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Tests: automatically run all test files (#2810)
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benlorenz authored Oct 20, 2023
1 parent 80a876d commit a770b86
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Showing 44 changed files with 1,357 additions and 1,522 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .codecov.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Keep this in sync with the number of CI jobs uploading coverage.
after_n_builds: 3
after_n_builds: 4
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/CI.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ jobs:
- '1.9'
- '~1.10.0-0'
- 'nightly'
group: [ 'short', 'long' ]
- ubuntu-latest
Expand All @@ -50,6 +51,9 @@ jobs:
if: runner.os == 'macOS'
# restrict number of openMP threads on macOS due to oversubscription
run: echo "OMP_NUM_THREADS=1" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: "set test subgroup"
if: ${{ }} != ''
run: echo "OSCAR_TEST_SUBSET=${{}}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: "Run tests"
uses: julia-actions/julia-runtest@latest
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5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions docs/src/DeveloperDocumentation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -106,6 +106,11 @@ Oscar.test_module

If a test folder contains a file called `setup_tests.jl` it is included
automatically before each file (directly) in this directory. This can be used
to define helper functions that are used in multiple test files, for example
`test_save_load_roundtrip` for serialization.

### Adding documentation
For more information on docstrings, please read our page on [Documenting OSCAR
code](@ref). There are two places where documentation can be added:
Expand Down
18 changes: 11 additions & 7 deletions docs/src/Experimental/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,14 +34,18 @@ experimental/PACKAGE_NAME/
├── src
│   └── PACKAGE_NAME.jl
└── test
└── runtests.jl
└── *.jl
The files `src/PACKAGE_NAME.jl` and `test/runtests.jl` are mandatory as they
are used by Oscar.jl to find your code and tests. The file `docs/doc.main` is
used for integrating your documentation in the Oscar manual under the
`Experimental` section. Optionally please provide a `` describing your
project and its goals, especially if you are starting from scratch and don't
have any documentation yet.
The file `src/PACKAGE_NAME.jl` and at least one `.jl` file in the `test/`
directory are mandatory and are used by Oscar.jl to find your code and tests.
If there is a `test/runtests.jl` then only this file is executed during
testing, otherwise all `.jl` files will be run automatically (in a random

The file `docs/doc.main` is used for integrating your documentation in the
Oscar manual under the `Experimental` section. Optionally please provide a
`` describing your project and its goals, especially if you are
starting from scratch and don't have any documentation yet.

!!! note
There are still older projects in `experimental` from before the
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions experimental/Experimental.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,8 +28,9 @@ for pkg in exppkgs
if !isfile(joinpath(expdir, pkg, "src", "$pkg.jl"))
error("experimental/$pkg is incomplete: $pkg/src/$pkg.jl missing. See the documentation at for details.")
if !isfile(joinpath(expdir, pkg, "test", "runtests.jl"))
error("experimental/$pkg is incomplete: $pkg/test/runtests.jl missing. See the documentation at for details.")
path = joinpath(expdir, pkg, "test")
if !isdir(path) || length(filter(endswith(".jl"), readdir(path))) == 0
error("experimental/$pkg is incomplete: $pkg/test/ missing or empty. See the documentation at for details.")

Expand Down
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions experimental/FTheoryTools/test/runtests.jl

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions experimental/FTheoryTools/test/setup_tests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
set_verbosity_level(:FTheoryConstructorInformation, -1)
include(joinpath(Oscar.oscardir, "test", "Serialization", "setup_tests.jl"))
4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions experimental/FTheoryTools/test/tate.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,10 +30,6 @@ t = global_tate_model(base; completeness_check = false)
@test is_smooth(ambient_space(t)) == false
@test toric_variety(calabi_yau_hypersurface(t)) == ambient_space(t)

isdefined(Main, :test_save_load_roundtrip) || include(
joinpath(Oscar.oscardir, "test", "Serialization", "test_save_load_roundtrip.jl")

mktempdir() do path
test_save_load_roundtrip(path, t) do loaded
@test tate_polynomial(t) == tate_polynomial(loaded)
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions experimental/JuLie/test/runtests.jl

This file was deleted.

5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions experimental/LinearQuotients/test/runtests.jl

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions experimental/ModStd/test/runtests.jl

This file was deleted.

