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Demo of ledgers.js -- the library for ledger-based authorizations.


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A free and fully open-sourced ecosystem of widgets, a front-end library, and back-end services — to make addition of "logins" and "in-app-purchases" (IAP) to your app as banal as possible.

This repository is a tutorial/demo/example login page for the ledger-based authorization workflow as provided by the ledgers.js library.

It demonstrates how to make the authorization workflows part of your application.

Please see the ledgers.js library for an introduction.

Please see for more introductory material including videos and write-ups.

Getting Started

For help, reach out on r/overhide.

The latest ledgers.js distribution is brought into the demo/ folder using:

npm install
npm run pull

The demo uses in-browser wallets and requires to be run using a Web server.

The initial demo login page is demo/login.html. To host it run:

npm run demo

This starts http-server reporting the port used, usually 8080.

Point your browser at http://localhost:8080/login.html to start the demo.

Before You Run the Demo App

When you start the demo (source) take note of the BOTTOM-RIGHT pane which displays some information on the UI.

To make sense of the demo (source); do read through the introductory material at the ledgers.js NPM distribution page and

Below you will find a sample play-by-play run-through of the demo (source).

Test Environment APIs

This demo (source) interacts with the Rinkeby Ethereum testnet and the overhide-ledger test environment. This demo is for demonstration purposes.

The respective API instances used by the demo are the following test network nodes:

Use a Rinkeby faucet to get "test" Ether for playing around with Ethereum in the demo (source).

Use Stripe's "test" credit cards to play around with dollar transactions in the demo (source).

ledger.js (source)(API)

ledger.js (source)(API) complements blockchain wallets in the browser hence enables authorization via all supported ledgers in the Service Code (source):

  • provides transaction and signing functionality for overhide-ledger
  • abstracts web3 wallets' transaction and signing functionality for ethers

This library abstracts wallets in the login page; streamlining work for the UX developer. To try this, run the demo app connected to a web3.js wallet such as MetaMask. Keep in mind that at no point in login.html (source) do we talk to web3.js directly. All interaction is abstracted by ledger.js (source)(API). This is the intent of the ledgers.js library (source)(API), to abstract interactions with wallets supporting ledgers that have overhide remuneration providers.

The overhide-ledger does not have a wallet, but it can use any web3.js wallet for key management and signing--overhide-ledger works with Ethereum public-key infrastructure. Although Ethereum wallets can be used for overhide-ledger's credential management, no Ethereum wallet can transact with overhide-ledger--overhide-ledger is not an Ethereum node. To make overhide-ledger transactions more seamless, ledger.js (source)(API) provides overhide-ledger specific tooling to assist the login page UX developer. Again, see the demo (source).

Play-By-Play Run-Through of a demo (source) Session

This is a play-by-play run-through of the demo (source).

Make sure you have a fresh demo (source) session open, then read-on.

Make sure you're looking at the demo (source) in widescreen mode.

If you're not looking in widescreen you will not see the additional code-oriented panes:

  • the log pane
  • the source code pane

Orient yourself: read the text in the BOTTOM-RIGHT pane (source code pane).

If you get-ahead of this run-through and click on any logs (in the TOP-RIGHT pane) before you finish reading the orientation text (in the BOTTOM-RIGHT pane) the orientation text will disappear. Simply re-open the demo or refresh your browser.

If you have a web3 wallet active in your browser; logout of it to play along with the rest of the demo.

( o_o) Look through the initial "game" login screen.

We're presented with a cake "game" that offers three access tiers:

  • common
  • epic
  • legendary

It allows you to enter the game for free or pay with dollars or ethers for the epic and legendary tiers.

"Go Free" Run-Through

( o_o) Look through the initial logs.

In the TOP-RIGHT you see logs similar to the following:

       [...] ( :: global settings: paymentSchedule : {
                               "eth-web3": {
                                 "appAddress": "0x046c88317b23dc57F6945Bf4140140f73c8FC80F",
                                 "epicTierCost": "0.013 Ether",
                                 "legendaryTierCost": "0.0034 Ether",
                                 "currencyLabelToDenominationMultiplier": 1000000000000000000,
                                 "fixedPointDigitsForDisplay": 4,
                                 "denomination": "Ether",
                                 "tallyDaysForEpic": null,
                                 "tallyDaysForLegendary": 1
                               "ohledger": {
                                 "appAddress": "0x046c88317b23dc57F6945Bf4140140f73c8FC80F",
                                 "epicTierCost": "2.00 USD",
                                 "legendaryTierCost": "0.50 USD",
                                 "currencyLabelToDenominationMultiplier": 100,
                                 "fixedPointDigitsForDisplay": 2,
                                 "denomination": "USD",
                                 "tallyDaysForEpic": null,
                                 "tallyDaysForLegendary": 1
                               "ohledger-web3": {
                                 "appAddress": "0x046c88317b23dc57F6945Bf4140140f73c8FC80F",
                                 "epicTierCost": "2.00 USD",
                                 "legendaryTierCost": "0.50 USD",
                                 "currencyLabelToDenominationMultiplier": 100,
                                 "fixedPointDigitsForDisplay": 2,
                                 "denomination": "USD",
                                 "tallyDaysForEpic": null,
                                 "tallyDaysForLegendary": 1

(¬-_-)¬ Click these logs.

