dapp-kit-react 1.0.4-alpha-0
Install from the command line:
Learn more about npm packages
$ npm install @vechain/dapp-kit-react@1.0.4-alpha-0
Install via package.json:
"@vechain/dapp-kit-react": "1.0.4-alpha-0"
About this version
The Vechain DApp Kit serves as a sophisticated layer built upon @vechain/connex, providing a simplified and efficient avenue for engaging with a multitude of Vechain wallets. This innovative toolkit enhances the ease of interaction, offering developers a seamless bridge to connect with diverse Vechain wallet functionalities. For more information, please refer to the official Vechain Docs
yarn add @vechain/dapp-kit-react
- Optional: Configure wallet connect options
import type { WalletConnectOptions } from '@vechain/dapp-kit';
const walletConnectOptions: WalletConnectOptions = {
// Create your project here: https://cloud.walletconnect.com/sign-up
projectId: '<PROJECT_ID>',
metadata: {
name: 'My dApp',
description: 'My dApp description',
// Your app URL
url: window.location.origin,
// Your app Icon
icons: [`${window.location.origin}/images/my-dapp-icon.png`],
- Initialise the
import { DAppKitProvider } from '@vechain/dapp-kit-react';
// REQUIRED: The URL of the node you want to connect to
// OPTIONAL: Required if you're not connecting to the main net
// OPTIONAL: Whether or not to persist state in local storage (account, wallet source)
// OPTIONAL: Options to enable wallet connect
// OPTIONAL: A log level for console logs
<App />
- Use the hooks provided by the
import { useWallet, useConnex } from '@vechain/dapp-kit-react';
import type { WalletSource } from '@vechain/dapp-kit';
// type WalletSource = 'wallet-connect' | 'veworld' | 'sync2' | 'sync';
const mySource: WalletSource = 'veworld';
const { connect, setSource } = useWallet();
const { account } = await connect();
//Start using Connex thor/ vendor
const { vendor, thor } = useConnex();
- Use the
component to display a modal with the available wallets
import { WalletButton } from '@vechain/dapp-kit-react';
import { useWallet } from '@vechain/dapp-kit-react';
const MyComponent = (): JSX.Element => {
const { account } = useWallet();
useEffect(() => {
if (account) {
// account connected!!
}, [account]);
return (
<WalletButton />
- Use the
component to display a modal with the available wallets
import { useWallet, useWalletModal } from '@vechain/dapp-kit-react';
export const MyComponent = (): JSX.Element => {
const { account } = useWallet();
const { open, close } = useWalletModal();
useEffect(() => {
if (account) {
// account connected!!
}, [account]);
return (
<button onClick={open}>Connect Wallet</button>