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cacti-weaver-fabric-cli 2.0.0-2945-supply-chain-app-build-failed.241

Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @hyperledger/cacti-weaver-fabric-cli@2.0.0-2945-supply-chain-app-build-failed.241
Install via package.json:
"@hyperledger/cacti-weaver-fabric-cli": "2.0.0-2945-supply-chain-app-build-failed.241"

About this version

Fabric CLI

A CLI for interacting with the Fabric test-net and relays. Made using gluegun.js

fabric-cli options:

cli options

--help can be called on every command and provides examples and usage.

More documentation can be found here

Folder Structure

├── build                      # Compiled files
├── docs                       # Documentation files
├── scripts                    # Utility scripts
├── src                        # Source files
│   ├── commands               # Commands for the cli. Subcommands are in named folders
│   ├── data                   # Data used across the commands, includes credentials for other networks and basic data to initialise the network with
│    ├── helpers                # Helper functions that are used across the commands
│   └── wallet-${networkname}  # Wallets used by the CLI to connect with the Fabric networks.
└── ...

Another naming convention made is inside the commands folder files suffixed with "-helper" are used to for the --help options for each command.


If you are using a linux system make sure that lib64 is installed
Tested on Node v11.14.0 to v16.0.0; requires Node >= 11.14.0 <= 16.0.0

The Fabric CLI can be configured either to depend on the published Weaver SDK or the locally built version.

Using Published Weaver SDK

The fabric-cli depends on the npm package @hyperledger/cacti-weaver-sdk-fabric. To pull this package from Github, run the following steps:

  1. Create a Personal Access Token from Github with read access to packages. Refer Creating a Personal Access Token for help. \
  2. Create a copy of .npmrc.template as .npmrc. \
  3. Replace in copied .npmrc file with your personal access token. \
  4. Run npm install to check if it is working before testing/deployment.

To install package dependencies, run:

make build

Using Locally Built Weaver SDK

Make sure that the protos-js and weaver-fabric-interop-sdk have been built already according to the given instructions.

To install package dependencies, run:

make build-local


Set up .env by copying across the .env.template and updating the values

Set up config.json by adding the connection profile and relay port for each network. (Can be set with env variable CONFIG_PATH)

(Editing of the env and config can be done via the CLI with the fabric-cli env set and fabric-cli config set commands)

Running the Fabric-CLI


./bin/fabric-cli [commands-and-parameters]

To view list of commands and associated parameters, run:

./bin/fabric-cli -h

Running fabric-cli in a Docker container

Set up .npmrc by copying across the .npmrc.template and updating the values as specified earlier.

Run make build-image to build fabric-cli docker image.

Then run docker-compose up -d to start fabric-cli container.

Then run docker exec -it fabric-cli bash, to open interactive shell for fabric-cli, where regular fabric-cli calls can be made.

Setting env is not required inside docker, as env variables are already declared, so next steps would be:

  • ./bin/fabric-cli config set-file $CONFG_PATH
  • ./bin/fabric-cli configure all network1 network2.

Example Invoke

To record a key test with the value teststate via the simplestate contract deployed on the mychannel channel in network1, run:

$ ./bin/fabric-cli chaincode invoke mychannel simplestate create '["test", "teststate"]' --local-network=network1

To now query the value of the the test key, run:

$ ./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query mychannel simplestate read '["test"]' --local-network=network1

NOTE: Use the --help flag with any command to view examples and usage.

Environment Variables

  • DEFAULT_CHANNEL (OPTIONAL) The default channel used by the CLI when invoking chaincode on a network.
  • DEFAULT_CHAINCODE(OPTIONAL) The default chaincode id used by the CLI when invoking chaincode on a network.
  • MEMBER_CREDENTIAL_FOLDER(OPTIONAL) The folder where network configurations will be stored and pulled from when generating network config and loading the chaincode.
  • CONFIG_PATH(OPTIONAL) Path to the configuration file used by the CLI when creating network credentials and communicating with the relays.

Configuration file (required)

The configuration file is used by the CLI when generating credentials to communicate with the network as well as the endpoint used to communicate with the relay. Each network can specify a unique relay and connection profile.

