A Node.js library of common modules used to create common applications.
The Spur Framework is a collection of commonly used Node.JS libraries used to create common application types with shared libraries.
Visit NPMJS.org for a full list of Spur Framework libraries >>
$ npm install spur-ioc --save
$ npm install spur-common --save
const spur = require('spur-ioc');
const spurCommon = require('spur-common');
module.exports = function(){
// define a new injector
const ioc = spur.create('demo');
// register already constructed objects such as globals
// register folders in your project to be autoinjected
ioc.registerFolders(__dirname, [
// THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART: Merge the spur-common dependencies to your local container
return ioc;
const injector = require('./src/injector');
injector().inject(function (UncaughtHandler, Logger) {
Logger.info('Starting app...');
// Here you would inject your dependencies like WebServer or runtime class and start it.
// Enabled the UncaughtHandler
To see the latest list of the default dependencies that are injected, check out the injector.js file. Here is a short list of of all of the dependencies available:
Name | Original Module Name | Description |
fs | fs | Node file system |
path | path | Node path module |
nodeProcess | process | Node process module |
console | console | JavaScript Console |
JSON | JSON | JavaScript JSON library |
List of external dependencies used and exposed by spur-common. They can be found at npmjs.org using their original names.
Name | Original Module Name |
Promise | bluebird |
superagent | superagent |
FormData | form-data |
consoleColors | colors |
SpurErrors | spur-errors |
All of the files under the src/
directory are made available when this module is merged into another injector. The following list are the notable dependencies available.
Name | Source | Description |
BaseDelegate | code | A utility class used to create classes with delegates that can be allow us to replace implementations dynamically and allow for plugins. For an example, take a look at Logger. |
UncaughtHandler | code | Simple module that catches uncaught errors when initialized. |
FixtureUtil | code | Fixtures util that allows you to read test files from a specific directory. |
HTTPService | code | An extension of the superagent module to support promises and other nice enhancements to make HTTP requests simpler to process. |
Logger | code | An implementation of a logger that extends console.log and makes it so you can add plugins for logging to different sources. |
fsPromise | code | A wrapper for the Node fs module that adds promises to the module. |
Utils | code | A collection of random utilities. |
Please send in pull requests and they will be reviewed in a timely manner. Please review this generic guide to submitting a good pull requests. The only things we ask in addition are the following:
- Please submit small pull requests
- Provide a good description of the changes
- Code changes must include tests
- Be nice to each other in comments. 😇
The majority of the settings are controlled using an EditorConfig configuration file. To use it please download a plugin the plugin for your editor of choice.
To run the test suite, first install the dependancies, then run npm test
$ npm install
$ npm test