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[NBKCoreKit] Extended GCD algorithm tests and comments.
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oscbyspro committed Oct 28, 2023
1 parent 6a8f3d6 commit 7921cce
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Showing 2 changed files with 178 additions and 90 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -43,12 +43,30 @@ extension NBK.ProperBinaryInteger where Integer: NBKSignedInteger {
/// It extends the Euclidean algorithm and returns some additional values.
/// ### Extension: Bézout's Identity
/// ### Result
/// ```swift
/// let x = lhs * lhsCoefficient
/// let y = rhs * rhsCoefficient
/// precondition(result == x + y)
/// precondition(0 <= result && result <= T.min.magnitude)
/// ```
/// - Note: The GCD of `0` and `0` is `0`.
/// - Note: The GCD of `Int.min` and `Int.min` is `Int.min.magnitude`.
/// ### Bézout's identity
/// ```swift
/// precondition(T(bitPattern: result) == lhs &* lhsCoefficient &+ rhs &* rhsCoefficient)
/// ```
/// ### Quotients of dividing by GCD
/// ```swift
/// guard result != 00000 else { return }
/// guard result <= T.max else { return }
/// precondition(lhsQuotient == lhs / T(result))
/// precondition(rhsQuotient == rhs / T(result))
/// ```
@inlinable public static func greatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithm(of lhs: Integer, and rhs: Integer)
Expand All @@ -60,10 +78,10 @@ extension NBK.ProperBinaryInteger where Integer: NBKSignedInteger {
let unsigned = Magnitude.greatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithm(of: lhs.magnitude, and: rhs.magnitude)
return (result: unsigned.result,
lhsCoefficient: Integer(sign: lhsIsLessThanZero == unsigned.even ? .minus : .plus, magnitude: unsigned.lhsCoefficient)!,
rhsCoefficient: Integer(sign: rhsIsLessThanZero != unsigned.even ? .minus : .plus, magnitude: unsigned.rhsCoefficient)!,
lhsQuotient: Integer(sign: lhsIsLessThanZero /*------------*/ ? .minus : .plus, magnitude: unsigned.lhsQuotient )!,
rhsQuotient: Integer(sign: rhsIsLessThanZero /*------------*/ ? .minus : .plus, magnitude: unsigned.rhsQuotient )!)
lhsCoefficient: Integer(sign: lhsIsLessThanZero != unsigned.isOddLoopCount ? .minus : .plus, magnitude: unsigned.lhsCoefficient)!,
rhsCoefficient: Integer(sign: rhsIsLessThanZero == unsigned.isOddLoopCount ? .minus : .plus, magnitude: unsigned.rhsCoefficient)!,
lhsQuotient: Integer(sign: lhsIsLessThanZero /*----------------------*/ ? .minus : .plus, magnitude: unsigned.lhsQuotient )!,
rhsQuotient: Integer(sign: rhsIsLessThanZero /*----------------------*/ ? .minus : .plus, magnitude: unsigned.rhsQuotient )!)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,32 +133,60 @@ extension NBK.ProperBinaryInteger where Integer: NBKUnsignedInteger {
/// It extends the Euclidean algorithm and returns some additional values.
/// ### Extension: Bézout's Identity (unsigned)
/// ### Result
/// ```swift
/// let x = lhs * lhsCoefficient
/// let y = rhs * rhsCoefficient
/// precondition(result == even ? x - y : y - x)
/// precondition(0 <= result && result <= T.max)
/// ```
@inlinable public static func greatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithm(of lhs: Integer, and rhs: Integer)
-> (result: Integer, lhsCoefficient: Integer, rhsCoefficient: Integer, lhsQuotient: Integer, rhsQuotient: Integer, even: Bool) {
/// - Note: The GCD of `0` and `0` is `0`.
/// ### Bézout's identity (unsigned)
/// ```swift
/// var x = lhs &* lhsCoefficient
/// var y = rhs &* rhsCoefficient
/// if isOddLoopCount {
/// swap(&x, &y)
/// }
/// precondition(result == x &- y)
/// ```
/// ### Quotients of dividing by GCD
/// ```swift
/// guard result != 0000000000 else { return }
/// precondition(lhsQuotient == lhs / result)
/// precondition(rhsQuotient == rhs / result)
/// ```
/// ### Loop count result
/// ```swift
/// let lhsCoefficientSign = lhs.isLessThanZero != isOddLoopCount
/// let rhsCoefficientSign = rhs.isLessThanZero == isOddLoopCount
/// ```
@inlinable public static func greatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithm(of lhs: Integer, and rhs: Integer)
-> (result: Integer, lhsCoefficient: Integer, rhsCoefficient: Integer, lhsQuotient: Integer, rhsQuotient: Integer, isOddLoopCount: Bool) {
var (r0, r1) = (lhs, rhs) as (Integer, Integer)
var (s0, s1) = (001, 000) as (Integer, Integer)
var (t0, t1) = (000, 001) as (Integer, Integer)
var even = ((((((((((((((((true))))))))))))))))
var (r0, r1) = (lhs, rhs) as (Integer,Integer)
var (s0, s1) = (001, 000) as (Integer,Integer)
var (t0, t1) = (000, 001) as (Integer,Integer)
var isOddLoopCount = ((((((((((false))))))))))
while !r1.isZero {

