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Modern C++ Library for accessing the Windows Registry


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A modern C++ header only Library for accessing the Windows Registry by encapsulating the Win32 API into intuitive native C++ code. Loosely based on the .Net Registry and RegistryKey libraries to aid in registry data manipulation and extraction by hiding the Win32 C-style method calls.

  • Tested on and developed for VC2015 (This list will expand in the future)

Getting Started


You will need VC++ 2015 or higher.


Download the header file LibWinRegUtil.h into your project folder or a predefined Include folder, and include it in the required source file in your project as follows:

If placed inside your project folder:

#include "LibWinRegUtil.h"

If placed in a predefined Include folder:

#include <LibWinRegtil.h>

If you wish to download the latest stable project with tests (GTEST) you can get it here.


To get a specific value once-off:

#include <string>
#include "LibWinRegUtil.h"

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    std::wstring wsRegVal
        WinReg::Registry::GetStringValue(WinReg::eHKeyUsers, L".DEFAULT\\Software\\ExampleApp", L"ExampleStringValue") 
    return 0;

To open a key for manipulation:

#include <string>
#include "LibWinRegUtil.h"

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    WinReg::CRegistryKey regKey
        WinReg::Registry::Users().OpenSubKey(L".DEFAULT\\Software\\ExampleApp", WinReg::eRegAccessRights::eAccessKeyAllAccess)
    regKey.SetStringValue(L"StringValueName", L"StringValueData");
    return 0;


Namespace WinReg

The top namespace for the library.

Namespace WinReg::Registry

The Registry namespace gives you easy access to common registry tasks as well as acting as a gateway to the RegistryKey class for more specific manipulation and querying of registry items.


Name Description
ClassesRoot() Returns a RegistryKey class opened as the base key for HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
CurrentConfig() Returns a RegistryKey class opened as the base key for HKEY_CLASSES_CURRENT_CONFIG.
CurrentUser() Returns a RegistryKey class opened as the base key for HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
LocalMachine() Returns a RegistryKey class opened as the base key for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
Users() Returns a RegistryKey class opened as the base key for HKEY_USERS.


Name Description
GetBinaryValue(eHKey, wstring, wstring, bool) Returns a binary value as vector<BYTE> for a REG_BINARY value in the specified registry key location and if flagged will throw in case of an exception else it will return an empty vector.
GetDwordValue(eHKey, wstring, wstring, bool, DWORD) Returns a DWORD value for a REG_DWORD value in the specified registry key location and if flagged will throw in case of an exception else it will return the supplied default value.
GetExpandedStringValue(eHKey, wstring, wstring, bool, wstring) Returns a wstring value for a REG_EXPAND_SZ value in the specified registry key location and if flagged will throw an exception else it will return the supplied default value.
GetMultiStringValue(eHKey, wstring, wstring, bool) Returns a wstring vector for a REG_MULTI_SZ value in the specified registry key location and if flagged will throw in case of an exception else it will return an empty vector.
GetQwordValue(eHKey, wstring, wstring, bool, ULONGLONG) Returns a ULONGLONG value for a REG_QWORD value in the specified registry key location and if flagged will throw in case of an exception else it will return the supplied default value.
GetStringValue(eHKey, wstring, wstring, bool, wstring) Returns a wstring value for a REG_SZ value in the specified registry key location and if flagged will throw in case of an exception else it will return the supplied default value.
SetBinaryValue(eHKey, wstring, wstring, vector<BYTE>) Sets the value of a REG_BINARY value in the specified registry key location by accepting a BYTE vector. If the value does not yet exist it will be created.
SetDwordValue(eHKey, wstring, wstring, DWORD) Sets the value of a REG_DWORD value in the specified registry key location. If the value does not yet exist it will be created.
SetExpandedStringValue(eHKey, wstring, wstring, wstring) Sets the value of a REG_EXPAND_SZ value in the specified registry key location by accepting a wstring. If the value does not yet exist it will be created.
SetMultiStringValue(eHKey, wstring, wstring, vector<wstring>) Sets the value of a REG_MULTI_SZ value in the specified registry key location by accepting a wstring vector. If the value does not yet exist it will be created.
SetQwordValue(eHKey, wstring, wstring, ULONGLONG) Sets the value of a REG_QWORD value in the specified registry key location by accepting a ULONGLONG. If the value does not yet exist it will be created.
SetStringValue(eHKey, wstring, wstring, wstring) Sets the value of a REG_SZ value in the specified registry key location by accepting a wstring. If the value does not yet exist it will be created.

Class WinReg::RegistryKey

A class created for and attached to a specific registry key that enables more granular manipulation of the key, its values and sub keys.


Name Description
CRegistryKey(eHkey) Returns an open read-only base key for the specified eHKey.


Name Type Description
Name() Get Returns a wstring full path name of the current open key.
SubKeyCount() Get Returns an int count of the usb keys in the current open key.
ValueCount() Get Returns an int count of the values in the current open key.
View() Get Returns an eRegView view type of the current open key.