Once clicked the BOTTOM-RIGHT pane jumps to the the source code in login.html (source) that printed out the above logs.

Note the log(..) call jumped-to: log('global settings: paymentSchedule', paymentSchedule);. It is right at the start of login.html (source) in one of the first <script> tags.

What's logged here is our payment schedule configuration which resides in the config.js (source) file (in this repo, part of demo app).

This payment schedule sits in its own file as we use it in both the front-end login.html (source) as well as the service.html (source) files.

We need it in the front-end to tell the user what our prices for each tier are.

We need it in the service to know what payment amounts constitute authorizations to which tier.

( o_o) Take note of the "[...] (login.html) :: successfuly retrieved token : {" trace.

The ledgers.js library requires an authorization token.

The asynchronous token retrieval starts earlier with the trace:

[...] (login.html) :: retrieving token on load : {

Once it's available, it's provided to the library:


( o_o) Take note of the "appAddress": "0x046c88317b23dc57F6945Bf4140140f73c8FC80F".

All the ledgers enumerated in our payment schedule list the application as having the address 0x046c88317b23dc57F6945Bf4140140f73c8FC80F.

This is the application's Ethereum address on the rinkeby testnet and on the test overhide-ledger.

This is the address receiving (make-pretend) payments from the game's players.

Recall that overhide-ledger works with Ethereum addresses, so it's perfectly acceptable to have the same address for both ledgers.

( o_o) Observe UI events.

Notice the currency selection log:

[...] ( :: UI >> has USD selected

It orignates from the ui.onFiatSelected = () => {..} callback in login.html (source). Click the log to see the code.

The ui namespace containing onFiatSelected(..) is declared at the top of ignore/login.ui.js in the global ui = { .. } object. The rest of the UI callbacks are also declared here.

Although the callbacks are declared in ignore/login.ui.js, they are all assigned towards the end of login.html (source).

For readability/distinction, callbacks from the ui namespace log with the UI >> prefix. Log lines prefixed with UI >> showcase transitions between currencies, input field changes, and button presses in the UI.

Callbacks from the ui namespace are triggered on UI state changes of the login page.

login.html (source) assigns functionality to these callbacks, but the rest of the UI implementation is tucked away inside of ignore/login.ui.js along side the template in ignore/login.ui.html. Files inside the ignore folder are implementation details of the demo--such as styling, utilities for for the code and logging panes, and lower level UI state changing code. They're in the ignore folder to avoid cluttering login.html.

( o_o) Quick recap of files in this repo.

Reading about the ignore folder above you might be wondering what all the files might be. Below is a quick summary:

│                     -- this file
├───demo                          -- demo files
│   │   config.js                 -- payment schedule configuration we already talked about above 
│   │   login.html                -- the "login" page of the demo
│   │   service.html              -- the service page of the demo
│   │   ...
│   o
├───ignore                        -- supporting files
│   │   code.html                 -- code pane template
│   │   logging.js                -- logging pane code
│   │   login.ui.html             -- "login" page UI template
│   │   login.ui.js               -- "login" page UI code
│   │   overview-demo.png  
│   │   readme.txt
│   │   styles.css
│   │   welcome-from-service.txt
│   │   welcome.txt
│   │   what-demo.png
│   │   ...
│   o
│   ...

(¬-_-)¬ Click the "Generate" button.

Notice that the address and secret key fields got populated.

These input fields were populated by the ledgers.js's "ohledger" imparter--see "IMPARTERS" section in ledgers.js library documentation.

We'll go through what just happened in the next few steps.

(¬-_-)¬ Click the [...]( :: UI >> onGenerate log.

Our clicking of the "Generate" button caused the ui.onGenerate callback to run and log this line.

The logging pane shows the UI's onGenerate function where our first interaction with the ledgers.js occurs.

We see ui.onGenerate call oh$.generateCredentials, passing in the "ohledger" imparter tag, indicating the ledger we're working with.

( o_o) Notice the [...] ( :: OH >> onCredentialsUpdate :: wallet callback called--address updated : {..} log.

Although we already saw logs from several UI callbacks originating from ignore/login.ui.js, this is our first callback from ledgers.js.

Notice the OH >> prefix on this log: signals the log's origin as an ledgers.js callback.

The callback was triggered by the above oh$.generateCredentials call into the library. It furnished credentials for our UI.

This callback's contract is documented here.

(¬-_-)¬ Click the [...]( :: OH >> onCredentialsUpdate :: wallet callback called--address updated: {..} log.

The code pane shows the oh$.onCredentialsUpdate callback called in response to a new address and secret key being generated by oh$.generateCredentials.

This callback ensures UI state is set and modified in response.

Following along--in the code pane--we see that the oh$.onCredentialsUpdate callback calls the gatherData() function which in turn calls the getBalanceDue() function.

