=true 

Self-contained application

For Windows 64-bit

dotnet publish -r win-x64

For Linux 64-bit

dotnet publish -r linux-x64

For macOS 64-bit

dotnet publish -r osx-x64

End to End Test

This test consists of running Honeydew on a test project located at

To pass the test, the resulted files after the extraction must be identical to the files located in the 'e2e_results'

The test files are generated by running Honeydew locally and updating the 'e2e_results' folder content

Update 'e2e_results' Folder

There are several helper scripts located in 'e2e_scripts' folder to copy the files generated by the local extraction of the test project, to the 'e2e_results' folder

For Windows

.\prepare_e2e.bat <source_results_folder> [destination_folder]

if destination_folder is not provided, the destination folder will be ..\e2e_results

For Linux and macOS

./ <source_results_folder> [destination_folder]

if destination_folder is not provided, the destination folder will be ../e2e_results



  • honeydew-3.0.5.tgz

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