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Merge pull request #3910 from oscar-system/backports-release-1.1
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benlorenz authored Jul 3, 2024
2 parents d0b75de + f0b6eb7 commit 27ec7aa
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Showing 7 changed files with 127 additions and 53 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "Oscar"
uuid = "f1435218-dba5-11e9-1e4d-f1a5fab5fc13"
authors = ["The OSCAR Team <>"]
version = "1.1.0"
version = "1.1.1"

AbstractAlgebra = "c3fe647b-3220-5bb0-a1ea-a7954cac585d"
Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ julia> using Oscar
/ _ \ / ___| / ___| / \ | _ \ | Combining ANTIC, GAP, Polymake, Singular
| | | |\___ \| | / _ \ | |_) | | Type "?Oscar" for more information
| |_| | ___) | |___ / ___ \| _ < | Manual:
\___/ |____/ \____/_/ \_\_| \_\ | Version 1.1.0
\___/ |____/ \____/_/ \_\_| \_\ | Version 1.1.1
julia> k, a = quadratic_field(-5)
(Imaginary quadratic field defined by x^2 + 5, sqrt(-5))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ pm::Array<topaz::HomologyGroup<pm::Integer> >
If you have used OSCAR in the preparation of a paper please cite it as described below:

OSCAR -- Open Source Computer Algebra Research system, Version 1.1.0,
OSCAR -- Open Source Computer Algebra Research system, Version 1.1.1,
The OSCAR Team, 2024. (
Wolfram Decker, Christian Eder, Claus Fieker, Max Horn, Michael Joswig, eds.
Expand All @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ If you are using BibTeX, you can use the following BibTeX entries:
key = {OSCAR},
organization = {The OSCAR Team},
title = {OSCAR -- Open Source Computer Algebra Research system,
Version 1.1.0},
Version 1.1.1},
year = {2024},
url = {},
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion etc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ echo "Setting version to $relvers, released $reldate_iso"

# update version in several files
perl -pi -e 's;version = "[^"]+";version = "'$relvers'";' Project.toml
perl -pi -e "s;Version [^ },]+;Version $relvers;"
perl -pi -e "s;Version [^\s},]+;Version $relvers;"
perl -pi -e 's;Date := "[^"]+",;Date := "'$reldate'",;' gap/OscarInterface/PackageInfo.g
perl -pi -e 's;Version := "[^"]+",;Version := "'$relvers'",;' gap/OscarInterface/PackageInfo.g

Expand Down
35 changes: 32 additions & 3 deletions experimental/Schemes/src/IdealSheaves.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -869,7 +869,8 @@ function maximal_associated_points(
X = scheme(I)
comps = AbsIdealSheaf[]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -899,8 +900,27 @@ function maximal_associated_points(

if mode==:save_gluings && length(comps)==1
R = radical(I)
set_attribute!(R, :is_prime=>true)
P = comps[1]
U = original_chart(P)
object_cache(R)[U] = P(U)
comps = AbsIdealSheaf[R]
# Manually fill up the cache
if !use_decomposition_info # We can only do this if all we treated all components on all charts.
if use_decomposition_info
# we can at least remember some partial information
for U in patches(covering)
if isone(I(U))
I_one = ideal(OO(U), one(OO(U)))
for P in comps
object_cache(P)[U] = I_one
# We can only do this if all we treated all components on all charts.
for U in patches(covering)
I_one = ideal(OO(U), one(OO(U)))
for P in comps
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1390,6 +1410,7 @@ function saturation(I::AbsIdealSheaf, J::AbsIdealSheaf)

function pushforward(f::AbsCoveredSchemeMorphism, II::AbsIdealSheaf)
@req domain(f)===space(II) "ideal sheaf not defined on domain of morphism"
f_cov = covering_morphism(f)
dom_cov = domain(f_cov)
cod_cov = codomain(f_cov)
Expand All @@ -1401,6 +1422,7 @@ function pushforward(f::AbsCoveredSchemeMorphism, II::AbsIdealSheaf)
return IdealSheaf(codomain(f), ideal_dict, check=true) #TODO: Set to false

function Base.:^(II::AbsIdealSheaf, k::IntegerUnion)
k < 0 && error("negative powers of ideal sheaves are not allowed")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1933,7 +1955,7 @@ function is_subset(I::PrimeIdealSheafFromChart, rad::RadicalOfIdealSheaf)
U = original_chart(I)
return all(g->radical_membership(g, rad(U)), gens(I(U)))

function radical(I::AbsIdealSheaf)
result = RadicalOfIdealSheaf(I)
return result
Expand All @@ -1944,6 +1966,13 @@ is_radical(rad::RadicalOfIdealSheaf) = true
# custom functionality for prime ideal sheaves from chart
function is_subset(I::AbsIdealSheaf, P::PrimeIdealSheafFromChart)
X = scheme(I)
@assert X === scheme(P)
U = original_chart(P)
return is_subset(I(U), P(U))

