Soon it will be published to artifactory
It's a library that help you build and manage custom conversational view. All what is needed is to build the steps and the graph. conversational view will manage showing the steps, validating the steps and and editing the steps.
1- DataModel class needed to manage all data in the conversational process. Created by you, no need for any inheritance or implementation.
2- InterchangeableStepViewBinder Or SimpleStepViewBinder: Abstract class responsible for binding a single step to the UI. This class provides what layout should be inflated, how it's binded to DataModel. For each step you would like to add, you have to create for it a corresponding StepViewBinder. SimpleStepViewBinder has no Summary State (Will be explained later). InterchangeableStepViewBinder has Summary State (Will be explained later).
3- StepRequirementValidator, Interface responsible for checking if all requirement needed to show the step are valid. In this class you should implement how to Conversational Manage can clear step DataModel
4- ConversationFlow, Concrete class represent the conversational flow.
5- ConversationalFlowBuilder, Builder class helps you build conversational flow.
6- ConversationalManager, Control the conversational view.
Step 1: Create Data Model
data class OrderDataModel (
var name: String? = null, // null => not answered yet
var orderType: OrderType? = null, // null => not answered yet
var foodType: FoodType? = null, // null => not answered yet
var drinkType: DrinkType? = null, // null => not answered yet
var isCaptchaValidated: Boolean? = null // null => not answered yet
enum class OrderType{ FOOD, DRINK }
enum class FoodType{ PIZZA, PASTA }
enum class DrinkType{ BEER, JUICE }
Step 2: Create StepViewBinders for each step
class FoodOrDrinkStepViewBinder : InterchangeableStepViewBinder<OrderDataModel>() {
* Called when manager as StepViewBinder to inflate the initial state view */ override fun onCreateViewForInitialState(parent: ViewGroup): View {
return LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.step_food_or_drink, parent, false)
* Called when manager as StepViewBinder to bind the initial state view */ override fun onBindViewForInitialState(dataModel: OrderDataModel, itemView: View) {
itemView.apply {
btnOption.setOnOptionSelectedListener { _, option ->
dataModel.orderType = if (option == TwoButtonsView.Option.OPTION_1) OrderType.FOOD else OrderType.DRINK
} }
* Called when manager as StepViewBinder to inflate the summary state view */ override fun onCreateViewForSummaryState(parent: ViewGroup): View {
return LayoutInflater.from(parent.context).inflate(R.layout.step_summary, parent, false)
* Called when manager as StepViewBinder to inflate the summary state view */ override fun onBindViewForSummaryState(dataModel: OrderDataModel, itemView: View) {
itemView.apply {
tvTitleLabel.text = "You selected"
tvSummary.text = if (dataModel.orderType == OrderType.FOOD) "Food" else "Drink"
root.setOnClickListener {
} }
Step 3: Create StepRequirementValidator for each step
class FoodOrDrinkRequirementValidator: StepRequirementValidator<OrderDataModel>() {
override fun areAllRequirementsValid(): Boolean {
return !dataModel?.name.isNullOrEmpty()
override fun clear() {
dataModel?.orderType = null
Step5: Create an instance of your DataModel
//Initialize DataModel, Conversational Manager will take care of injecting
//this data model into all StepViewBinders and StepRequirementValidator
val dataModel = OrderDataModel()
Step 6: Combine StepViewBinders with corresponding StepRequirementValidator in one class called Step
In your Activity or Fragment
//Preparing all steps
val nameStep = Step(NameRequirementValidator(), NameStepViewBinder())
val orderTypeStep = Step(FoodOrDrinkRequirementValidator(), FoodOrDrinkStepViewBinder())
val foodTypeStep = Step(PizzaOrPastaRequirementValidator(), PizzaOrPastStepViewBinder())
val drinkTypeStep = Step(BeerOrJuiceRequirementValidator(), BeerOrJuiceStepViewBinder())
Step 7: Last step require to be validate
//This is the last step, it requires an extra validator so the conversational manager
//knows that the flow is filled successfully
val captchaStep = Step(CaptchaRequirementValidator(), CaptchaStepViewBinder(), whereAmI = WhereAmI.LastStep {
return@LastStep validateConversationalAtCaptchaStep(dataModel)
Create validation function
private fun validateConversationalAtCaptchaStep(dataModel: OrderDataModel): LastStepReadiness {
return if (dataModel?.isCaptchaValidated == true) LastStepReadiness.READY else LastStepReadiness.NOT_READY
Note: You can have multiple "Last Steps"
Step8: Build your flow
//Building the flow(Graph)
val flow = ConversationalFlowBuilder<OrderDataModel>()
.add(foodTypeStep, drinkTypeStep)
Step 9: Implement OnConversationProgressUpdateListener interface
This callback interface will be called each time the conversational View updated
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), OnConversationProgressUpdateListener<OrderDataModel>
override fun onConversationalProgressUpdate(
dataModel: OrderDataModel,
step: Step<OrderDataModel>,
percentage: Int,
isDone: Boolean
) {
btnContinue.isEnabled = isDone
progressBar.progress = percentage
Step 10: Get the Adapter and attach it to your RecyclerView
rvConversationalView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)
val adapter = ConversationalViewAdapter(dataModel).setOnConversationProgressUpdate(this)
rvConversationalView.adapter = adapter
ConversationalManager(adapter, flow).notifyAllData()
Note: You can your own UI implementation, all what you need is to create your own View that implement ConversationUIContract interface