7 changes: 0 additions & 7 deletions experimental/OrthogonalDiscriminants/test/runtests.jl

This file was deleted.

4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions experimental/QuadFormAndIsom/test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -98,10 +98,6 @@ end
@test is_elementary_with_prime(integer_lattice_with_isometry(root_lattice(:E, 7)))[1]
@test is_unimodular(integer_lattice_with_isometry(hyperbolic_plane_lattice()))

isdefined(Main, :test_save_load_roundtrip) || include(
joinpath(Oscar.oscardir, "test", "Serialization", "test_save_load_roundtrip.jl")

mktempdir() do path
test_save_load_roundtrip(path, Lf) do loaded
@test Lf == loaded
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions experimental/QuadFormAndIsom/test/setup_tests.jl
9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions experimental/runtests.jl

This file was deleted.

180 changes: 166 additions & 14 deletions src/utils/tests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,46 +1,198 @@
function _timed_include(str::String, mod::Module=Main; use_ctime::Bool=VERSION >= v"1.9.0")
if use_ctime
compile_elapsedtimes = Base.cumulative_compile_time_ns()
stats = @timed Base.include(identity, mod, str)
fullpath = abspath(joinpath(Base.source_dir(), str))
# skip files which just include other files and ignore
# files outside of the oscar folder
if startswith(fullpath, Oscar.oscardir)
path = relpath(fullpath, Oscar.oscardir)
if use_ctime
compile_elapsedtimes = Base.cumulative_compile_time_ns() .- compile_elapsedtimes
compile_elapsedtimes = compile_elapsedtimes ./ 10^9
if use_ctime
comptime = first(compile_elapsedtimes)
rcomptime = last(compile_elapsedtimes)
println("-> Testing $path took: runtime $(round(stats.time-comptime; digits=3)) seconds + compilation $(round(comptime-rcomptime; digits=3)) seconds + recompilation $(round(rcomptime; digits=3)) seconds, $(Base.format_bytes(stats.bytes))")
return (path=>(time=stats.time-comptime, ctime=comptime-rcomptime, rctime=rcomptime, alloc=stats.bytes/2^20))
println("-> Testing $path took: $(round(stats.time; digits=3)) seconds, $(Base.format_bytes(stats.bytes))")
return (path=>(time=stats.time, alloc=stats.bytes/2^20))
return ()

function _gather_tests(path::AbstractString; ignore=[])
# default ignore patterns
ignorepatterns = Regex[
# these two files seem obsolete
# FIXME: temporarily disable AlgClosureFp tests until we resolve
# issue
# this can only run on the main process and not on distributed workers
# so it is included directly in runtests
for i in ignore
if i isa Regex
push!(ignorepatterns, i)
elseif i isa AbstractString
if endswith(i, ".jl")
push!(ignorepatterns, Regex("$i\$"))
push!(ignorepatterns, Regex("$i(\\.jl)?\$"))
throw(ArgumentError("invalid ignore pattern $i"))

if any(p->contains(path, p), ignorepatterns)
@info "ignore: $(relpath(path, Oscar.oscardir))"
return String[]

if !isabspath(path)
path = joinpath(Oscar.oscardir, path)

isfile(path) && return [path]
isfile("$path.jl") && return ["$path.jl"]

# if there is a runtests.jl we ignore everything else in that folder
# except for the main Oscar test dir
isfile(joinpath(path, "runtests.jl")) &&
path != joinpath(Oscar.oscardir, "test") &&
return [joinpath(path, "runtests.jl")]

tests = String[]
for entry in readdir(path; join=true)
if any(s->contains(relpath(entry, Oscar.oscardir), s), ignorepatterns)
@info "ignore: $(relpath(entry, Oscar.oscardir))"
endswith(entry, "setup_tests.jl") && continue
# this is only for the main test/runtests.jl
endswith(entry, "runtests.jl") && continue
if isdir(entry)
append!(tests, _gather_tests(entry; ignore=ignore))
elseif isfile(entry) && endswith(entry, ".jl")
push!(tests, entry)
return tests

