Companion repo for my Kubernetes Demystified talk
To run the examples you'll need the below installed in your machine.
- kubeclt - Kubernetes CLI to interact with a cluster
- k3d - to run your local Kubernetes cluster in docker
Create the cluster with the below command,
k3d cluster create --config ./cluster/k8s-demystified.yaml
A k3d cluster named k8s-demystified
(as specified in the
./cluster/k8s-demystified.yaml file) will be created and automatically
configured in your local ~/.kube/config
file. You can verify your kubectl is
pointing to your local cluster with the below command.
$ kubectl config current-context
# you can run this at any time to point to your new cluster
$ kubectl config use-context k3d-k8s-demystified
# let's take a look at the Nodes in your cluster
$ kubectl get nodes
Finally, let's create a namespace where we can start creating resources,
# let's create a couple of namespaces
kubectl create namespace redis
kubectl create namespace k8s-demystified
# point to your namespace for all subsequent kubectl commands
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=k8s-demystified
This finishes the set up. You can continue with the tutorial
To delete your local cluster, including all created resources, run the below,
k3d cluster delete k8s-demystified