The gatherData() function call (at the end of the callback) triggers ledgers.js getters to update payment amounts via the "ohledger" imparter--the currently selected ledger--and compare it to the pre-configured payment schedule (config.js).

This stack of functions make several calls to the ledger abstracted via ledgers.js:

(¬-_-)¬ Click the "Go Free" button.

With our new address generated we decide to play the game for free.

Clicking the "Go Free" button we are presented with a modal.

This modal is furnished by ledgers.js and is overhide-ledger specific.

For the time being don't follow through with the modal.

Don't confirm you're not a robot.

To see ledgers.js' involvement exit out of the modal by clicking the "x" in the top-right corner.

( o_o) Notice the [...]( :: UI >> onGoCommon log.

We closed the modal with its "x" as it was obscuring the log and code panes.

Now that we see the panes, we also see the [...]( :: UI >> onGoCommon line in the logging pane.

(¬-_-)¬ Click the [...]( :: UI >> onGoCommon log.

The code pane shows the ui.onGoCommon callback.

Notice how it first signs a made up message (containing a timestamp) using oh$.sign. This signature verifies the gamer's ownership of their provided address. Depending on imparter being used, ledgers.js might sign without any interaction with the gamer, or cause a wallet to popup some UX flow. The signature is provided to oh$.createTransaction as well as sent to the service code: window.location.href = 'service.html#... in the code.

The "Go Free" workflow calls oh$.createTransaction if no transaction for the current user's address has been detected on the ledger. Note that the data.isOnLedger value was previously filled via a oh$.isOnLedger call in gatherData().

A core concept of the ledger-based authorization--which we're going through--is that all tiers of authorization require a transaction on the selected ledger: any transaction, even if it's a transaction to yourself or someone other than the service provider you're signing into. Hence free transactions still go through oh$.createTransaction should they fail the oh$.isOnLedger check.

Existence of a transaction will once again be verified in the Service Code (source) with a call to the selected ledger's remuneration API's /is-signature-valid.

(¬-_-)¬ Click the "Go Free" button, again.

(¬-_-)¬ Click through the reCaptcha "I'm not a robot" workflow.

(¬-_-)¬ Click the "Create Entry" button.

You are now on a new page. You're in the service. The logs and code you see will now be from service.html (source).

( o_o) Read the contents of this new page.

The contents is informative, nothing more to add here.

(¬-_-)¬ Click the [...] (service.html) :: service.html uses the same global settings: paymentSchedule log.

These logs show the same payment schedule as we saw before in login.html (source); also loaded from config.js.

The service is configured with the same schedule so as to be on the same page with respect to transaction tallies expected.

Whereby login.html (source) needs the payment schedule to aid the user in paying, service.html (source) needs it to validate payment before allowing asked-for authorizations.

( o_o) Take note of the "[...] (service.html) :: successfuly retrieved token for APIs : {" trace.

On the back-end, our remuneration API calls also require a token.

The token is retrieved using the getToken() function and passed into the various fetch commands:

fetch(..., {
  headers: { 
    "Authorization": `Bearer ${token}`

(¬-_-)¬ Click the [...] (service.html) :: remunaration API >> isValidOnLedger call log.

Take note that the service no longer uses ledgers.js API.

In order to check with the selected ledger the remuneration API is accessed with basic HTTP calls:

await fetch(`${ uri } /is-signature-valid`,..)

Since there are only two methods in the remuneration API--and these methods are identical for all ledgers--the service.html (source) is streamlined by simple parametrization of the same code flow.

(¬-_-)¬ Go ahead, click "Play Level".

You earned it!

(¬-_-)¬ Click on any login.html link to go back to the login.html (source) page.

Now that you finished a "free" play-through, go back to try again?

"Buy Legendary" Run-Through

For this run-through we'll go much quicker as it is expected you did the run-through in the previous section already.

(¬-_-)¬ Click the "Generate" button.

( o_o) Take note of the "legendary cake" price.

At the top of this login page, beside the golden cake icon, you see that for the selected address you're yet to pay sufficient funds to enter the game at the "legendary" tier:

  the legendary cake is 0.50 USD per 24 hours(0.50 short)

(¬-_-)¬ Click the "Buy Legendary" button.

( o_o) Read through the information.

(¬-_-)¬ Click the "Let's Go" button.

Clicking the "x" or the "Let's Go" button will bring you to a payment modal.

Once at the modal--where you enter VISA information--you could click the "x" to cancel out and read through the logs and code like we did in the previous section. We're going to continue on instead.

(¬-_-)¬ Enter "" for the email.

(¬-_-)¬ Enter "4242 4242 4242 4242" for the card number.

(¬-_-)¬ Enter "02/25" for the expiry date.

(¬-_-)¬ Enter "222" for the CVC.

(¬-_-)¬ Click "Pay $0.50".

( o_o) You're back in the game.

(¬-_-)¬ Go ahead, click "Play Level".

Thanks for persevering!


Demo of ledgers.js -- the library for ledger-based authorizations.







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