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Upgrade to NBB 5
Radu Popovici edited this page Aug 19, 2021
2 revisions
- Update TargetFramework in *.csproj files to net5.0 (for both netcoreapp and netstandard projects)
- Update Microsoft.Extensions.* references to version 5.0.0
- Microsoft.CSharp package version 4.7.0
- Remove <LangVersion><LangVersion> from csproj
- Update Dockerfile to use the following images
- mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/aspnet:5.0-buster-slim
- mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/sdk:5.0-buster-slim
- mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/runtime:5.0-buster-slim
- Upgrade NNB packages version 5.x.x (latest)
- Renamed/removed packages
- NBB.Messaging.DataContracts was merged with NBB.Messaging.Abstractions
- NBB.Resiliency was removed
- reference can be deleted, messaging policies are included in NBB.Messaging.Abstractions
- services.UseResiliency() can be deleted
- NBB.Application.DataContracts is deprecated
- Transitive references to NBB.Application.DataContracts 4.x should be fixed with direct references to NBB.Application.DataContracts 5.x
- MediatorUoWDecorator was moved to NBB.Application.MediatR
- Relocated packages - some packages were moved to NBB.Extras repo and have different versioning (v4.x)
- NBB.Exporter.* uses NBB.Extras versioning
- NBB.Tools.AutomapperExtensions uses NBB.Extras versioning
- IMessageBusPublisher signature changed
- TopicName and EnvelopeCustomizer moved to "MessagingPublisherOptions"
- CancellationToken parameter moved last
- Messaging Host Middleware signature changed
- The "Invoke" method handles a MessagingContext instead of a MessagingEnvelope
- The "MessagingEnvelope" is a field in the MessagingContext
- "services.AddNatsMessaging()" will be replaced by "services.AddMessageBus().AddNatsTransport(Configuration)"
- to support compatibility with NBB4 topics add "UseTopicResolutionBackwardCompatibility(Configuration)" from the package "NBB.Messaging.BackwardCompatibility"
- "services.AddMessagingHost()" now uses an inner host builder "services.AddMessagingHost(hostBuilder => hostBuilder.Configure(...))"
- Remove "AddProcessManagerDefinition(...)", "AddProcessManagerRuntime(...)", "AddNotificationHandlers", TimeoutOccuredHandler registratin
- Replace all with "AddProcessManager(typeof(SomePM).Assembly)"
- Remove classes for ProcessManagerNotificationHandler, TimeoutOccuredHanlder
- Interfaces like ICommand, IQuery, IEvent no longer exist
- Base classes like Command, Query<T>, Event no longer exist
- For generic command handling code we can use IRequest instead of Command/ICommand
- For generic event handling code we can use INotification or object instead of Event/IEvent
- Queries should extend IRequest<T> instead of Query<T>
- Commands, Events and Queries can be rewritten as C# 9.0 "records" (immutable reference types)
- NewtonsoftJsonPackageVersion 12.0.3
- MediatR 9.0.0
- Scrutor 3.3.0
- Moq 4.15.2
- EntityFramework 5.0.0
- XUnit 2.4.1
- XUnitRunerVS: 2.4.3
- Serilog: 2.10.0
- Serilog.Extensions.Logging: 3.0.1
- Serilog.Sinks.MsSqlServer: 5.6.0
- OpenTracing: 0.12.1
- OpenTracingContrib: 0.7.1
- Jaeger: 0.4.3
- Benchmark.Net: 0.12.1
- FluentAssertions: 5.10.3
- SerilogAspNetCorePackageVersion: 4.0.0
- Microsoft.AspNetCore.SignalR.Protocols.NewtonsoftJson: 5.0.0
- Microsoft.VisualStudio.Azure.Containers.Tools.Targets: 1.10.9
- FluentAssertionsPackageVersion: 5.10.3
- MicrosoftNetTestSdkPackageVersion: 16.9.1
- MoqPackageVersion: 4.16.1
- XunitPackageVersion: 2.4.1
- XunitRunnerVisualStudioPackageVersion: 2.4.3
- AutoMapper: 10.1.1
- AutoMapper.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection: 8.1.0
