A demo app using Firebase and Ionic to create a sharing roomies expense app.
You can view a demo here : WEB DEMO
I'm sharing this project because there is a lack of finished open source app using IONIC.
I will be updating this regularly, and more than appreciate anybody helping out and contributing to this project.
ATTENTION : This application is by no means finished and is an ongoing project. :)
- Login / Register via Firebase AUTH
- Basic Navigation
- Translate Integrated (English / French atm, but you can add many more.)
- Creating houses, Joining houses, Quitting Houses is now more or less functional
- Lot's more to come
To install and preview this app on your phone
- Create an blank starter APP using IONIC (Follow the awesome offical docs)
- Replace the content in the WWW folder with the content of this GIT.
- And then preview your app as usual.