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Extract Properties Command

Shahim Essaid edited this page Feb 2, 2015 · 1 revision

Command Line Option: --extract-properties


Extracts properties from a relation ontology


Method 1: extract for use with an ontology

Load the relation ontology first followed by the main ontology that is using the relations (in owltools CLI terms, the first is the source ontology, the second is the source).

Then save the results:

owltools ro.owl my-ont.obo --extract-properties -o -f obo ro-subset.obo

Method 2: single property

owltools ro.owl  --extract-properties -p RO:0002200 -o -f obo ro-subset.obo

Method 2: property list

owltools ro.owl  --extract-properties --list part_of develops_from // -o -f obo ro-subset.obo