0.36.0 (2018-10-05)
Notable Changes
New administration pages
UI: Hooks List: display all hooks & details of executions.
UI: Services: display all services configured on CDS, health and configuration
UI / cdsctl ui: display jobs Queue: waiting and building
UI: you can now set a name to a step, useful if you like to have many steps in a job
UI: Overview page for application: display vulnerabilities, unit tests, builds.
- Plugins: plugins use GRPC, you can now write your plugin in your language. Examples & SDK incoming.
- Plugins: plugins are now available in all os / architecture.
- GitTag action can now tag with a prefix ('v' for golang project for example) https://ovh.github.io/cds/workflows/pipelines/actions/builtin/gittag/
- Venom: upgrade plugin venom with kafka executor, see https://github.com/ovh/venom/tree/master/executors/kafka
- Hatcheries: Improve speed on take job (essentially swarm & marathon hatchery)
- Hatcheries expose a endpoint for debugging purpose (pprof)
- action/gitTag: advanced parameter prefix (#3301) (a0db2f1)
- api: add git.tag support (#3200) (d4cac55)
- api: add grpc plugin action handlers (#3308) (be2cee5)
- api: add more context in some logs (#3253) (9123b00)
- api: add trace on workflow queue (#3306) (0476cc2)
- api: expose started and failed workflow runs metrics (#3373) (b758517)
- api: metrics jobs, refresh each 9s (#3265) (0e1b2ce)
- api: observability end on err (#3400) (068a4c5)
- api: queue metrics & refactor previous metrics (34373ee)
- api,ui: add custom step name (#3259) (a209ade), closes #1408
- api,ui: add labels to categorize workflows (#3278) (ff2de67)
- api,ui: add state filter on worker model (#3319) (a2e3f11)
- api,worker: migrate all old plugins to new ones (#3321) (2ae4672)
- cdsctl: display all svcs for admin only (#3238) (838173e)
- contrib/cds2xmpp: allow using custom domain name (#3324) (06dd5a4)
- engine: engine config new [opts...] (#3221) (96d1524)
- engine: hatchery as a uservice - auth (#3326) (5470fc5)
- engine: store config in db (5995379)
- hatchery: add traces (#3381) (c379464)
- hatchery: conf as json for /admin/services ui (#3398) (3a8012a)
- hatchery: pprof (#3396) (4d0b6c3)
- plugin/venom: add kafka executor from venom 0.22.0 (#3368) (1b6ddbe)
- plugin/venom: upgrade to 0.21.3 (#3249) (23d3c5a)
- sdk: add more information about current version (#3358) (ac8f104)
- ui: Add count of hook tasks in list page, fix bad refresh of task execution body (4e368d3)
- ui: add origin and fix in version (#3277) (cb2bb9e)
- ui: add overview page + push metrics (#3292) (cdf70e0)
- ui: add pencil right after the step name in edition mode (#3264) (ab478b3), closes #3262
- ui: admin/services (#3378) (4c8720a)
- ui: improve admin/services (#3389) (1dfa065)
- ui: Remove useless ng-template, problem white page (#3382) (49426e7)
- ui, api: Improve hooks infos (#3314) (2583088)
- ui,api,cdsctl: Add filter to queue/workflows on status (#3293) (569b555)
- vcs: add some log on project without auth (#3385) (70c5ec0)
- Ignore vulnerabilities (#3267) (a489766)
Bug Fixes
- api: add type on vulnerabilities (#3269) (aa188a8)
- api: check err on as code (#3375) (924e808)
- api: compare groupId to user group (#3352) (6d49ed4)
- api: do not raise error 500 on getProjectsHandler from a provider (#3395) (947b73b), closes #3379
- api: don't raise error if the application isn't linked to a repository (#3302) (7b89844)
- api: export builtin gitTag and release (#3254) (f97a84a)
- api: fix getCommits when remote is different than the default one (#3285) (7d4be95)
- api: fix stop workflow purge (#3279) (c9d2513)
- api: fix stop workflow run for purge, do not stop all nodes (#3223) (cf2a7f7)
- api: global status version without diff (#3383) (d3eee5e)
- api: healthCheck port external service (#3384) (cf554cc)
- api: ignore created on workflow audit (#3248) (06c2f28), closes #3242
- api: import pipeline without permission via ascode create it with right permissions (#3245) (6ebf1b3), closes #3232
- api: in ascode with workflow importe default_tags are correctly imported (#3283) (462c6f2), closes #3189
- api: lint (#3281) (02ba375)
- api: log typo (#3289) (d960fbd)
- api: metrics on jobs (#3273) (fd3b4f2)
- api: no need id feature flipping (#3393) (02236e1)
