TaskQueue-Go is a high-performance, distributed task queue library for Go, designed to simplify background job processing. With support for multiple queue backends and job storage backends, along with a pluggable architecture, it provides a scalable and reliable system for decoupling task execution from your main application logic. The decoupled design enables independent scaling and optimization of the queuing system and job storage.
- Distributed Task Queues: Seamlessly enqueue and process tasks across distributed systems.
- Customizable Queues: Configure worker concurrency, job timeouts, and task handlers for each queue.
- Retries of Failed Jobs: Automatically retries failed jobs based on configurable retry policies.
- Scheduled Jobs: Allows scheduling of jobs to be executed after a delay.
- Backend Flexibility: Initial support for Redis as a queue backend, with room for additional implementations.
- Atomic Dequeueing: Ensures tasks are processed reliably using Redis Lua scripts.
- Pluggable Architecture: Easily extend with custom implementations for enqueuing and job storage. This decoupled architecture allows you to independently scale and optimize the queuing system and job storage based on your needs.
- Dashboard: TaskQueue-Go includes a feature-rich dashboard for monitoring queues and managing jobs.
go get github.com/oshankkumar/taskqueue-go
package main
import (
redisq "github.com/oshankkumar/taskqueue-go/redis"
const ns = "taskqueue"
func main() {
rc := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{Addr: ":6379"})
// Initialize Redis-backed enqueuer
enq := redisq.NewQueue(rc, redisq.WithNamespace(ns))
job := taskqueue.NewJob()
err := job.JSONMarshalPayload(map[string]string{
"to": "user@example.com",
"subject": "Welcome!",
if err != nil {
err = enq.Enqueue(context.Background(), job, &taskqueue.EnqueueOptions{
QueueName: "email_jobs",
if err != nil {
package main
import (
redisq "github.com/oshankkumar/taskqueue-go/redis"
const ns = "taskqueue"
func main() {
rc := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{Addr: ":6379"})
worker := taskqueue.NewWorker(&taskqueue.WorkerOptions{
Queue: redisq.NewQueue(rc, redisq.WithNamespace(ns), redisq.WithCompletedJobTTL(time.Hour)),
HeartBeater: redisq.NewHeartBeater(rc, redisq.WithNamespace(ns)),
MetricsBackend: redisq.NewMetricsBackend(rc, redisq.WithNamespace(ns)),
worker.RegisterHandler("email_jobs", taskqueue.HandlerFunc(func(ctx context.Context, job *taskqueue.Job) error {
fmt.Printf("Processing job: %+v\n", job)
return nil // Return an error if the job fails
}), taskqueue.WithConcurrency(8))
ctx, cancel := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
defer cancel()
To run the TaskQueue Manager locally:
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/oshankkumar/taskqueue-go.git
cd taskqueue-go
- Build Dashboard:
cd taskmanager/taskqueue-web
yarn install
yarn build
- Build and run the manager:
go build -o taskqueue-manager ./cmd/taskqueue-manager
./taskqueue-manager -listen=:8050 -namespace=taskqueue-go -redis-heartbeat-addr=redis:6379 -redis-queue-addr=redis:6379 -redis-metrics-backend-addr=redis:6379 --static-web-dir=./taskmanager/taskqueue-web/dist/spa
You can access the dashboard at http://localhost:8050 when running the TaskQueue Manager.
To run the TaskQueue Manager using Docker:
docker run -p 8050:8050 oshank/taskqueue-manager:latest -listen=:8050 -namespace=taskqueue -redis-heartbeat-addr=redis:6379 -redis-metrics-backend-addr=redis:6379 -redis-queue-addr=redis:6379
You can access the dashboard at http://localhost:8050
TaskQueue-Go comes with a nice dashboard for managing and monitoring your queues and jobs. The dashboard provides:
- Queue Monitoring: View real-time statistics for each queue, including the number of pending, dead jobs.
- Job Management: retry/delete dead jobs, enqueue/submit new jobs directly from the dashboard.
- Queue Management: Pause or Start a queue directly from dashboard.
- Worker Status: Monitor the status of workers.
- Metrics: Visualize key metrics.
You can implement your own job storage by conforming to the JobStore
type JobStore interface {
CreateOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, job *Job) error
GetJob(ctx context.Context, jobID string) (*Job, error)
DeleteJob(ctx context.Context, jobID string) error
UpdateJobStatus(ctx context.Context, jobID string, status JobStatus) error
The library leverages a Lua script to ensure atomic dequeuing and visibility timeout management:
- Support for additional queueing backends. (e.g., RabbitMQ, Kafka).
- Support for additional job store backends. (e.g., Mysql, Postgres).
- Metrics and monitoring integrations.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.