Name Description
CreateSubKey(wstring, eRegAccessRights) Creates a new CRegistryKey sub key under the current open key with the specified access rights (Defaults to eAccessKeyRead). If the key already exists it returns the existing key.
DeleteSubKey(wstring) Deletes the specified sub key under the current open key.
DeleteValue(wstring) Deletes the specified value under the current open key.
Flush() Flushes the current current open key ensuring all changes as saved to disk.
GetBinaryValue(wstring, bool) Returns a binary value as vector<BYTE> for a REG_BINARY value in the current open key and if flagged will throw in case of an exception else it will return an empty vector.
GetDwordValue(wstring, bool, DWORD) Returns a DWORD value for a REG_DWORD value in the current open key and if flagged will throw in case of an exception else it will return the supplied default value.
GetExpandedStringValue(wstring, bool, wstring) Returns a wstring value for a REG_EXPAND_SZ value in the current open key and if flagged will throw an exception else it will return the supplied default value.
GetMultiStringValue(wstring, wstring, bool) Returns a wstring vector for a REG_MULTI_SZ value in the current open key and if flagged will throw in case of an exception else it will return an empty vector.
GetQwordValue(wstring, bool, ULONGLONG) Returns a ULONGLONG value for a REG_QWORD value in the current open key and if flagged will throw in case of an exception else it will return the supplied default value.
GetStringValue(wstring, bool, wstring) Returns a wstring value for a REG_SZ value in the current open key and if flagged will throw in case of an exception else it will return the supplied default value.
GetSubKeyNames() Returns a wstring vector of the sub key names in the current open key.
GetValueKind(wstring) Returns the eRegValueKind kind of the specified value in the current open key.
GetValueNames() Returns a wstring vector of the value names in the current open key.
OpenSubKey(wstring, eRegAccessRights) Opens the specified subkey with the supplied access rights (Defaults to eAccessKeyRead) under the current open key. Will throw if the key does not exist.
SetBinaryValue(wstring, vector<BYTE>) Sets the value of a REG_BINARY value in the current open key by accepting a BYTE vector. If the value does not yet exist it will be created.
SetDwordValue(wstring, DWORD) Sets the value of a REG_DWORD value in the current open key. If the value does not yet exist it will be created.
SetExpandedStringValue(wstring, wstring) Sets the value of a REG_EXPAND_SZ value in the current open key by accepting a wstring. If the value does not yet exist it will be created.
SetMultiStringValue(wstring, vector<wstring>) Sets the value of a REG_MULTI_SZ value in the current open key by accepting a wstring vector. If the value does not yet exist it will be created.
SetQwordValue(wstring, ULONGLONG) Sets the value of a REG_QWORD value in the current open key by accepting a ULONGLONG. If the value does not yet exist it will be created.
SetStringValue(wstring, wstring) Sets the value of a REG_SZ value in the current open key by accepting a wstring. If the value does not yet exist it will be created.



Name Value Description
eHkeyNotDefined 0 Not defined and not mapping to any HKEY.
eHKeyClassesRoot 1 Mapping to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.
eHKeyCurrentConfig 2 Mapping to HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG.
eHKeyCurrentUser 3 Mapping to HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
eHKeyLocalMachine 4 Mapping to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
eHKeyUsers 5 Mapping to HKEY_USERS.


Name Value Description
eAccessKeyCreateSubKey 0x0004 Required to create a subkey of a registry key. Maps to KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY.
eAccessKeyEnumerateSubKeys 0x0008 Required to enumerate the subkeys of a registry key. Maps to KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS.
eAccessKeynotify 0x0010 Required to request change notifications for a registry key or for subkeys of a registry key. Maps to KEY_NOTIFY .
eAccessKeyQueryValue 0x0001 Required to query the values of a registry key. Maps to KEY_QUERY_VALUE.
eAccessKeySetValue 0x0002 Required to create, delete, or set a registry value. Maps to KEY_SET_VALUE.
eAccessKeyWrite 0x20006 Combines the STANDARD_RIGHTS_WRITE, KEY_SET_VALUE, and KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY access rights. Maps to KEY_WRITE.


Name Value Description
eViewDefault 0x0000 Current default setting.
eViewWow6432 0x0200 Viewing 32 bit entry.
eViewWow6464 0x0100 Viewing 64 bit entry.
eViewUndefined 0x9999 View option not set.


Name Value Description
eValueKindUnknown 0 Default setting.
eValueKindString 1 Map to REG_SZ
eValueKindExpandedString 2 Map to REG_EXPAND_SZ.
eValueKindBinary 3 Map to REG_BINARY.
eValueKindDword 4 Map to REG_DWORD.
eValueKindMultiString 7 Map to REGNULTI_SZ
eValueKindQWord 11 Map to REG_QWORD


Modern C++ Library for accessing the Windows Registry




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