The aim is to create a disposable Hadoop/HBase/Spark stack where you can test your jobs locally or to submit them to the Yarn resource manager. I am using Docker-Machine to build the environment and Docker-Compose to provision it with the required components. Along with the infrastructure, I am check that it works with a sample Scala project that just probes everything is working as expected. Do not expect nothing fancy in that sample project though.
I got some existing GitHub projects and made some changes to make them work nicely for this environment:
- HADOOP content is based on:
- HBASE content is based on a fork I made from:
There are the prerequisites that needs to satisfy in order to run it hopefully without issues:
- Mac OS X
- Docker Engine: 1.11.1
- Docker-Machine: 0.7.0
- Docker-Compose: 1.7.0
$ docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory "4096" dmhadoop
Then, connect your current shell session to this new virtual machine:
$ eval $(docker-machine env dmhadoop)
So you are one step away yet to configure your host to be able to work with the local environment. Your /etc/hosts
and the one inside the VM you just created must be updated to be able to resolve some hostnames properly. For such a thing, I created a shell script that takes care of it:
$ ./
This script will add a new entry (or update in case it already exists) in your /etc/hosts
with the following names: hdfs-master
, hbase-master
, yarn-master
and the name of the VM you created above, all of them resolving to the IP address of the VM created previously. This step will ask you for the root password. It also updates the VM's /etc/hosts
with hbase-master
and the VM name resolving to the VM IP. Note that normally the VM name is pointing to
inside the VM's /etc/hosts
which makes HBASE to not work properly.
From within your programs you can use the VM's name (e.g. dmhadoop) you use above to refer to the different services, e.g.:
val conf = new Configuration()
conf.set("fs.defaultFS", "hdfs://dmhadoop:8020")
val fs = FileSystem.get(conf)
$ docker-compose up -d
You can have a look at the logs this way:
$ docker-compose logs -ft
Press Ctrl+C
to stop the tail session.
If everything goes fine, you should access to this URL:
- HDFS WebApp —> http://dmhadoop:50070/
- YARN WebApp —> http://dmhadoop:8088/cluster/apps
- HBASE WebApp —> http://dmhadoop:16010/master-status
HBASE ZooKeeper is running in port 2181
Other important port is the NameNode, which is running on port 8020
. You can change this port though.
Important Note: The containers are running with the host
network mode, which means that containers are using host network interface. There is no isolation between host and containers from a network standpoint.
Right now you have a small cluster running on your machine (inside a virtualbox VM) an accessible from your host. Let's test it works.
As part of this git repo, you have a test project in ./scala-test
folder. It is a sbt
Scala project and it contains three small applications:
- HBaseTest: just creates a table in HBASE, writes a row and deletes it.
- SparkTest: just execute a Spark job locally
- SparkInYarnTest: This app is intended to be executed in YARN. More on this later.
First of all, let's build this project. As we are willing to also run one of these apps in Yarn, we should also create a "uber" jar. So we can achieve both targets (build and create the uber jar) by doing:
$ cd ./scala-test
$ sbt assembly
In order to run it locally and being able to use HBASE, you can do this:
$ sbt "run-main HBaseTest"
You can also test you can use Spark:
$ sbt "run-main SparkTest"
In order to give a more dockerish way to work with this, I have created a docker that can submit jobs to Yarn. Internally, that jobs can talk to HBASE/HDFS at its will. That docker container is called launcher
and you can put the uberjars containing the jobs to be launched in the folder ./launcher/uberjars
As we had created a uberjar from our scala-test project, let's copy it:
$ cp ./scala-test/target/scala-2.10/HadoopYarnHbaseTester-assembly-1.0.jar ./launcher/uberjars/
Now, we can submit that job to the Yarn cluster. We can do it by using Docker-Compose, this way:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.launcher.yml run launcher "run /uberjars/HadoopYarnHbaseTester-assembly-1.0.jar SparkInYarnTest"
This should work without issues. Let's decompose it a bit:
The launcher container is a container that offers a sbt
entrypoint. By default it is pointing to the Scala project inside the ./launcher/yarn-launcher
folder. That application offers this simple argument list:
Usage: YarnLauncher <uberJarPath> <mainClass> [args]
And will submit a new job by using a given main class name withing the given uberJarPath.
So by doing ... run launcher "run /uberjars/HadoopYarnHbaseTester-assembly-1.0.jar SparkInYarnTest"
we are basically issuing this command inside the container:
sbt run /uberjars/HadoopYarnHbaseTester-assembly-1.0.jar SparkInYarnTest
(which defaults to use the only main application it finds, namely YarnLauncher
). We are running the application SparkInYarnTest
that we left aside previously.
You can execute this:
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.launcher.yml run launcher
And an interactive sbt session will start. Executing run
will point you to the usage help message:
> run
[info] Running YarnLauncher
Missing parameters
Usage: sbt run <uberJarPath> <mainClass> [args]
Exception: sbt.TrapExitSecurityException thrown from the UncaughtExceptionHandler in thread "run-main-0"
Regarding the first part of the command (docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.launcher.yml run launcher ...
), our hadoop/hbase stack belongs to the (default) docker-compose.yml but we can "build" on top of this by means of additional yml
files. So for things like commands to be executed on the "cluster", we can decouple the services from the utility containers this way.
To sum up, we are running a command from a container (defined in docker-compose.launcher.yml
) inside the "cluster" (defined by docker-compose.yml
This pattern can be used to compose different kinds of tasks to the environment, like initialize certain HBASE schemes, or setting up some datasets; and putting them in separated docker-compose files, e.g.:
- docker-compose.init_schema.yml
- docker-compose.load_mockdata.yml
You can customize them at your will.
You can stop the services by running:
$ docker-compose stop
This actions will not remove any data. So you can start it whenever you want to by doing:
$ docker-compose start
You can remove your services by running:
$ docker-compose rm
This will remove only containers that are stopped. It will remove the data. So pay attention.
You can remove the local /etc/hosts
by executing this:
$ ./
Finally, if you want to remove the VM, issue this command:
$ docker-machine rm dmhadoop