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/ræpt/ (noun): a functional programming language

1. Introduction

This document outlines the design for the first version of rapt (v0.1.0). It is designed as a modern functional programming language, aiming combine the best features of other languages, such as Gleam, Erlang, Rust, and Zig. It will be a robust general-purpose language that is a highly-scalable, safe, and maintainable environment for developers. Rapt will be implemented in Zig, leveraging its high performance and low-level control.

Rapt embraces many language paradigms: functional programming with immutability at its core; elements of concurrent programming through built-in support for lightweight processes and messaging; elements of object-oriented programming in its module system and type design, although many traditional features like inheritance/polymorphism are not included; and declarative programming.

This document aims to outline the design of rapt and serve as a comprehensive guide for a future implementation. As of now, no code has been written, and this design is subject to extreme change based on challenges in implementation, feedback, and what aligns with the goals of this language.

2. Core Language Features

2.1 Functions

Functions are first-class citizens in rapt, meaning they can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments, and returned from other functions. They are defined with the fn keyword and use = to separate the signature from its body, similar to how most languages would define their variables.

Basic function syntax

fn add(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b

Functions with multiple expressions would use a block:

fn complex_calculation(a: Int, b: Int) = {
  let c = x * y
  let d = c + 10
  d * 2

Anonymous Functions

Anonymous functions (lambdas) use a similar syntax, just without the fn keyword:

let multiply = (a: Int, b: Int) = a *b

Higher-order Functions

Functions can take other functions as arguments:

fn apply_twice(fun: (Int) -> Int, a: Int) = fun(fun(a))

They can also return a function:

fn create_multiplier(factor: Int) = (a: Int) = a * factor

2.2 Variables and Constants

Rapt uses let for rebindable variables and const for constants set at the top level. All variables are immutable by default, promoting safer and more predictable code by preventing unintended modifications.

let a = 5 // Not allowed; compile-time error due to `let` at the top level

const b = 5 // Allowed; b = 5
const b = b + 5 // Not allowed; compile-time error due to rebinding constant
fn foo() = {
  let a = 5 // Allowed; a = 5
  let a = a + 5 // Allowed; a = 10

  const b = 5 // Not allowed; compile-time error due to `const` not at the top level

2.3 Types

Rapt has a strong static type system with inference. Types are defined using the type keyword.

Basic Types

type Name = String
type Age = Int

Type Aliases

type IntPair = (Int, Int)
type StringList = List(String)

Generic Types

type Pair(a, b) = {
  first: a,
  second: b,

Struct Types

type User = {
  name: String,
  age: Int,

Enum Types

type Option(a) = Some(a) | None

type Result(value, error) = Ok(value) | Error(error)

type Shape =
  | Circle(radius: Int)
  | Rectangle(width: Int, height: Int)
  | Triangle(base: Int, height: Int)

2.4 Pattern Matching

Pattern matching is the most important, and one of the only, ways to manage control flow in rapt. It can also be used for destructuring.

Basic Pattern Matching

import std/int

fn describe_point(point: (Int, Int)) = {
  case point {
    (0, 0) = "Origin"
    (0, y) = "On y-axis at " <> int.to_string(y)
    (x, 0) = "On x-axis at " <> int.to_string(x)
    (x, y) =
      "Point at (" <> int.to_string(x) <> ", " <> int.to_string(y) <> ")"

Pattern Matching with Enums

import std/int

fn process_result(result: Result(Int, String)) = {
  case result {
    Ok(value) = "Success: " <> int.to_string(value)
    Error(msg) = "Error: " <> msg

Pattern Matching Assertions

Rapt allows for pattern matching assertions by using the assert keyword:

fn get_username(user: Option(User)) = {
  let assert Some(user) = user

fn process_success(input: String) = {
  let assert "Success: " <> msg = input

Pattern matching assertions allow you to combine pattern matching with variable binding, throwing an error if the pattern doesn't match. This can lead to more concise and expressive code.

Exhaustiveness Checking

The rapt compiler will perform exhaustiveness checking on pattern matches, ensuring that all possible cases are handled:

type TrafficLight = Red | Yellow | Green

fn describe_light(light: TrafficLight) = {
  case light {
    Red = "Stop"
    Yellow = "Caution"
    // Not allowed; compile-time error due to green not checked

2.5 Modules and Imports

Code in rapt is organized into modules. The module name is derived from the file name, or, if the file is titled mod, it is taken from the directory name.

Defining a Module

// In `src/std/math/mod.rapt`
pub fn add(a: Int, b: Int) = a + b
pub fn multiply(a: Int, b: Int) = a * b

fn private_helper() = {
    // not visible outside the module

Importing and Using Modules

import std/math

fn calc(x: Int, y: Int) = math.add(x, math.multiply(y, 2))

You can also import specific functions:

import std/math.{add, multiply}

fn calculate(x: Int, y: Int) = add(x, multiply(y, 2))

2.6 Concurrency

Rapt supports Erlang-style concurrency, meaning lightweight processes and message passing.

Spawning Processes

import core/process

type Message =
    | Incr
    | Get(pid: process.Pid)

fn spawn_counter() = {
    process.spawn(() = counter(0))

fn counter(count: Int) = {
    case process.receive() {
        Incr = counter(count + 1)
        Get(pid) = {
            process.send(pid, count)

Sending and Receiving Messages

let pid = spawn_counter()
process.send(pid, Incr)
process.send(pid, Get(process.self))
let count = process.receive() // 1

2.7 Error Handling

Rapt uses the Result type for error handling, encouraging explicit error management.

import std/int

// returns Result(Int, String)
fn divide(a: Int, b: Int) = {
    case b {
        0 = Error("Division by zero")
        _ = Ok(a / b)

fn use_division = {
    case divide(10, 2) {
        Ok(result) = "Success: " <> int.to_string(result)
        Error(msg) = "Error: " <> msg

3. Syntax Specification

  • Identifiers: [a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]* for variables and functions, [A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]* for types and modules.
  • Keywords: const, let, type, fn, case, import, pub
  • Operators: +, -, *, /, =, ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, <> (string concatenation), |> (piping)

Continuing on that, rapt supports arbitrary-depth exponentiation operations. The snytax is as follows:

  • **: Standard exponentiation (power)
  • ***: Tetration
  • ****: Pentation
  • etc (no upper limit)


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