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NeoCal Config File

Oscar Cortez edited this page Aug 9, 2022 · 3 revisions

This is how the neocal config file looks like:

default = personal
mode = agenda

endpoint = <GAS URL>

endpoint = <GAS URL>

By default the config file is located at .config/neocal/config.ini in your home folder, if you want to use a different path, just set the NEOCAL_CONFIG_PATH environment variable with a full path to the config file:

export NEOCAL_CONFIG_PATH='/Users/loki/.config/neocal/config.ini'

If you need to add a new calendar that will be used to fetch information, just create a new section, and add the endpoint key with the URL you got from the GAS setup.

When you call neocal without arguments and options, this will use the default calendar selected and the mode to render the data.

If you want to get information from other calendar just use the -c <NAME> or --calendar <NAME> option, like this:

neocal --calendar work

That will render your work calendar in the agenda mode; if you want to render your work calendar in the calendar mode, then simply execute:

neocal calendar --calendar work
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