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[NBKCoreKit] Modular multiplicative inverse.
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oscbyspro committed Oct 31, 2023
1 parent c2f31ef commit 99262f5
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Showing 3 changed files with 223 additions and 4 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ extension NBK.ProperBinaryInteger {
/// ### Quotients of dividing by GCD
/// ```swift
/// if !result.isZero, result <= Integer.max {
/// if !result.isZero, let result = Integer(exactly: result) {
/// precondition(lhsQuotient == lhs / result)
/// precondition(rhsQuotient == rhs / result)
/// }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ extension NBK.ProperBinaryInteger.GreatestCommonDivisorByEuclideanAlgorithm wher
self.x = (001, 000)

reduce: while !self.r.1.isZero {
let division = self.r.0.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: self.r.1)
let division = self.r.0.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: r.1)
self.i += (00000001) as Integer.Digit
self.r = (self.r.1, division.remainder)
self.x = (self.x.1, division.quotient * self.x.1 + self.x.0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -355,7 +355,7 @@ extension NBK.ProperBinaryInteger.GreatestCommonDivisorByEuclideanAlgorithm wher
self.y = (000, 001)

reduce: while !self.r.1.isZero {
let division = self.r.0.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: self.r.1)
let division = self.r.0.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: r.1)
self.i += (00000001) as Integer.Digit
self.r = (self.r.1, division.remainder)
self.y = (self.y.1, division.quotient * self.y.1 + self.y.0)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ extension NBK.ProperBinaryInteger.GreatestCommonDivisorByEuclideanAlgorithm wher
self.y = (000, 001)

reduce: while !self.r.1.isZero {
let division = self.r.0.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: self.r.1)
let division = self.r.0.quotientAndRemainder(dividingBy: r.1)
self.i += (00000001) as Integer.Digit
self.r = (self.r.1, division.remainder)
self.x = (self.x.1, division.quotient * self.x.1 + self.x.0)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
// This source file is part of the Numberick open source project.
// Copyright (c) 2023 Oscar Byström Ericsson
// Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0
// See for license information.

// MARK: * NBK x Proper Binary Integer x Modular Mul. Inverse

extension NBK.ProperBinaryInteger {

// MARK: Utilities

/// Returns the modular multiplicative inverse of `integer` modulo `modulus`, if it exists.
/// - Returns: A value from `0` to `modulus` or `nil`.
@inlinable public static func modularMultiplicativeInverse(of integer: Integer, mod modulus: Integer) -> Integer? {
let lhsIsLessThanZero = integer.isLessThanZero
let rhsIsLessThanZero = modulus.isLessThanZero
if rhsIsLessThanZero { return nil }
guard let unsigned = Magnitude.modularMultiplicativeInverse(of: integer.magnitude, mod: modulus.magnitude) else { return nil }
var inverse = Integer(sign: NBK.sign(lhsIsLessThanZero), magnitude: unsigned)!
if inverse.isLessThanZero { inverse += modulus }
return inverse as Integer as Integer as Integer

// MARK: * NBK x Proper Binary Integer x Modular Mul. Inverse x Unsigned

extension NBK.ProperBinaryInteger where Integer: NBKUnsignedInteger {

// MARK: Utilities

/// Returns the modular multiplicative inverse of `integer` modulo `modulus`, if it exists.
/// - Returns: A value from `0` to `modulus` or `nil`.
@inlinable public static func modularMultiplicativeInverse(of integer: Integer, mod modulus: Integer) -> Integer? {
switch modulus.compared(to: 1 as Integer.Digit) {
case 1: break;
case 0: return
default: return nil }
let extended = self.greatestCommonDivisorByEuclideanAlgorithm10(of: integer, and: modulus)
guard extended.result.compared(to: 1 as Integer.Digit).isZero else {
return nil // the arguments must be coprime
return extended.iteration.isOdd ? modulus - extended.lhsCoefficient : extended.lhsCoefficient
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
// This source file is part of the Numberick open source project.
// Copyright (c) 2023 Oscar Byström Ericsson
// Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0
// See for license information.


import NBKCoreKit
import XCTest

// MARK: * NBK x Proper Binary Integer x Modular Mul. Inverse

final class NBKProperBinaryIntegerTestsOnModularMultiplicativeInverse: XCTestCase {

typealias T = NBK.PBI

// MARK: Tests

func testSomeSmallPrimes() {
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 2 as Int, 31 as Int, 16 as Int) // primes: 1, 11
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 3 as Int, 79 as Int, 53 as Int) // primes: 2, 22
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 5 as Int, 137 as Int, 55 as Int) // primes: 3, 33
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 7 as Int, 193 as Int, 138 as Int) // primes: 4, 44
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 11 as Int, 257 as Int, 187 as Int) // primes: 5, 55
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 13 as Int, 317 as Int, 122 as Int) // primes: 6, 66
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 17 as Int, 389 as Int, 206 as Int) // primes: 7, 77
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 19 as Int, 457 as Int, 433 as Int) // primes: 8, 88
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 23 as Int, 523 as Int, 91 as Int) // primes: 9, 99

NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 2 as Int, 607 as Int, 304 as Int) // primes: 1, 111
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 3 as Int, 1399 as Int, 933 as Int) // primes: 2, 222
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 5 as Int, 2239 as Int, 448 as Int) // primes: 3, 333
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 7 as Int, 3119 as Int, 2228 as Int) // primes: 4, 444
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 11 as Int, 4019 as Int, 2923 as Int) // primes: 5, 555
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 13 as Int, 4973 as Int, 4208 as Int) // primes: 6, 666
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 17 as Int, 5903 as Int, 1389 as Int) // primes: 7, 777
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 19 as Int, 6907 as Int, 6180 as Int) // primes: 8, 888
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 23 as Int, 7907 as Int, 4813 as Int) // primes: 9, 999

NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 31 as Int, 607 as Int, 235 as Int) // primes: 11, 111
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse( 79 as Int, 1399 as Int, 974 as Int) // primes: 22, 222
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(137 as Int, 2239 as Int, 1667 as Int) // primes: 33, 333
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(193 as Int, 3119 as Int, 905 as Int) // primes: 44, 444
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(257 as Int, 4019 as Int, 2377 as Int) // primes: 55, 555
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(317 as Int, 4973 as Int, 4722 as Int) // primes: 66, 666
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(389 as Int, 5903 as Int, 2170 as Int) // primes: 77, 777
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(457 as Int, 6907 as Int, 4383 as Int) // primes: 88, 888
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(523 as Int, 7907 as Int, 2933 as Int) // primes: 99, 999

// MARK: Tests x Simple Cases

func testInverseModuloZeroIsNil() {
for x in 0 as Int ..< 10 {
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(x as Int, 0 as Int, nil as Int?)

func testInverseModuloOneIsZero() {
for x in 0 as Int ..< 10 {
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(x as Int, 1 as Int, 000 as Int?)

func testZeroHasNoModularInverseForEachModulusGreaterThanOne() {
for x in 2 as Int ..< 10 {
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(0 as Int, x as Int, nil as Int?)

func testOneIsAlwaysItsOwnInverseForEachModulusGreaterThanOne() {
for x in 2 as Int ..< 10 {
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(1 as Int, x as Int, 001 as Int?)

func testThereIsNoInverseForAnyModulusLessThanOne() {
for x in -10 as Int ..< 1 {
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(1 as Int, x as Int, nil as Int?)

func testInverseIsNilWhenInputsAreNotCoprime() {
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(1 * 1 * 1 as Int, 2 * 3 * 5 as Int, 001 as Int?)
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(2 * 1 * 1 as Int, 2 * 3 * 5 as Int, nil as Int?)
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(1 * 3 * 1 as Int, 2 * 3 * 5 as Int, nil as Int?)
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(1 * 1 * 5 as Int, 2 * 3 * 5 as Int, nil as Int?)
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(2 * 3 * 1 as Int, 2 * 3 * 5 as Int, nil as Int?)
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(2 * 1 * 5 as Int, 2 * 3 * 5 as Int, nil as Int?)
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(1 * 3 * 5 as Int, 2 * 3 * 5 as Int, nil as Int?)
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(2 * 3 * 5 as Int, 2 * 3 * 5 as Int, nil as Int?)
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse(7 * 7 * 7 as Int, 2 * 3 * 5 as Int, 007 as Int?)

// MARK: * NBK x Proper Binary Integer x Modular Mul. Inverse x Assertions

private func NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverse<T: NBKFixedWidthInteger>(
_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, _ expectation: T?,
file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
if !lhs.addingReportingOverflow(rhs).overflow {
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverseInvariants(lhs + rhs, rhs, expectation, file: file, line: line)

brr: do {
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverseInvariants(lhs + 000, rhs, expectation, file: file, line: line)

if !lhs.subtractingReportingOverflow(rhs).overflow {
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverseInvariants(lhs - rhs, rhs, expectation, file: file, line: line)

private func NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverseInvariants<T: NBKFixedWidthInteger>(
_ lhs: T, _ rhs: T, _ expectation: T?,
file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
let inverse = NBK.PBI.modularMultiplicativeInverse(of: lhs, mod: rhs)
XCTAssertEqual(inverse, expectation, file: file, line: line)
if let inverse {
var remainder = rhs.dividingFullWidth(lhs.multipliedFullWidth(by: inverse)).remainder
if remainder.isLessThanZero {
remainder += rhs

XCTAssert(0000 ..< rhs ~= inverse, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(remainder, 1 % rhs, file: file, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(inverse.isZero, rhs == 1, file: file, line: line)
if T.isSigned, !lhs.isLessThanZero, !rhs.isLessThanZero {
NBKAssertModularMultiplicativeInverseInvariants(lhs.magnitude, rhs.magnitude, expectation?.magnitude, file: file, line: line)


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