- api: onChange notif (#3246) (3f539cb)
- api: remove hatchery arg from model (#3346) (2a72618)
- api: revert WorkerHeartbeatTimeout to 300s (#3222) (28598de)
- api: transaction on delete worflow (0c8a494)
- api: update heartbeat (#3374) (e3b2366)
- api: update if action exist (#3323) (15998bf)
- api, worker: limit hatcheries inconsistencies (#3215) (6d8e0ae)
- api, worker: remove old code and run grpcplugin with recover (#3392) (2848b74)
- api,ui: some fixes (#3220) (64cc5f2), closes #3217
- api,worker: add default value to tag parameter in gitClone (#3227) (34edf19)
- cdsctl: display all registered hatcheries (#3229) (e3b8d90)
- cdsctl: fix potential panic (#3233) (ef009ef)
- cdsctl: Sync render and load with chan to prevent concurrent data modification (#3364) (1395d0c)
- contrib: fix clairctl contrib (#3349) (7a2d29a)
- contrib: fix gitignore for clair (#3336) (4e438d4)
- contrib/clair: move commons function from old plugin package (#3391) (e05fb6a)
- doc: short as command and fix some worker command description (#3341) (f8b1e57)
- engine: check rights user hatcheries (2de1780)
- engine: Clean code and fix heartbeat, reset count only if no error (#3304) (bbe65ce)
- engine: config env (#3230) (755016c)
- engine: fix rights user hatcheries (#3351) (e4139bc)
- engine: init debug config (#3225) (ed9916d)
- engine: Nil pointer on config generation with args (#3299) (1b7bbdb)
- engine: take care of env conf (#3226) (1d3689b)
- grpcplugins: fix Makefile for other os than mac (#3337) (cd58aca)
- grpcplugins: fix Makefile for other os than mac (#3338) (66a88c1)
- grpcplugins: force home directory (#3340) (47be63e)
- grpcplugins: herit environment variables (#3342) (2486ab4)
- grpcplugins: job build variables and environment variables are now available from plugin (#3339) (c4bade6)
- hatchery: fix routine deadlock (#3369) (a5ebd43)
- hatchery: give the ability to override default env variables (#3243) (6f27de2), closes #3240
- hatchery: lower case on service requirement name for kubernetes (#3247) (016369c), closes #3241
- hatchery/openstack: register worker (#3355) (3679c52)
- hatchery/swarm: add timeout on docker calls (#3399) (9bf9df8)
- hatchery/swarm: adjust swarm timeout (#3403) (e7a896d)
- hatchery/swarm: count only containers with hatchery label (#3300) (3f31cf2)
- hatchery/swarm: don't rm service to young (#3270) (6e39334)
- kafka-publish: don't fail silently (#3343) (cee0195)
- plugin/clair: remove some unuseful log for users (#3357) (b89bab5)
- sdk: add dial timeout (#3401) (5ce98ee)
- sdk: hatchery -> service (#3348) (9d826c3)
- sdk: import big workflows as code (#3371) (79ab195)
- sdk: name generator - add random (#3317) (ff6a3f3)
- sdk,hatcherty: limit queue read to maxcontainers (#3322) (5f461f6)
- sql: 130 not used (953ad53)
- sql: add pk on user_timeline (#3288) (e3a3710)
- sql: remove export HATCHERY from existing wm (98d8422)
- ui: avoid error if a testsuite doen't contains any testcase (#3296) (c860687), closes #3287
- ui: better label modals (#3309) (9b677af), closes #3286
- ui: display a fake labels for all unlabeled workflows (#3280) (1a361a2)
- ui: display platforms on node correctly (#3261) (919dc31)
- ui: display tags in desc order and fix autocomplete payload (#3251) (f6c30c5)
- ui: fix sse on error at creation (#3334) (c55edd2)
- ui: fix sse when 401 occured (#3345) (586dd0e)
- ui: let user put empty value in run condition (#3312) (4742ccb)
- ui: remove old entry admin about migration (#3313) (f39c751)
- ui: rename appplication -> application (#3284) (7fedd84)
- ui: Use semantic component for pagination with ellipses (#3356) (303bd97)
- ui: vulnerability css (#3268) (7ee4c1a)
- ui: wizard attach pipeline doesn't list platforms (#3329) (d164bbb), closes #3325
- vcs: if no tags in github don't return error (#3260) (c19e81f), closes #3257
- vcs: replace /refs/tags/ with empty string for tag list (#3250) (3309258)
- worker: fix log on plugin (#3359) (f88a868)
- worker: fix log on plugin (#3361) (7abf470)
- worker: heartbeat (#3224) (c7f0753)
- worker: remove deprecated flag hatchery (#3353) (6d057f7)
- worker: work with booked job (#3397) (2469fbc)
- worker: worker cache display better errors (#3347) (c632b08)