Speculative GraphQL metrics for your Postgres databases
SpeQL8 enables you to run GraphQL queries on an existing Postgres database and collect request-response metrics per query. View and compare query response times from both your database and from a lightning fast Redis cache, all in the comfort and security of your local development environment.
Upload a .sql or .tar file to spin up your postgres database from SpeQL8 or simply plug in a Postgres database client URL (e.g. ElephantSQL).
You can either spin up locally on your own machine, or inside a Docker container:
A) Local Install
- Fork and clone this repository
- Ensure you have an instance of Redis Server active.
- Run
npm install && npm build && npm start
- Open
B) Containerized
- Fork and clone this repository
- In the SpeQL8 root directory, run the command
npm run speql8
- Open
- please note - creating GraphQL API instances from a .sql or .tar file is a forthcoming feature in the containerized version
Be sure to have PostgreSQL and Docker installed on your local machine before attempting to run SpeQL8 via Dockerfile. If running locally, you'll need Redis CLI & Redis Server installed.
Apollo-Server | Socket.IO | ioredis | Postgraphile | GraphiQL | React | Node.js | Express | Docker-Compose | PostgreSQL
Thank you!
SpeQL8 is open-source and accepting contributions. If you would like to contribute to SpeQL8, please fork this repo, add changes to a feature branch, and make a pull request. Thank you for your support and contributions, and don't forget to give us a ⭐!
This product is released under the MIT License
This product is accelerated by OS Labs.