let division = r0.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: r1)

(r0, r1) = (r1, division.remainder)
(s0, s1) = (s1, division.quotient * s1 + s0)
(t0, t1) = (t1, division.quotient * t1 + t0)
return (result: r0, lhsCoefficient: s0, rhsCoefficient: t0, lhsQuotient: t1, rhsQuotient: s1, even: even)
return (result: r0, lhsCoefficient: s0, rhsCoefficient: t0, lhsQuotient: t1, rhsQuotient: s1, isOddLoopCount: isOddLoopCount)
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,80 +77,111 @@ final class NBKProperBinaryIntegerTestsOnGreatestCommonDivisor: XCTestCase {
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(0 as Int, other, other.magnitude as UInt)

NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned( 0 as Int, Int.max, Int.max.magnitude as UInt)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsUnsigned(0 as UInt, Int.max.magnitude, Int.max.magnitude as UInt)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsUnsigned(0 as UInt, Int.min.magnitude, Int.min.magnitude as UInt)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(0 as Int, Int.max, Int.max.magnitude as UInt)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(0 as Int, Int.min, Int.min.magnitude as UInt, true)

// MARK: Tests x Miscellaneous

func testMinSignedIsSpecialBecauseTheGreatestCommonDivisorMayOverflow() {
func check(lhs: Int, rhs: Int, result: UInt, overflow: Bool = false) {
let binary = NBK.PBI.greatestCommonDivisorByBinaryAlgorithm(of: lhs, and: rhs)
XCTAssertEqual(binary, result)

let extended = NBK.PBI.greatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithm(of: lhs, and: rhs)
XCTAssertEqual(extended.result, result)
XCTAssertEqual(lhs &* extended.lhsCoefficient &+ rhs &* extended.rhsCoefficient, Int(bitPattern: result))

if let result = Int(exactly: result) {
XCTAssertEqual(extended.lhsQuotient, lhs / Int(result))
XCTAssertEqual(extended.rhsQuotient, rhs / Int(result))
} else {
XCTAssertTrue (overflow)
XCTAssertEqual(extended.lhsQuotient, lhs >> Int.max)
XCTAssertEqual(extended.rhsQuotient, rhs >> Int.max)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, Int.min, Int.min.magnitude, true)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, -Int.max, 00000000000000001)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, -0000006, 00000000000000002)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, -0000005, 00000000000000001)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, -0000004, 00000000000000004)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, -0000003, 00000000000000001)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, -0000002, 00000000000000002)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, -0000001, 00000000000000001)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, 0000000, Int.min.magnitude, true)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, 0000001, 00000000000000001)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, 0000002, 00000000000000002)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, 0000003, 00000000000000001)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, 0000004, 00000000000000004)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, 0000005, 00000000000000001)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, 0000006, 00000000000000002)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned(Int.min, Int.max, 00000000000000001)

// MARK: * NBK x Proper Binary Integer x Greatest Common Divisor x E.E.A.

final class NBKProperBinaryIntegerTestsOnGreatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithm: XCTestCase {