function is_subset(P::PrimeIdealSheafFromChart, I::AbsIdealSheaf)
X = scheme(P)
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88 changes: 69 additions & 19 deletions experimental/Schemes/src/elliptic_surface.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -948,15 +948,46 @@ end
Return the fiber components of the fiber over the point $P \in C$.
function fiber_components(S::EllipticSurface, P)
function fiber_components(S::EllipticSurface, P; algorithm=:exceptional_divisors)
@vprint :EllipticSurface 2 "computing fiber components over $(P)\n"
F = fiber_cartier(S, P)
@vprint :EllipticSurface 2 "decomposing fiber "
comp = maximal_associated_points(ideal_sheaf(F))
@vprint :EllipticSurface 2 "done decomposing fiber\n"
return [weil_divisor(c, check=false) for c in comp]
P = base_ring(S).(P)
W = codomain(S.inc_Weierstrass)
Fcart = fiber_cartier(S, P)
if isone(P[2])
U = default_covering(W)[1]
(x,y,t) = coordinates(U)
F = PrimeIdealSheafFromChart(W, U, ideal(t - P[1]))
elseif isone(P[1])
U = default_covering(W)[4]
(x,y,s) = coordinates(U)
F = PrimeIdealSheafFromChart(W, U, ideal(s - P[2]))
FF = ideal_sheaf(Fcart)
EE = exceptional_divisors(S)
EP = filter(E->issubset(FF, E), EE)
for bl in S.ambient_blowups
F = strict_transform(bl, F)
F = pullback(S.inc_Y, F)
F = weil_divisor(F, ZZ)
fiber_components = [weil_divisor(E, ZZ) for E in EP]
push!(fiber_components, F)
return fiber_components

@attr function exceptional_divisors(S::EllipticSurface)
PP = AbsIdealSheaf[]
@vprintln :EllipticSurface 2 "computing exceptional divisors"
for E in S.ambient_exceptionals
@vprintln :EllipticSurface 4 "decomposing divisor "
mp = maximal_associated_points(ideal_sheaf(pullback(S.inc_Y,E));
append!(PP, mp)
@vprintln :EllipticSurface 3 "done"
return PP

function fiber(X::EllipticSurface)
b, pt, F = irreducible_fiber(X)
if b
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1589,12 +1620,12 @@ degree at most ``4`` to Weierstrass form, apply Tate's algorithm and
return the corresponding relatively minimal elliptic surface
as well as the coordinate transformation.
function elliptic_surface(g::MPolyRingElem, P::Vector{<:RingElem})
function elliptic_surface(g::MPolyRingElem, P::Vector{<:RingElem}; minimize=true)
R = parent(g)
(x, y) = gens(R)
P = base_ring(R).(P)
g2, phi2 = transform_to_weierstrass(g, x, y, P);
Y2, phi1 = _elliptic_surface_with_trafo(g2)
Y2, phi1 = _elliptic_surface_with_trafo(g2; minimize)
return Y2, phi2 * phi1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1628,6 +1659,7 @@ function transform_to_weierstrass(g::MPolyRingElem, x::MPolyRingElem, y::MPolyRi
return switch(g_trans), new_trans

g = inv(coeff(g,[0,2]))*g # normalise g
kk = coefficient_ring(R)
kkx, X = polynomial_ring(kk, :x, cached=false)
kkxy, Y = polynomial_ring(kkx, :y, cached=false)
Expand All @@ -1640,11 +1672,19 @@ function transform_to_weierstrass(g::MPolyRingElem, x::MPolyRingElem, y::MPolyRi
@assert all(h->degree(h)<=4, coefficients(G)) "input polynomial must be of degree <= 4 in x"
@assert iszero(coefficients(G)[1]) "coefficient of linear term in y must be zero"
@assert isone(coefficients(G)[2]) "leading coefficient in y must be one"

if length(P) == 3 && isone(P[3])
P = P[1:2]

