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gdal_arm64-android 3.10.0-vcpkg71c882fecf4405d0913643c892a8b923b4d7a92a60fc12b458001d42adb76a31

Install from the command line:
Learn more about NuGet packages
$ dotnet add package gdal_arm64-android --version 3.10.0-vcpkg71c882fecf4405d0913643c892a8b923b4d7a92a60fc12b458001d42adb76a31

About this version

NOT FOR DIRECT USE. Automatically generated cache package.

The Geographic Data Abstraction Library for reading and writing geospatial raster and vector data

Version: 3.10.0#2 Triplet: arm64-android CXX Compiler id: Clang CXX Compiler version: 17.0.2 Triplet/Compiler hash: 1d980865a2880a5e52b7cdc4c337684cba7ad17ebf3748e89e01d449e19acfca-ebed263abc843cd2563832a1a4a04fe34a80d2e2c1232972bc9fca2dbe78e49a-88e3400079ca4bbf669b8354954e27f20c693d31 Features: archive, core, curl, default-features, expat, geos, gif, iconv, jpeg, lerc, libkml, libspatialite, libxml2, lzma, openjpeg, openssl, pcre2, png, poppler, postgresql, qhull, recommended-features, sqlite3, webp, zstd Dependencies: curl expat geos giflib json-c lerc libarchive libgeotiff libiconv libjpeg-turbo libkml liblzma libpng libpq libspatialite libwebp libxml2 openjpeg openssl pcre2 pkgconf poppler proj qhull sqlite3 tiff vcpkg-cmake vcpkg-cmake-config vcpkg-pkgconfig-get-modules zlib zstd