Example config:

  "network1": {
    "connProfilePath": "",
    "relayEndpoint": "",
    "mspId": "",
    "channelName": "",
    "chaincode": ""
  "network2": {
    "connProfilePath": "",
    "relayEndpoint": "",
    "mspId": "",
    "channelName": "",
    "chaincode": ""

Data Sharing

Examples of cross-network queries (via relays) are as follows (the last part of the command is a view address, and you will see the remote view being logged to the console):

  • Fabric network network1 requesting a view from Fabric network network2
    ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network1 --requesting-org=Org1MSP localhost:9083/network2/mychannel:simplestate:Read:Arcturus
  • Fabric network network1 requesting a view from Corda network Corda_network
    ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network2 --sign=true --requesting-org=Org1MSP localhost:9081/Corda_Network/localhost:10006#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:H --debug=true
  • Both of the above examples assume an insecure (plaintext) gRPC connection with the local network's relay. If the relay is TLS-enabled, you will need to specify the server's TLS CA certificates as follows:
    ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network1 --requesting-org=Org1MSP --relay-tls=true --relay-tls-ca-files=ca_cert.pem localhost:9083/network2/mychannel:simplestate:Read:Arcturus
    ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network1 --sign=true --requesting-org=Org1MSP --relay-tls=true --relay-tls-ca-files=ca_cert1.pem:ca_cert2.pem localhost:9081/Corda_Network/localhost:10006#com.cordaSimpleApplication.flow.GetStateByKey:H --debug=true
    • The --relay-tls switch indicates whether or not the local network relay requires a TLS connection
    • The --relay-tls-ca-files switch indicates the path to the relay server's TLS CA certificates. Specify a colon-separated list if there are more than one.
  • Fabric network network1 requesting a view from Fabric network network2 with the view contents confidential between the network1 client and the network2 peers
    ./bin/fabric-cli interop --local-network=network1 --requesting-org=Org1MSP --e2e-confidentiality=true localhost:9083/network2/mychannel:simplestate:Read:Arcturus

Asset Exchange

Below are the steps to exercise asset exchange using the fabric-cli tool.

  1. Spin up both network1 and network2 with interoperation chaincode installed along with the simpleasset application by navigating to the tests/network-setups/fabric/dev folder and running either

    make start-interop CHAINCODE_NAME=simpleasset


    make start-interop-local CHAINCODE_NAME=simpleasset

    depending on whether you are using pre-built Github packages or using local builds from this clone of the repository.

  2. You can use the fabric-cli executable in the bin folder (for the executable built using Node.js) or the one built using the Golang version after running make build-local here.

  3. If a config.json (or equivalent, as set in the CONFIG_PATH property in .env) doesn't exist, create one by making a copy of config.template.json. In the config.json, set the chaincode field in both the network1 and network2 sections to simpleasset.

  4. Run the below script that performs: setting the enviroment, adding the users Alice and Bob to both the networks and finally adding the non-fungible (i.e., bonds) and fungible (i.e., tokens) assets into the accounts of Alice and Bob.

  5. Check the status of the assets owned by Alice and Bob in the two networks network1 and network2, by running

  6. Initiate exchange of bond asset bond01:a04 of Bob in network1 with token assets token1:100 of Alice in network2, by running (it only works with SHA256)

    ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange-all --network1=network1 --network2=network2 --secret=secrettext --timeout-duration=100 bob:bond01:a04:alice:token1:100

    Repeat the step 3 to observe the change in the ownership of assets as a result of the asset exchange exercise.

  7. Generate Secret-Hash Pair using following command (prints hash in base64):

    ./bin/fabric-cli hash --hash_fn=SHA256 secrettext
  8. The same asset exchange experiment in the above step, can be carried out by manually triggering below commands in serial order (with the help of fabric-cli asset exchange <operation> CLI commands) (change hash function by specifying --hash_fn=<SHA256|SHA512> in lock and claim commands):

    ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange lock --timeout-duration=3600 --locker=alice --recipient=bob --hashBase64=<hash-value-base64> --target-network=network1 --param=bond01:a03
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange is-locked --locker=alice --recipient=bob --target-network=network1 --param=bond01:a03
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange lock --fungible --timeout-duration=1800 --locker=bob --recipient=alice --hashBase64=<hash-value-base64> --target-network=network2 --param=token1:100
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange is-locked --fungible --locker=bob --recipient=alice --target-network=network2 --contract-id=<contract-id>
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange claim --fungible --recipient=alice --target-network=network2 --contract-id=<contract-id> --secret=<hash-pre-image>
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange claim --recipient=bob --locker=alice --target-network=network1 --param=bond01:a03 --secret=<hash-pre-image>
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange unlock --locker=alice --recipient=bob --target-network=network1 --param=bond01:a03
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset exchange unlock --fungible --locker=bob --target-network=network2 --contract-id=<contract-id>

