Schoolfront is an open source frontend built as a Gatsby starter, which you may use to create blazingly fast next generation school webpage. This starter ships with the common features available on school websites, easy to configure with Gatsby configuration files. Learn more about the Gatsby static site generator to find out why schoolfront is the next generation of school websites.
See the public demo of Schoolfront!
- Main page
- News from Wordpress
- Contact page
- About page
- Open hours information
- Offered curriculum page
- Teachers list
- WCAG AA support
Create a Gatsby site.
Use the Gatsby CLI to create a new site, specifying the schoolfront starter.
# create a new Gatsby site using the schoolfront starter gatsby new my-school-starter
Start developing.
Navigate into your new site’s directory and start it up.
cd my-school-starter/ gatsby develop
Open the source code and start editing!
Your site is now running at
!Note: You'll also see a second link:
. This is a tool you can use to experiment with querying your data. Learn more about using this tool in the Gatsby tutorial.Open the
directory in your code editor of choice and editsrc/pages/index.tsx
. Save your changes and the browser will update in real time!