// MARK: Tests

func testWrappingBézoutIdentityWorksForAllPairsOfInt8() {
self.continueAfterFailure = false
for lhs in Int8.min ... Int8.max {
for rhs in Int8.min ... Int8.max {
let extended = NBK.PBI.greatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithm(of: lhs, and: rhs)
let identity = lhs &* extended.lhsCoefficient &+ rhs &* extended.rhsCoefficient
XCTAssertEqual(identity, Int8(bitPattern: extended.result))

func testWrappingBézoutIdentityWorksForAllPairsOfUInt8() {
self.continueAfterFailure = false
for lhs in UInt8.min ... UInt8.max {
for rhs in UInt8.min ... UInt8.max {
let extended = NBK.PBI.greatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithm(of: lhs, and: rhs)
let x = lhs &* extended.lhsCoefficient
let y = rhs &* extended.rhsCoefficient
let identity = extended.isOddLoopCount ? y &- x : x &- y
XCTAssertEqual(identity, extended.result)

check(lhs: Int.min, rhs: Int.min, result: Int.min.magnitude, overflow: true)
check(lhs: Int.min, rhs: -Int.max, result: 00000000000000001)
check(lhs: Int.min, rhs: -0000003, result: 00000000000000001)
check(lhs: Int.min, rhs: -0000002, result: 00000000000000002)
check(lhs: Int.min, rhs: -0000001, result: 00000000000000001)
check(lhs: Int.min, rhs: 0000000, result: Int.min.magnitude, overflow: true)
check(lhs: Int.min, rhs: 0000001, result: 00000000000000001)
check(lhs: Int.min, rhs: 0000002, result: 00000000000000002)
check(lhs: Int.min, rhs: 0000003, result: 00000000000000001)
check(lhs: Int.min, rhs: Int.max, result: 00000000000000001)

// MARK: * NBK x Proper Binary Integer x Greatest Common Divisor x Assertions

private func NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned<T: NBKSignedInteger>(
_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, _ gcd: T.Magnitude,
private func NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsSigned<T: NBKSignedInteger & NBKFixedWidthInteger>(
_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, _ result: T.Magnitude, _ overflow: Bool = false,
file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {

func with(_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T) {
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorByBinaryAlgorithm(/*---------------*/lhs, rhs, gcd, file: file, line: line)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithmAsSigned(lhs, rhs, gcd, file: file, line: line)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsUnsigned(lhs.magnitude, rhs.magnitude, /**/ gcd, file: file, line: line)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorByBinaryAlgorithm(/*---------------*/lhs, rhs, result, overflow, file: file, line: line)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithmAsSigned(lhs, rhs, result, overflow, file: file, line: line)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsUnsigned(lhs.magnitude, rhs.magnitude, /**/ result, /*-----*/ file: file, line: line)

with(0 + lhs, 0 + rhs)
with(0 + lhs, 0 - rhs)
with(0 - lhs, 0 + rhs)
with(0 - lhs, 0 - rhs)
brr: do {
with(0 + lhs, 0 + rhs)
with(0 + rhs, 0 + lhs)

if rhs != T.min {
with(0 + lhs, 0 - rhs)
with(0 - rhs, 0 + lhs)

with(0 + rhs, 0 + lhs)
with(0 + rhs, 0 - lhs)
with(0 - rhs, 0 + lhs)
with(0 - rhs, 0 - lhs)
if lhs != T.min {
with(0 - lhs, 0 + rhs)
with(0 + rhs, 0 - lhs)

if lhs != T.min, rhs != T.min {
with(0 - lhs, 0 - rhs)
with(0 - rhs, 0 - lhs)

private func NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsUnsigned<T: NBKUnsignedInteger>(
_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, _ gcd: T.Magnitude,
private func NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorAsUnsigned<T: NBKUnsignedInteger & NBKFixedWidthInteger>(
_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, _ result: T.Magnitude,
file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {

func with(_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T) {
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorByBinaryAlgorithm(lhs, rhs, gcd, file: file, line: line)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithmAsUnsigned(lhs, rhs, gcd, file: file, line: line)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorByBinaryAlgorithm(lhs, rhs, result, false, file: file, line: line)
NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithmAsUnsigned(lhs, rhs, result, file: file, line: line)

with(0 + lhs, 0 + rhs)
Expand All @@ -162,46 +193,56 @@ file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {

private func NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorByBinaryAlgorithm<T: NBKBinaryInteger>(
_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, _ gcd: T.Magnitude,
_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, _ result: T.Magnitude, _ overflow: Bool,
file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
XCTAssertEqual(NBK.PBI.greatestCommonDivisorByBinaryAlgorithm(of: lhs, and: rhs), gcd, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(NBK.PBI.greatestCommonDivisorByBinaryAlgorithm(of: lhs, and: rhs), result, file: file, line: line)

private func NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithmAsSigned<T: NBKSignedInteger>(
_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, _ gcd: T.Magnitude,
private func NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithmAsSigned<T: NBKSignedInteger & NBKFixedWidthInteger>(
_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, _ result: T.Magnitude, _ overflow: Bool,
file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
let extended = NBK.PBI.greatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithm(of: lhs, and: rhs)
XCTAssertEqual( (gcd), extended.result, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(T(gcd), lhs * extended.lhsCoefficient + rhs * extended.rhsCoefficient, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(extended.result, result, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(lhs &* extended.lhsCoefficient &+ rhs &* extended.rhsCoefficient, T(bitPattern: result), file: file, line: line)

if !gcd.isZero {
XCTAssertEqual(extended.lhsQuotient, lhs / T(gcd), file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(extended.rhsQuotient, rhs / T(gcd), file: file, line: line)
} else {
if overflow {
let values = [lhs, rhs]
XCTAssert(1 <= values.filter({ $0 == T.min }).count, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssert(2 == values.filter({ $0 == T.min }).count + values.filter(\.isZero).count, file: file, line: line)

XCTAssertEqual(T.min.magnitude, /*-----------------*/ extended.result, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(lhs == T.min && rhs != T.min ? -1 : 0, extended.lhsCoefficient, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(rhs == T.min /*-----------*/ ? -1 : 0, extended.rhsCoefficient, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(lhs == T.min /*-----------*/ ? -1 : 0, extended.lhsQuotient, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(rhs == T.min /*-----------*/ ? -1 : 0, extended.rhsQuotient, file: file, line: line)
} else if result.isZero {
XCTAssertEqual(0, lhs, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(0, rhs, file: file, line: line)

XCTAssertEqual(1, extended.lhsQuotient, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(0, extended.rhsQuotient, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(1, extended.lhsCoefficient, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(0, extended.rhsCoefficient, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(1, extended.lhsQuotient, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(0, extended.rhsQuotient, file: file, line: line)
} else {
XCTAssertEqual(extended.lhsQuotient, lhs / T(result), file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(extended.rhsQuotient, rhs / T(result), file: file, line: line)

private func NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithmAsUnsigned<T: NBKUnsignedInteger>(
_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, _ gcd: T.Magnitude,
private func NBKAssertGreatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithmAsUnsigned<T: NBKUnsignedInteger & NBKFixedWidthInteger>(
_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, _ result: T.Magnitude,
file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
let extended = NBK.PBI<T>.greatestCommonDivisorByExtendedEuclideanAlgorithm(of: lhs, and: rhs)
XCTAssertEqual(extended.result, T(gcd), file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(extended.result, T(result), file: file, line: line)

if !gcd.isZero {
XCTAssertEqual(extended.lhsQuotient, lhs / T(gcd), file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(extended.rhsQuotient, rhs / T(gcd), file: file, line: line)
if !result.isZero {
XCTAssertEqual(extended.lhsQuotient, lhs / T(result), file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(extended.rhsQuotient, rhs / T(result), file: file, line: line)
} else {
XCTAssertEqual(0, lhs, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(0, rhs, file: file, line: line)
Expand All @@ -212,10 +253,11 @@ file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
XCTAssertEqual(0, extended.rhsCoefficient, file: file, line: line)

let x = lhs * extended.lhsCoefficient
let y = rhs * extended.rhsCoefficient
let z = extended.even ? x - y : y - x
XCTAssertEqual(z, gcd, file: file, line: line)
if !extended.isOddLoopCount {
XCTAssertEqual(result, lhs &* extended.lhsCoefficient &- rhs &* extended.rhsCoefficient, file: file, line: line)
} else {
XCTAssertEqual(result, rhs &* extended.rhsCoefficient &- lhs &* extended.lhsCoefficient, file: file, line: line)


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