The asset exchange scenario is demonstrated above using an application chaincode simpleasset and the interop chaincode, where the application chaincode makes invocations into the interop chaincode when it needs to lock, claim, or reclaim/unlock assets. However, the same asset exchange scenario can be demonstrated with the help of just the application chaincode simpleassetandinterop which also includes the scripts to lock, claim, or reclaim/unlock assets. This requires the steps 1-5 to be exercised with minor modifications as indicated below:

  • Spin up the networks by running the below command (equivalent of step 1 above)
    make start CHAINCODE_NAME=simpleassetandinterop
    make start-interop-local CHAINCODE_NAME=simpleassetandinterop
    depending on whether you are using pre-built Github packages or using local builds from this clone of the repository.
  • Replace simpleasset with simpleassetandinterop in the config.json file used to populate the .env file that is part of the script (equivalent of step 2 above)
  • Replace simpleasset with simpleassetandinterop in the script (equivalent of step 3 above)

You can repeat the above experiment with the simpleassettransfer chaincode as well, though this chaincode contains augmentations that serve to demonstrate asset transfers (see below).

Asset Transfer

Below are the steps to exercise asset transfers from network1 to network2 using the fabric-cli tool.

  1. Spin up both network1 and network2 with interoperation chaincode installed along with the simpleassettransfer application by navigating to the tests/network-setups/fabric/dev folder and running either
    make start-interop CHAINCODE_NAME=simpleassettransfer
    make start-interop-local CHAINCODE_NAME=simpleassettransfer
    depending on whether you are using pre-built Github packages or using local builds from this clone of the repository.
  2. Start relays and Fabric drivers for both network1 and network2.
  3. Go to the Fabric Client fabric-cli directory (samples/fabric/fabric-cli).
  4. Create a config.json (you can pick a different name, but make sure you set the right reference in the CONFIG_PATH property in .env) by copying config.template.json and set certain properties as shown below (you can leave the others unchanged):
       "network1": {
          "chaincode": "simpleassettransfer",
       "network2": {
          "chaincode": "simpleassettransfer",
          "aclPolicyPrincipalType": "ca"
  5. Set the DEFAULT_APPLICATION_CHAINCODE property in the .env to simpleassettransfer.
  6. Set environment variables and network configuration properties as follows:
    ./bin/fabric-cli env set-file ./.env
    ./bin/fabric-cli config set-file ./config.json
  7. Create default access control and verification policies and record them in the two networks' ledgers as follows:
    ./bin/fabric-cli configure create all --local-network=network1
    ./bin/fabric-cli configure create all --local-network=network2
    ./bin/fabric-cli configure network --local-network=network1
    ./bin/fabric-cli configure network --local-network=network2
  8. Initialize bond and token asset states and ownerships on the network1 ledger as follows:
    This step will also create a user alice in network1 and a user bob in network2.

The following sequence of operations will illustrate transfers and recoveries of a bond (non-fungible) asset.

  1. Verify that alice owns bonds with ids a03 and a04 as follows:
    ./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query --user=alice mychannel simpleassettransfer ReadAsset '["bond01","a03"]' --local-network=network1
    ./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query --user=alice mychannel simpleassettransfer ReadAsset '["bond01","a04"]' --local-network=network1
    You should see a JSON structure corresponding to the bond being logged on the console in each case.
  2. Get alice in network1 to pledge bond a03 to bob in network2 as follows (with a 1 hour timeout):
    ./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer pledge --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --recipient=bob --expiry-secs=3600 --type=bond --ref=a03 --data-file=src/data/assetsForTransfer.json
    You should see a message containing the unique ID of this pledge on the console as Asset pledged with ID <pledge-id> (<pledge-id> is a hexadecimal string).
  3. Get bob in network2 to claim this bond asset as follows:
./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer claim --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --user=bob --owner=alice --type=bond --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --param=bond01:a03
  1. Verify that alice in network1 does not own this asset as follows:
./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query --user=alice mychannel simpleassettransfer ReadAsset '["bond01","a03"]' --local-network=network1

You should see an error message like Error: the asset a03 does not exist. 12. Verify that bob in network2 now owns this asset as follows:

./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query --user=bob mychannel simpleassettransfer ReadAsset '["bond01","a03"]' --local-network=network2
  1. Now get alice in network1 to pledge bond a04 to bob in network2 as follows (with a 1 minute timeout):
./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer pledge --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --recipient=bob --expiry-secs=60 --type=bond --ref=a04 --data-file=src/data/assetsForTransfer.json

