Lexicon is the repo where we gather and normalize all reference data to
feed lexicon
schema of Ekylibre and Lexicon API project.
Table of Contents
Lexicon work under Docker with Python 3 / Ruby and Postgresql / Postgis stack.
Beware of disk space before running it (need at least 8 cores CPU > 3Ghz, 32Go RAM and 1To disk SSD free space)
See doc/INSTALL.md for more informations
See doc/UPGRADING.md for more informations
On the host, you could use ./lexicon <COMMAND> <OPTIONS>
To build a dataset (collect, load, normalize) in one time, you can use 'run' command.
example for phyto dataset
./lexicon run phytosanitary
You can dump all datasets or use flavors to filter dataset. A package <VERSION>
is produce in out folder with <VERSION_NUMBER>-<FLAVOR>
example for all datasets
./lexicon dump all --no-validate
example for dataset only in SAINT-PORCHAIRE(17250) zone
./lexicon dump all --flavor saint-porchaire --no-validate
with flavor file saint-porchaire.yml
name: saint-porchaire
- pesticide_frequency_indicator
- enterprises
cadastre: # name of the datasource, corresponding to a file in lib/datasources
registered_cadastral_parcels: # name of the table to filter in the datasource
filter: WHERE postgis.ST_DWithin(centroid , postgis.ST_PointFromText('POINT(-0.78 45.81)',4326) , 0.10)
filter: WHERE postal_code = '17250' ORDER BY id
filter: WHERE postgis.ST_DWithin(centroid , postgis.ST_PointFromText('POINT(-0.78 45.81)',4326) , 0.10) ORDER BY id
filter: WHERE postgis.ST_DWithin(centroid , postgis.ST_PointFromText('POINT(-0.78 45.81)',4326) , 0.10)
filter: WHERE postgis.ST_DWithin(centroid , postgis.ST_PointFromText('POINT(-0.78 45.81)',4326) , 0.10)
filter: WHERE postgis.ST_DWithin(centroid , postgis.ST_PointFromText('POINT(-0.78 45.81)',4326) , 0.10)
filter: WHERE postal_code = '17250'
filter: WHERE country = 'FR' AND country_zone = '17'
filter: WHERE station_id LIKE 'FR17%'
set credentials in your .env
MINIO_HOST=<YOUR-HOST> # https://api.opensourcefarm.org/
then you could launch remote upload command
./lexicon remote upload <VERSION>
See doc/USAGE.md for more informations
Datasources | Spatial | Items number | Last updated | Provider |
Agricultural interventions | ⨯ | 779 | 2023 | Ekylibre |
Agricultural productions | ⨯ | 322 | 2023 | Ekylibre |
Area shapes | ✔ | 27M | 2023 | IGN |
Budgets | ⨯ | 34 | 2023 | Ekylibre |
Cadastral prices | ⨯ | ---- | 2023 | IGN |
Cadastral owners | ⨯ | ---- | 2023 | IGN |
Cadastral shapes | ✔ | ---- | 2023 | IGN |
Charts of accounts | ⨯ | 1600 | 2023 | Ekylibre |
EU market prices | ⨯ | 153k | 2023 | EU |
FR Enterprises | ⨯ | 1.2M | 2023 | INSEE |
FR legal positions | ⨯ | 23 | 2023 | INSEE |
FR postal codes | ✔ | 39k | 2023 | La Poste |
FR RPG shapes | ✔ | 6.5M | 2022 | IGN |
Historical Weather | ✔ | 7.9M | 2024 | Meteo France |
Hydrography shapes | ✔ | 3.4M | 2023 | IGN |
Onoma nomenclatures | ⨯ | 5500 | 2024 | Ekylibre |
Phenological states | ⨯ | 54 | 2023 | INRAE |
Phytosanitary products | ⨯ | 16k | 2023 | ANSES |
Protected zones | ✔ | 1760 | 2023 | IGN |
Soil informations | ✔ | 1700 | 2023 | INRAE |
Units & Articles | ⨯ | 1350 | 2023 | Ekylibre |
See doc/DATASOURCES.md for more informations
See doc/CONTRIBUTING.md for more informations