length(P) == 2 || error("need precisely two point coordinates")
(px, py) = P
if length(P) == 2
@assert iszero(evaluate(g, P)) "point does not lie on the hypersurface"
(px, py) = P
px = P[1]
# assert g.subs({x:px,y:py})==0
@assert iszero(evaluate(g, P)) "point does not lie on the hypersurface"
gx = -evaluate(g, [X + px, zero(X)])
coeff_gx = collect(coefficients(gx))
A = coeff(gx, 4)
Expand All @@ -1653,7 +1693,16 @@ function transform_to_weierstrass(g::MPolyRingElem, x::MPolyRingElem, y::MPolyRi
D = coeff(gx, 1)
E = coeff(gx, 0)
#E, D, C, B, A = coeff_gx
if !iszero(E)
if length(P)==3
@req all(h->degree(h)<=3, coefficients(G)) "infinity (0:1:0) is not a point of this hypersurface"
# y^2 = B*x^3+C*x^2+C*x+D
x1 = F(inv(B)*x)
y1 = F(inv(B)*y)
trans = MapFromFunc(F, F, f->evaluate(numerator(f), [x1, y1])//evaluate(denominator(f), [x1, y1]))
f_trans = B^2*trans(F(g))
result = numerator(B^2*f_trans)
return result, trans
elseif !iszero(E)
b = py
a4, a3, a2, a1, a0 = A,B,C,D,E
A = b
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2286,7 +2335,7 @@ end
# The transformation is a morphism from the fraction field of the
# parent of g to the fraction field of the `ambient_coordinate_ring`
# of the `weierstrass_chart` of the resulting surface.
function _elliptic_surface_with_trafo(g::MPolyRingElem{<:AbstractAlgebra.Generic.FracFieldElem})
function _elliptic_surface_with_trafo(g::MPolyRingElem{<:AbstractAlgebra.Generic.FracFieldElem}; minimize::Bool=true)
x, y = gens(parent(g))
E = elliptic_curve(g, x, y)
kkt = base_field(E)
Expand All @@ -2296,11 +2345,12 @@ function _elliptic_surface_with_trafo(g::MPolyRingElem{<:AbstractAlgebra.Generic

# The following three commands won't work unless we convert to a rational_function_field
EE = base_change(x->evaluate(x, t), E)

EE = tates_algorithm_global(EE)
EE, _ = short_weierstrass_model(EE)
EE, _ = integral_model(EE)

if minimize
EE = tates_algorithm_global(EE)
EE, _ = short_weierstrass_model(EE)
EE, _ = integral_model(EE)

# ...and back.
E2 = base_change(x->evaluate(x, gen(kkt)), EE)

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions gap/OscarInterface/PackageInfo.g
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ SetPackageInfo( rec(

PackageName := "OscarInterface",
Subtitle := "GAP interface to OSCAR",
Version := "1.1.0",
Date := "20/06/2024", # dd/mm/yyyy format
Version := "1.1.1",
Date := "03/07/2024", # dd/mm/yyyy format
License := "GPL-2.0-or-later",

Persons := [
Expand Down
43 changes: 19 additions & 24 deletions test/AlgebraicGeometry/Schemes/elliptic_surface.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,4 @@
# The tests for elliptic surfaces have lead to random failure of the CI-tests,
# see issue no. 3676.
# They are now disabled, also because in general they tend to take quite long.
# We keep them, however, to allow for running them locally.

@testset "elliptic surfaces" begin
@testset "trivial lattice" begin
k = GF(29)
Expand All @@ -27,9 +22,18 @@
X = elliptic_surface(E, 2)
triv = trivial_lattice(X)
@test det(triv[2])==-3

@testset "trivial lattice QQ" begin
Qt, t = polynomial_ring(QQ, :t)
Qtf = fraction_field(Qt)
E = elliptic_curve(Qtf, [0,0,0,0,t^5*(t-1)^2])
X3 = elliptic_surface(E, 2)

# This test takes about 1 minute
# This test takes about 30 seconds
@testset "mordel weil lattices" begin
k = GF(29,2)
# The generic fiber of the elliptic fibration
Expand All @@ -51,17 +55,9 @@
X1 = elliptic_surface(short_weierstrass_model(E)[1],2)
# this test is quite expensive
# probably because it is over QQ
# ... and because there are loads of complicated singular fibers
Qt, t = polynomial_ring(QQ, :t)
Qtf = fraction_field(Qt)
E = elliptic_curve(Qtf, [0,0,0,0,t^5*(t-1)^2])
X3 = elliptic_surface(E, 2)

@testset "elliptic parameter" begin
k = GF(29)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -126,8 +122,7 @@ end

# These tests are disabled, because they take too long, about 5 minutes. But one can run them if in doubt.
# most of the time is spent in decomposing the fibers
# These tests are disabled, because they are dependent on factorisation order...
@testset "two neighbor steps" begin
K = GF(7)
Kt, t = polynomial_ring(K, :t)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,9 +183,9 @@ end
# The following should not take more than at most two minutes.
# But it broke the tests at some point leading to timeout,
# so we put it here to indicate regression.
for (i, g) in enumerate(values(gluings(default_covering(X))))
gluing_domains(g) # Trigger the computation once
#for (i, g) in enumerate(values(gluings(default_covering(X))))
# gluing_domains(g) # Trigger the computation once
D_P = section(X, P)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -272,4 +267,4 @@ end
P = Oscar.extract_mordell_weil_basis(torsion_translation)
@test length(P) == 2

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