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43 repositories
- A example powershell script for interacting with the Trend Micro Apex One api which generates the required JWT tokens for auth
Public- A collection of Cloud One Conformity custom checks, bringing data & alerts from other Trend Micro Cloud One products.
- Azure function to parse Trend Micro Conformity Webhook notifications into an Azure Log Analytics custom log group
- This AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model) deployment configures the required resources to send Trend Micro's Cloud One Application Security events to AWS Security Hub.
Public- Cloudformation template which deploys a lambda function triggered on a daily schedule to check for new versions of the Conformity CloudFormation role and updates the stack if a new version is found.
Public- Serverless solution deployed via CloudFormation to take Trend Micro's Conformity's SNS communication channels and forward details into a Google Chat webhook.
- A python script for bulk suppression of rule findings based on the conformity checks API filters.
- A pyjq script to create rule profiles based on inbuilt compliance standards available within Cloud Conformity