Just Another Ornaman Web Service (Backend)
Please feel free to submit issues if you find bugs, want to add features, or anything else related to Ornaman Web Service (Backend).
Ornaman by C23-PS369 Bangkit Academy 2023
- FastAPI Check Here
- Uvicorn (server) Check Here
- Pytest Check Here
- Sqlalchemy Check Here
- SQLite or PostgreSQL
git clone https://github.com/ornaman-dev/Bangkit-CloudComputing-Backend.git
cd .\Bangkit-CloudComputing-Backend\
python -m venv env #create a virtual environment
.\env\Scripts\activate #activate virtual environment
cd .\backend\
pip install -r .\requirements.txt
uvicorn main:app --reload #start server
- Keep updating until the capstone period is over
- Connect to GCP Cloud SQL Instances
- Deploy to Cloud
- Acquisition and integration with other Ornaman Rest API, such as Classification API and Recommendation API
- Create a comprehensive Documentation
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