- FluentValidation: 9.5.2
- System.ComponentModel.Annotations: 5.0.0
- EFCore.BulkExtensions: 3.3.1
- System.Data.SqlClient 4.8.2
- Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 2.0.1
- Hellang.Middleware.ProblemDetails 5.1.1
- Swashbuckle.AspNetCore 6.1.0
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/what-is-new/ef-core-3.x/breaking-changes
- DBQuery should be replaced with DBSet (use .HasNoKey if required)
- IQueryTypeConfiguration<TQuery> should be replaced by IEntityTypeConfiguration<TEntity>
- ModelBuilder.Query<>() should be replaced with ModelBuilder.Entity<>().HasNoKey()
- DBSet.FromSql should be repladed with FromSqlRaw
- Make sure the entity is configured with HasNoKey()
- Make sure no linq is used on the query such as FirstOrDefaultAsync(). Replace with ToListAsync().FirstOrDefault()
- ValueGenarator.NextAsync returns ValueTask instead of task
- ExecuteSqlCommand should be replaced with ExecuteSqlRaw (similarly for async version)
- IProperty.Relational().TableName -> IProperty.GetTableName()
- Microsoft.Data.SqlClient is used instead of System.Data.SqlClient
- Concurrent DB operations throw exceptions (cannot have multiple DB tasks in parallel for the same DBContext)
- Remove the call to .AddEntityFrameworkSqlServer() it is not necessary unless using a custom service provider
- Non-null reference navigations are not overwritten by queries
- Do not initialize reference navigation properties https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/what-is-new/ef-core-5.0/breaking-changes#nonnullreferences
- Initialized collections still work.
- For queries with multiple colection "includes" use AsSplitQuery()
- PropertyBuilder.UseSqlServerIdentityColumn() -> PropertyBuilder.UseIdentityColumn()
- add package reference for "Jaeger.Senders.Thrift"
- "using Jaeger.Senders" -> "using Jaeger.Senders.Thrift"
- https://docs.automapper.org/en/stable/8.0-Upgrade-Guide.html
- Replace linq ProjectTo() with mapper.ProjectTo
- Replace "ResolveUsing" with "MapFrom"
- Replace "UseValue(val)" with "MapFrom(_ => val)"
- ValidationContext should be replaced with ValidationContext<T>
- CascadeMode.StopOnFirstFailure should be replaced with CascadeMode.Stop
- Constructor custom message should be replaced with override string GetDefaultMessageTemplate()
- Replace RuleFor(...).SetcollectionValidator(...) with RuleForEach(...).SetValidator(...)
- Replace ValidatorOptions.LanguageManager with ValidatorOptions.Global.LanguageManager
- IRequestHandler / Handle method returns Task<Unit> now
- use Unit.Value or Unit.Task as return value
- Make sure that the package "MediatR.Extensions.Microsoft.DependencyInjection" has the same version as "MediatR"
- IncludeExceptionDetails signature includes exception now
- ExceptionProblemDetails should be replaced with StatusCodePoblemDetails
- MapStatus code receives HTTPContext now.
- [MyProject].PublishedLanguage
- remove Newtonsoft.Json package reference
- Replace NBBProcessManagerRuntime build variable with NBBPackagesVersion
- IConfiguration does not contain GetValue<>
- add Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Binder package reference
- AddScoppedContravariant should support multiple type arguments like IRequest<T, Unit>
- Replace IHostingEnvironment with IWebHostEnvironment
- Replace packages like "Microsoft.Aspnet*.Abstractions" with <FrameworkReference Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.App" />
- Automapper for positional records: does not work with "ForMember" mappings. Either use "ForCtorParam" or use nominal records.
- Remove DTO SchemaFilter for swagger for metadata after replacing Command/Query with IRequest