Wait for a minute as follows:

sleep 60

You should see a message containing the unique ID of this pledge on the console as Asset pledged with ID <pledge-id> (<pledge-id> is a hexadecimal string). 14. Now get bob in network2 to claim this bond asset as follows:

./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer claim --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --user=bob --owner=alice --type=bond --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --param=bond01:a04

This should fail as the pledge has already expired. 15. Now get alice in network1 to reclaim the asset as follows:

./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer reclaim --source-network=network1 --user=alice --type=bond --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --param=bond01:a04
  1. Verify that alice in network1 owns this asset as follows:
./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query --user=alice mychannel simpleassettransfer ReadAsset '["bond01","a04"]' --local-network=network1
  1. Verify that bob in network2 does not own this asset as follows:
./bin/fabric-cli chaincode query --user=bob mychannel simpleassettransfer ReadAsset '["bond01","a04"]' --local-network=network2

You should see an error message like Error: the asset a04 does not exist.

The following sequence of operations will illustrate transfers and recoveries of token (fungible) assets.

  1. Verify that alice in network1 owns 10000 tokens as follows:
./scripts/ network1 alice
  1. Verify that bob in network2 owns no tokens as follows:
./scripts/ network2 bob

You should see an error message like Error: owner does not have a wallet. 20. Get alice in network1 to pledge 50 tokens to bob in network2 as follows (with a 1 hour timeout):

./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer pledge --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --recipient=bob --expiry-secs=3600 --type=token --units=50 --owner=alice --data-file=src/data/tokensForTransfer.json

You should see a message containing the unique ID of this pledge on the console as Asset pledged with ID <pledge-id> (<pledge-id> is a hexadecimal string). 21. Get bob in network2 to claim these tokens as follows (replace <pledge-id> with the above hexadecimal value):

./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer claim --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --user=bob --owner=alice --type=token --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --param=token1:50
  1. Verify that alice in network1 owns 9950 tokens (after losing 50) as follows:
./scripts/ network1 alice
  1. Verify that bob in network2 now owns 50 tokens as follows:
./scripts/ network2 bob
  1. Now get alice in network1 to pledge 100 tokens to bob in network2 as follows (with a 1 minute timeout):
./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer pledge --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --recipient=bob --expiry-secs=60 --type=token --units=100 --owner=alice --data-file=src/data/tokensForTransfer.json

Wait for a minute as follows:

sleep 60

You should see a message containing the unique ID of this pledge on the console as Asset pledged with ID <pledge-id> (<pledge-id> is a hexadecimal string). 25. Now get bob in network2 to claim these tokens as follows (replace <pledge-id> with the above hexadecimal value):

./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer claim --source-network=network1 --dest-network=network2 --user=bob --owner=alice --type=token --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --param=token1:100

This should fail as the pledge has already expired. 26. Now get alice in network1 to reclaim these tokens as follows:

./bin/fabric-cli asset transfer reclaim --source-network=network1 --user=alice --type=token --pledge-id=<pledge-id> --param=token1:100
  1. Verify that alice in network1 still owns 9950 tokens (after losing 50) as follows:
./scripts/ network1 alice
  1. Verify that bob in network2 still owns only 50 tokens as follows:
./scripts/ network2 bob


  • To subscribe for one or more events, generate a JSON file like: Sample Event Sub JSON, which contains an array of event subscription specifications. The samples provided here assume that the driver of network1 is subscribing to an event of network2. Then run the following command (and note the request id which will be used to unsubscribe or get status):
    ./bin/fabric-cli event subscribe --network=network1 src/data/event_sub_sample.json
  • To unsuscribe for one or more events, use the same JSON file as in subscription like: Sample Event Sub JSON. Then run the following command:
    ./bin/fabric-cli event unsubscribe --network=network1 --request-ids=<colon-separated-list-of-request-ids> src/data/event_sub_sample.json
  • To get the status of an event subscription, run the following command:
    ./bin/fabric-cli event get-subscription-status --network=network1 --request-id=<request-id>
  • To start the HTTP server to listen to the published events by the destination/importing relay (fetched from the source/exporting network), run the following command:
    ./bin/fabric-cli event receive
    By default, it will start the below endpoint:
  • To fetch the statuses of all the events received, run the following command:
    ./bin/fabric-cli event get-all --network=network1 --request-id=<request-id>


Due to how Fabric works and the CA works once a wallet has been created with identities in the CA you cannot create new wallet without fist revoking the original credentials. This can have some issues if you have deleted a wallet and are trying to recreate one.





  • cacti-weaver-fabric-cli-2.0.0-2945-supply-chain-app-build-failed.241.tgz

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