Pure python implementation of collaborative filtering algorithm, one of popular methods when to build recommendation system
- Download python package file: pyrecmd-0.1.0.tar.gz
- pip install pyrecmd-0.1.0.tar.gz
import pyrecmd
import os
# assume that you already have the movie-lens 100k dataset
with open(os.path.join("ml-100k","u.data"),"r") as fin:
ratings = np.asarray([ [int(token) for token in line.split("\t")] for line in fin])
ratings[:,[0,1]] = ratings[:,[1,0]] # switch user and item columns
with open(os.path.join("ml-100k","u.item"),"r",encoding="latin1") as fin:
itemnames = [ line.split("|")[1] for line in fin]
itemnames.insert(0, None)
# initialize with 100 features and ratings each record in form of (item, user, rating)
# parameter 'itemnames' and 'usernames' are optional and required to output more readable names
movierecmd = pyrecmd.PyRecmd(100, ratings, itemnames=itemnames)
# parameter 'regularization' is optional but it's worth tuning this parameter for better validation error
# parameter 'learningrate' is optional but it's worth tuning this parameter to shorten learning time
# parameter 'validationsplit' is optional and usually needed when you're tyring to tune learning parameters like 'regularization' and 'learningrate'
movierecmd.fit(regularization=0.8, iterations=10000, learningrate=3e-4, validationsplit=0.1, verbose=True)
# learning-rate=0.0003, regularization-lambda=0.8, iterations=10000, validationsplit=0.1
# 90700 for train, 9300 for test, total 100000 ratings
# iteration #1: loss=0.04257519975299331, valloss=0.04123926882097799
#iteration #1000: loss=0.003767156102278313, valloss=0.02942087829419617
#iteration #2000: loss=0.0019754647266246525, valloss=0.029991390881000023
#iteration #3000: loss=0.0017366852642300109, valloss=0.029905459133939213
#iteration #4000: loss=0.001660970523927064, valloss=0.029934834364596683
#iteration #5000: loss=0.0016250544223948558, valloss=0.03011373533301576
#iteration #6000: loss=0.0016085053613471238, valloss=0.030277677577385687
#iteration #7000: loss=0.001600799510030617, valloss=0.030360609212595906
#iteration #8000: loss=0.0015958981491327761, valloss=0.03042506479935819
#iteration #9000: loss=0.0015925062894997233, valloss=0.030413337290199106
#iteration #10000: loss=0.0015910422433985266, valloss=0.030346999656762637
# predict all the ratings given users 1,2,3,4,5
userresult = movierecmd.predict(movierecmd.USER,[1,2,3,4,5])
#{1: [('Toy Story (1995)', 4.85, 5.0),
# ('GoldenEye (1995)', 3.02, 3.0),
# ('Four Rooms (1995)', 3.92, 4.0),
# ('Get Shorty (1995)', 4.16, 3.0),
# ('Copycat (1995)', 2.83, 3.0),
# ...
#2: [('Toy Story (1995)', 4.03, 4.0),
# ('GoldenEye (1995)', 2.78, None),
# ('Four Rooms (1995)', 2.32, None),
# ('Get Shorty (1995)', 2.95, None),
# ('Copycat (1995)', 3.08, None),
# ...
sample_ratings = [(r[0],r[1]) for r in ratings if r[1] == 5]
# instant_fit learns a single user or item instantly and return prediction results given the sample
instant_fit_result = movierecmd.instant_fit(movierecmd.USER, sample_ratings, regularization=0.8, iterations=5000, learningrate=3e-4, verbose=True)
#iteration #1: loss=0.16384997286426806
#iteration #500: loss=0.04543407281702286
#iteration #1000: loss=0.0346454254970892
#iteration #1500: loss=0.02911853749379627
#iteration #2000: loss=0.026296828685820364
#iteration #2500: loss=0.02471713670331908
#iteration #3000: loss=0.023771358973847783
#iteration #3500: loss=0.023201403212681094
#iteration #4000: loss=0.02287483390299474
#iteration #4500: loss=0.02270596322264621
#iteration #5000: loss=0.02263077845384043
#{'prediction': [('Toy Story (1995)', 5, 5.0),
# ('GoldenEye (1995)', 4.99, 5.0),
# ('Four Rooms (1995)', 5, None),
# ('Get Shorty (1995)', 5, None),
# ('Copycat (1995)', 5, None),
# ...
# 'weight': array([-0.0012171 , 0.49456538, 0.4138671 , 0.02527371, 0.22232359,
# ...
The input "Ratings" is a list of tuples, each has (item, user, rating)
- (PyRecmd() construct) Initialize PyRecmd object with rating information
- (PyRecmd.fit()) Try several times varying with 'regularization' and 'learningrate' parameters also given 'validationsplit' parameter, 0.1 for an example
- 'validationsplit > 0' splits input ratings into train and test set
- 'validationsplit > 0' outputs validation loss as well, which is important to check the model is overfitted
- 'regularization' is weight regularization and validation loss is quite depedent to this parameter
- 'learningrate' plays a role in convergence speed as usual machine learning method does
- (PyRecmd.fit()) Given the best 'learningrate' and 'regularization' parameters found, learn again the whole dataset without 'validationsplit' in order to materialize the final weights
- (PyRecmd.predict()) Predict all the ratings given users or items
- (PyRecmd.instant_fit) Fit any external user or item not learned yet to the existing model and returns prediction results
- Too slow to learn a large dataset in a feasible time which size is more than 100K
- Speed up by OpenCL
- Incremental model building