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10 repositories
PublicA website mockup for Copetín, the defunct gourmet restaurant of Toronto celebrity Chef Claudio Aprile. The project expanded Copetín's previous site with updated imagery and typography, modern layout, expanded branding, logo, and color themes.neil-whitford
PublicA custom website build for Toronto musician Neil Whitford. The project included UI/graphic design, photo sourcing, development, UX copywriting and was built with PHP, Bootstrap 4, SWUP.js, rellax.js, and audio embeds from and soundcloud.warren-yen-portfolio
PublicA website build for Toronto UX/UI Designer Warren Yen. The project required the development of a user interface and design provided by the client. The stack includes the use of Parcel bundler, SASS, AOS for scroll animations, and the SWUP library for page transitions.vue-vite-jmc
PublicOfficial website for communications firm Jen Mason Consulting. A rebuild of the client's original site, the tech stack includes Vue 3, Vite, Bootstrap 5, and Cockpit CMS. This gives the client the ability to add and update content themselves with a headless CMS, while providing lightning performance and design control with a frontend framework..github
PublicA repo exploring the traditional todo app in Vuejs with various layouts and functionalities. App uses Vue 2, BootstrapVue and Bootstrap 5, uses color palettes from, and is deployed on Github Pages.vue-shopping-cart
PublicA shopping cart style application using Vue 2, Vuex, BootstrapVue, and animate.css. The project's functionality centers on users selecting from a variety of leadership learning paths, adding resources to their cart, and downloading items for further exploration. State is saved both locally and in a learning management system.viral-nation-demo
PublicA working interactive mockup for a social media influencer education app. The project's base functionality centers on providing up and coming social media influencers a resource for learning how and why content becomes trending, monitoring daily trends across social channels, and learning how to produce this content themselves.oakwood-guitar-school
PublicWebsite build for Oakwood Guitar School. The project required a layout optimized for marketing & sales conversions & an elegant UI design. Built with React, Gatsby, React-bootstrap, React-reveal, and required graphic design & UX copywriting.decentral
PublicPublic facing website for blockchain company Decentral Inc., the maker of cryptocurrency wallet apps Jaxx and Jaxx Liberty. The site was built from scratch using PHP and Bootstrap 4, and employs the SWUP library for AJAX page transitions and entrance/exit animations, which gives the site an app-like user experience.