@doc raw"""
test_module(file::AbstractString; new::Bool = true)
test_module(path::AbstractString; new::Bool = true, timed::Bool=false, ignore=[])
Run the Oscar tests in the file `test/<file>.jl` where `file` may be a path.
Run the Oscar tests in `path`:
- if `path` is relative then it will be set to `<oscardir>/test/<path>`
- if `path` is a directory, run all test files in that directory and below
- if `path` or `path.jl` is a file, run this file
If a directory contains a `runtests.jl` file only this file will be executed, otherwise
all files will be included independently.
The optional parameter `new` takes the values `false` and `true` (default). If
`true`, then the tests are run in a new session, otherwise the currently active
session is used.
With the optional parameter `timed` the function will return a dict mapping file
names to a named tuple with compilation times and allocations.
This only works for `new=false`.
The parameter `ignore` can be used to pass a list of `String` or `Regex` patterns.
Test files or folders matching these will be skipped. Strings will be compared as
This only works for `new=false`.
For experimental modules, use [`test_experimental_module`](@ref) instead.
function test_module(file::AbstractString; new::Bool=true)
function test_module(path::AbstractString; new::Bool=true, timed::Bool=false, ignore=[])
julia_exe = Base.julia_cmd()
project_path = Base.active_project()
rel_test_file = normpath("test", "$file.jl")
test_file = joinpath(oscardir, rel_test_file)

if !isabspath(path)
if !startswith(path, "test")
path = joinpath("test", path)
rel_test_path = normpath(path)
path = joinpath(oscardir, rel_test_path)
if new
cmd = "using Test; using Oscar; Hecke.assertions(true); include(\"$test_file\");"
@req isempty(ignore) && !timed "The `timed` and `ignore` options only work for `new=false`."
cmd = "using Test; using Oscar; Hecke.assertions(true); Oscar.test_module(\"$path\"; new=false);"
@info("spawning ", `$julia_exe --project=$project_path -e \"$cmd\"`)
run(`$julia_exe --project=$project_path -e $cmd`)
testlist = _gather_tests(path; ignore=ignore)
@req !isempty(testlist) "no such file or directory: $path[.jl]"

@req isdefined(Base.Main, :Test) "You need to do \"using Test\""
@info("Running tests for $rel_test_file in same session")
Base.include(Base.Main, test_file)

use_ctime = timed && VERSION >= v"1.9.0-DEV"
if use_ctime
stats = Dict{String,NamedTuple}()
for entry in testlist
dir = dirname(entry)
if isfile(joinpath(dir,"setup_tests.jl"))
Base.include(identity, Main, joinpath(dir,"setup_tests.jl"))
if timed
push!(stats, _timed_include(entry; use_ctime=use_ctime))
Base.include(identity, Main, entry)

if timed
use_ctime && Base.cumulative_compile_timing(false)
return stats
return nothing

@doc raw"""
test_experimental_module(project::AbstractString; file::AbstractString="runtests", new::Bool = true)
test_experimental_module(project::AbstractString; file::AbstractString="",
new::Bool=true, timed::Bool=false, ignore=[])
Run the Oscar tests in `experimental/<project>/test/<path>`:
- if `path` is empty then all tests in that module are run, either via `runtests.jl` or directly.
- if `path` or `path.jl` is a file in that directory only this file is run.
Run the Oscar tests in the file `experimental/<project>/test/<file>.jl`
where `file` may be a path.
The default is to run the entire test suite of the module `project`.
The optional parameter `new` takes the values `false` and `true` (default). If
`true`, then the tests are run in a new session, otherwise the currently active
session is used.
With the optional parameter `timed` the function will return a dict mapping file
names to a named tuple with compilation times and allocations.
This only works for `new=false`.
The parameter `ignore` can be used to pass a list of `String` or `Regex` patterns.
Test files or folders matching these will be skipped. Strings will be compared as
This only works for `new=false`.
function test_experimental_module(
project::AbstractString; file::AbstractString="runtests", new::Bool=true
project::AbstractString; file::AbstractString="", new::Bool=true, timed::Bool=false, ignore=[]
test_file = "../experimental/$project/test/$file"
test_module(test_file; new)
test_module(test_file; new, timed=timed, ignore=ignore)

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion system/precompile.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import Pkg

Expand Down
32 changes: 0 additions & 32 deletions test/AlgebraicGeometry/Schemes/runtests.jl

This file was deleted.


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